
Chapter 131

I couldn't wait for the corpse flowers to come to me instead of the lake. With Night's Fall all nice and glowy, it could get me out of here, and fast.

"Take me to the police station," I said, thrusting Night's Fall into the air.

A black nothingness swept me up in its grip, not at all like the bright and flowery underground cavern. The sword rushed me through the dark void and then spit me out onto a street. I crumpled to the ground in front of a tan-bricked building spotlighted by the full moon.

Like every other front door in Podunk City, the police station's stood wide open. Beyond it and to the left sat a brunette female officer. It was a public building. I could walk right in, but after that? I didn't have Detective Appelt's black skull key to get me to the basement.

The static noise fried my ears with a burst of volume. I crushed my hands to my head, my brain shredding itself until it felt like I had just a single piece of me left.