
The Amazing Case

Office of the Director of Ning'an District Branch of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau.

Cao Yong is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Ning'an Branch. He is a police officer in his forties, wearing glasses and a bit bookish. He arrived outside the office of Director Zhao Haishan and knocked on the door twice. When he saw Zhao Haishan inside asking him to enter, he pushed open the door.

The 8.8 dismemberment case has been ongoing for more than half a month, and the current investigation has made no progress, which puts immense pressure on Cao Yong, the captain of the criminal police. Seeing Director Zhao Haishan, before he could start speaking, Cao Yong's half bald forehead began to sweat.

Zhao Haishan, with a stubble that had been scraped black, said directly, "Cao, I've been on a business trip these days. I just returned to Jiangbin last night. How have you been investigating the 8.8 case so far?"

Cao Yong immediately opened his portable laptop and placed it on Zhao Haishan's desk. Cao Yong opened a folder on his computer, which contained hundreds of on-site photos of fragments in garbage bags.

Cao Yong cleared his throat, Start introducing the case to Zhao Haishan: At around 4:20 am on the 8th of this month, Zhang Guihua, a female sanitation worker responsible for cleaning the commercial square in this area, was collecting garbage when she found two black garbage bags in a trash can on the northernmost side of the square. Zhang Guihua found the bags quite heavy, so she opened them and found that they were dozens of pieces of minced meat that had been cooked for seven or eight months, filled with soy sauce. She thought it was thrown away by restaurants on the commercial street, so she smelled it and found that the meat did not spoil, I brought it home. After returning home, Zhang Guihua thought that his wife liked Wonton, so she took out about seven or eight pieces of meat, chopped them into Wonton stuffing, and wrapped two large bowls of Wonton for her husband, Mr. Li, who found there was a problem with the meat, asked about the source of the meat stuffing, and inspected the remaining pieces of meat... "

Cao Yong opened another close-up photo of the minced meat, Continuing: "Zhang Guihua's husband, Li, was a retired health soldier who participated in the Vietnam Self Defense Counterattack in 1979. He was not unfamiliar with human body fragments. After inspecting the shredded meat in the plastic bag, he immediately found that the skin of the shredded meat was smooth, the dermis was soft and thin, the pores were few, and the muscle fibers were fine, which were different from the pork, beef, sheep, and mutton we usually eat. Therefore, it was determined that the shredded meat was human tissue, and he called the police."

"Have forensic doctors made any new discoveries?" Zhao Haishan asked.

After Zhao Haishan intervened with criminal investigators in the extremely heinous murder case that occurred within his jurisdiction, he was not very familiar with the progress of the case due to his business trip.

Cao Yong immediately picked up the phone and called forensic doctor Oda to the office of Director Zhao Haishan.

Upon seeing the director's inquiry, Oda immediately took over the conversation and said, "According to the count, there were a total of 98 human body fragments in these two black plastic bags, along with 7 to 8 pieces of body fragments chopped into meat by cleaning worker Zhang Guihua, totaling 105 to 106 pieces, weighing 7.8 kilograms. Subsequently, we immediately sent the body fragments to the technical department of the municipal bureau for DNA testing, confirming that they were human muscle and skin tissues of the same woman."

Oda kept changing the photos on the computer screen, introducing them one by one:

After splicing, these two bags of limb fragments came from the victim's lower limbs, waist, abdomen, and buttocks. In order to search for other parts of the victim's limbs, Cao team led us to explore the details and found seven plastic bags containing the victim's limbs in the Shuiwa garbage disposal site in the southern suburbs of this city. Among them, four plastic bags contained severed female upper limbs, ribs, sternum, spine, pelvis, and other body bones, while the other two plastic bags contained There is visceral tissue, and the seventh plastic bag contains chopped muscle tissue. Seven plastic bags, along with the muscle tissue found in two plastic bags by Zhang Guihua, were identified by DNA analysis as belonging to the same woman. After splicing the fragments, we have preliminarily reconstructed most of the human body. After calculation, the victim's height ranges from 1.65 to 1.71 meters. Due to the lack of the victim's skull and lower limb bones, there is a significant height error

Some of this information is known by Zhao Haishan, while others are not very clear.

