
Chapter 109

Pain and screaming, so much that I thought I was reliving my battle with Paul all over again. But then pain in my stomach, sharp and horrible, cut thought everything else. Hunger. Thirst.

The taste of blood woke my taste buds, easing that horrible ache just a little, but it was never enough. Even while I was guzzling it down, it still wasn't enough. It consumed my thoughts, made me rabid for more.

And then?

I woke with a start in a dark room. Pitch black, but I could see everything in vibrant detail. The dresser across from the bed I lay in, the minor chips in the wood, the individual grooves in the brass handles. It was as if the sun shone through the window and highlighted all of these things.

Smells also seemed heightened - the freshly washed sheets caressing my back, lavender, wood, blood, and...everything. All mixed together, and at the same time separated into individual components. It made me thirsty.

Existing made me thirsty.