
Chapter 100

Beyond the hole was a storage room of some kind, empty of anything that wanted me dead as far as I could tell. The water level stood about neck high, but it kept squirting through the crack of the closed door on the left. That probably wasn't a good sign. I waded toward it, wondering how long I could hold my breath in case of an underwater escape. Mom had timed me a couple times in the bathtub when I was really little, but the bubbles I made with my butt in the tub made me snort too much to really take anything seriously back then. Lesson learned.

After a couple practice deep breaths, I held one and then opened the door. Water crashed over my head, but I swam through it out the door into a narrow hallway. I kicked toward the surface where a thin pocket of air stretched the length of the ceiling.

Where were my vampires? Had they gotten out of this? I refused to believe they were trapped in a room somewhere, fully submerged in holy water.