Criminal police captain Cao Yong continued: After discovering the fragments, we first searched for the source information of the missing persons through the missing persons file. Not only did we investigate this city and province, but we also compared more than 1000 missing persons information from four nearby provinces one by one. However, to our disappointment, all recent missing persons information did not match the body information we had. According to the silicone breast filling found in the plastic bag, we visited twelve cities in the province and nearby major cities A hospital that is qualified for breast plastic surgery has retrieved over 20000 lists of women who have undergone surgery for over four years since 2013. After screening information such as age and height, more than 2000 women still meet the characteristics of the victims. Due to the huge workload, no results have been screened yet

"Has the woman sitting on the stage checked yet?" Zhao Haishan, who had been keeping a straight face, interrupted Captain Cao Yong's speech. He stared closely at Cao Yong, obviously dissatisfied with his lack of investigation results so far.

Sweat beads sprouted from Cao Yong's head again, and he quickly said, "I checked. According to the visit, there is currently no effective information."

Zhao Haishan looked at the photo on the computer screen, Touching the stubble on the chin: No one reported the case, which is not a bad thing from a different perspective. Although we cannot quickly determine the identity of the victim, at least the following information can be revealed: firstly, she is a woman living alone, with no parents or friends around, and no one knows about her disappearance; secondly, she has no fixed job, and no colleagues or unit leaders will search for and report her disappearance; thirdly, she has no familiar or closely connected girlfriends or lovers in this city, and there is no Someone noticed her disappearance. Based on the breast filling material, I personally believe that the victim's identity is likely to be that of a seated lady. This line cannot be broken, and we must carefully investigate and not miss any suspicious points

At 10 o'clock in the morning, in the conference room of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Ning'an Branch.

More than ten criminal police officers and technical personnel dressed in police uniforms rushed in, and after taking their seats, Zhao Haishan, the director of the sub bureau who presided over the meeting, went straight to the topic: "I believe everyone knows the theme of today's meeting, which is about the investigation of the 8.8 case. Let me first introduce several leaders of the Municipal Bureau."

Director Zhao Haishan looked at a man in his fifties with a rather elegant demeanor and said, "This is Director Song Yang, who is in charge of criminal investigation at the Municipal Bureau."

Song Yang, standing beside him, slightly bowed and greeted the criminal investigators on stage. Next, Zhao Haishan introduced Guo Bin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau - a burly black faced man in his thirties and sixties, and Wu Liying, the head of the Legal and Medical Department of the Municipal Bureau - a well maintained, indifferent and aloof woman in her fifties.

After the introduction, Director Zhao Haishan raised his voice: The 8.8 murder case is the most heinous criminal case that has occurred in Ning'an District and Jiangbin City since the beginning of this year. With the aim of solving a homicide case, we are determined to bring the culprit to justice. However, unfortunately, the case has been going on for a full 16 days until today. Our criminal police team not only failed to identify the suspect, but also did not fully understand the identity of the victim. As a public security situation, it ranks first in the world The top provincial capital cities in China not only embarrass the police officers of our sub bureaus and city bureaus, but also disappoint the leaders at the city and city levels. The dissatisfaction of the people is also increasing, and some even believe that we are a group of beggars who only provide protection for developers' demolition

Zhao Haishan deliberately emphasized the word "barrel" and his gaze scanned the audience with sharp eyes. Captain Cao Yong, along with sixteen or seventeen criminal and technical investigators, silently lowered their heads and dared not look him in the eye.

Zhao Haishan has stopped, Continuing, he said, "Originally, with our current criminal investigation methods and techniques, it would not be a problem to win such a homicide case within a week. In the past five years, any homicide case that occurred in this area must be solved. We have not disappointed our leaders or the general public. I cannot tolerate this case becoming a dead case in the future. Let our glorious achievements in solving homicide cases be in my hands and in your hands."

The audience remained silent.

Zhao Haishan continued, "Because this dismemberment case has not been solved for a long time, it has attracted high attention from the Zhou Qian Director of the Municipal Bureau and the Party Committee of the Bureau. Today, we have specially sent criminal investigation experts Song Bureau, Guo Detachment, and forensic expert Wu Dajie from Jiangbin City to assist us in solving the case. Let's warmly welcome them!"

Zhao Haishan finished speaking and applauded first. Scattered applause echoed from below.

The applause stopped, and Zhao Haishan said, "Team Cao, could you first introduce the case to everyone?"

Cao Yong then projected the dismembered body and photos of the scene onto the large screen in the conference room, and recounted the case previously reported to Director Zhao Haishan to the three experts of the municipal bureau.

Forensic doctor Oda looked at the city bureau leaders and forensic doctors sitting upright, swallowed his saliva, eased his nervousness, and then took on the words of Captain Cao Yong, Introduction: Based on the comprehensive analysis of the smoothness of the fragmented skin of the corpse, the looseness of the breasts, and the color of the nipples, the deceased is approximately 22 to 28 years old, with no history of childbirth. Sperm spots were not detected in the vaginal and uterine fragments, and due to the abandonment of organs such as the heart for several days and severe decay in the garbage dump, the cause of death cannot be determined. From the cross-section of the fragmented bones of the corpse, the dismemberment tools were a sharp meat cutter and a large bone cutter Two pieces of silicone for breast filling, weighing 262 grams, were also found in the body block. Frozen marks were also found on the body block, which is currently the main technical information

After Oda finished speaking, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Bin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, finally spoke up and asked, "What footage did the surveillance footage of the commercial street capture?"

Captain Cao Yong opened a video on his laptop and pressed the pause button, saying, "After receiving the report, we immediately accessed the surveillance cameras around the commercial street, as well as the surveillance cameras installed by the shops along the street. The following two videos were taken by us from the surveillance cameras at No. 2 North Commercial Street and outside a small supermarket."

Cao Yong pressed the play button, and the conference room was surprisingly quiet, with over twenty pairs of eyes focused on the big screen.

On August 7th at 22:42:30, a man wearing a baseball cap and mask appeared in the scene holding a cardboard box and walked towards the garbage bin located in the dark. Only seven or eight seconds later, the man returned empty handed, turned into a pedestrian walkway, and disappeared from the scene.

Cao Yong pressed the pause button and said: After the incident, we conducted experiments on the scene and selected four scouts who were 1.69 meters, 1.72 meters, 1.76 meters, and 1.81 meters tall, carrying cardboard boxes of the same size and weight, walking at the same speed and posture on this section of the road. After comparing with the man in the surveillance footage, it was confirmed that the suspect was between 1.75 and 1.77 meters tall, slightly overweight, and estimated to weigh around 80 kilograms. As it was close to 23:00 at that time, many shops had already closed Turn off the lights, the light on the square is dim. Just now, everyone has also seen that this is a video that we have processed with technology, which has been restored to the best picture quality. However, we still cannot see the suspect's facial features or clothing characteristics clearly

Next, Cao Yong opened the second video and said, "This is a scene captured by surveillance cameras outside a supermarket where the suspect left the commercial street. However, their facial and clothing features are still unclear. Through on-site visits and investigations, we found that there are many blind spots in the surveillance footage, and currently only these two videos are effective."

Director Zhao Haishan fell into contemplation after watching the surveillance footage.

Song Yang, Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the Municipal Bureau, put down his pen and lifted his head from his notebook, After thinking for a moment, he said: After listening to the introductions of Cao Team and Dr. Oda, I have a preliminary understanding of this case. My first feeling is that the suspect has a strong anti reconnaissance awareness, which indeed makes the sub bureau very tricky! But no matter how cunning the fox is, it can never escape the hunter's gun. Today, I brought two famous criminal investigation experts from our city bureau, who I believe everyone has known for a long time. They are Guo Bin, the team leader, and Wu, the head of the city bureau's legal and medical department, They are not only in our Jiangbin area, but also among the top experts in the province. Next, they will assist you in handling the case together. I am determined that we can definitely win this case in the shortest possible time

There was a burst of applause from the audience, obviously much more enthusiastic than the initial applause. Captain Cao Yong and his team members heard of the expert support and immediately felt half of the burden on their shoulders relieved.

Room 301, Yangui Lai Community, Ning'an District.

The dishes were served to the table, including a plate of stir fried gluten with green peppers, a plate of stir fried eggs with chives, and a plate of tofu and radish. Xiaowen immediately pulled down his face and said, "Mom, have you been practicing Buddhism lately? Why do you make me eat vegetarian dishes every day and want me to be a nun?"

"What are you talking nonsense, daughter!" said the father beside her.

After hesitating for a moment, the mother laughed again and said, "Good daughter, this meat is the most unhealthy food. Eating too much will increase blood pressure and blood lipids, and it is also easy to gain weight."

Xiaowen is a sophomore girl who, while growing her body, has been eating vegetarian food for about ten days in a row. Her craving makes her drool when she sees or smells meat. Every night, the seemingly never-ending fragrance of meat lingers by her side, indelible. Xiaowen then said, "Mom, look downstairs. There's a meat aroma every day, why can't we eat meat at home?"

Xiaowen's father sniffled and indeed smelled the aroma of meat coming from downstairs. "I'm sure we're cooking bone soup downstairs again -" Thinking of this, his father suddenly rushed into the bathroom and lay down on the toilet, spitting heavily.

Xiaowen's father is a doctor at a community hospital, and his mother is a nurse. Not long ago, Lao Li, a security guard in their hospital, told him that he ate human Wonton by mistake. In addition to being frightened, the couple swore not to eat meat again, even if they saw the slaughtered pork and beef with their own eyes. "Dad, what's wrong with you?" Xiaowen tearfully threw down his chopsticks and ran into the bathroom, gently patting his father's back.

Unconsciously, it was already past noon.

A group of criminal police officers from Ning'an Branch and several criminal investigation experts from the Municipal Bureau had lunch together in the cafeteria. After taking a brief break for more than ten minutes, the meeting resumed.

"Let me say a few words..." Guo Bin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau who had not made a statement this morning, spoke up, "In my opinion, there is no murder case that cannot be solved in the world, only the criminal police who cannot find their way of thinking. I think this case is not as difficult as imagined, the key is whether you have done it in detail? Have you grasped the key links and details? Solving a case is like solving a geometry problem. It is an intellectual game that requires us to constantly change our thinking. In my opinion, there are a few details in this case that are worth pondering."

Guo Bin's series of questioning questions made Cao Yong and the police officers in the audience feel quite embarrassed.

Guo Bin straightened out his sturdy and sturdy physique, Glancing around the criminal police officers with their heads lowered below the stage: Our surveillance system, also known as the Skynet Project, is like countless stars in the sky. Whether you do good or bad things, there is one or several pairs of eyes staring at you, and these eyes are our surveillance cameras. Unfortunately, we have only found two surveillance cameras now. My suggestion is to continue searching. Where did the suspect come from? Where did he go back? Where did he disappear in the end? I believe there will always be cameras capturing his actions Moving trajectories

"Guo Detachment said yes, but we checked the monitoring within two kilometers along the line, and there was really no trace of the suspect who dumped the body." Cao Yong was embarrassed and a little guilty. In front of this criminal investigation expert who was all hung with numbers in the city and province, his confidence was gone.

"When analyzing the case, you should treat yourself as the murderer. If you killed the victim, how would you dispose of the body?" Guo Bin continued to shout loudly.

The forensic doctor Wu Liying beside her smiled imperceptibly upon hearing this sentence, which was a phrase frequently spoken by her ex husband Guoqiang. Guo Bin is a disciple of Guoqiang. A few years ago, he followed Lao Guo to solve a series of difficult cases. In this city, besides Lao Guo, he should be ranked second.

Captain Guo Bin continued: If I were a criminal with some experience in anti reconnaissance, I would abandon body fragments in a commercial street, walk into a dark alley, immediately change into a new outfit, and then walk to a parked car in a remote area to drive away from the scene. Strictly speaking, although our Skynet has blind spots, the suspect will not stay in this small blind spot forever. As long as he goes out of the blind spot, our Skynet will capture him. Next Come on, I hope our image investigators can follow this train of thought to thoroughly investigate all the surveillance footage

After listening to this passage, the scout who was still feeling resentful just now seemed to be more convinced and nodded frequently.

Guo Bin continued to say: Based on the preliminary results of the autopsy and investigation just now, my opinion is that the perpetrator was able to dress up carefully and avoid most surveillance cameras, indicating that he has strong anti reconnaissance ability. He should be over 32 years old, mentally mature, with a high level of education, clear work order, and is a typical organized killer. The perpetrator's ability to avoid surveillance cameras indicates that he has stepped on the scene before. There are eight surveillance cameras in the commercial street, plus the surveillance of merchants At least thirty or more, so I analyzed that the perpetrator had trampled on the site more than once. The time for the stampede should be after their murder and before they are ready to abandon the body fragments. The specific date should be pushed forward from August 8th, when the body fragments were discovered, to about four to eight days, that is, from July 28th to August 5th. During this period, anyone who appears or stays under multiple surveillance cameras in the commercial street, looks left and right, and has a height and physique that matches the characteristics of a suspect, is a key suspect. We must pass the screening and not leave any behind

Captain Guo Bin finished his speech and once again won applause.