
The Skill Imitator

What would you do if you got summoned to another world without your consent? How about... Getting summoned by a dark cult and at the same time, losing something within you that will make you question if you are still yourself? Troy Hercules is just your regular weeb who is a regular worker in a Cosplay theme Cafe. He has an ordinary life and is content with what he has. But, not anymore. Everything changed when he got involved in a disastrous dilemma of getting summoned to another world by a federation of dark cultists and turning him into something he never had imagined he would become. At the same time, he obtained a skill that gave him the ability to copy skills by just seeing them cast. Changing his life forever. Every coin has two sides, there is no such thing as pure evil or absolute righteousness. And If one is evil or righteous, it cannot be easily recognized. But, the real question is, which side would you let come out the most? His CONQUEST is about to begin. Ps: This is not a story of a hero. You have been warned. Not everything is actually what they seem. Do not be fooled. And most of all... No skill can hide from his eyes...

Scarfaced · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Chapter 31: Levaerûn: Challenging the Third Faction Leader Prt 1

We walked through the gray concrete pathway leading to the mansion at the very center of the huge place surrounded by decorative shaped bushes and maple trees lining beside the road.

However, behind those lines of trees and bushes were huge plain grasslands all the way to the towering fences from afar.

Just like what I saw outside, the huge white mansion became a lot clearer now that we were already near it.

From our location, the mansion looked incredibly gargantuan. It's the first time I've seen a huge mansion in my entire life.

The exterior of the white mansion was filled with chiseled stone pillars and wall decorations, giving it a sophisticated vibe.

At the end of the road, there's the white fountain encircled by the roundabout that would lead to four pathways: the other two would lead to the side part of the mansion, the other one would lead to the gate where we came from, and the one in front of us would lead to the staircase towards the entrance of the mansion.

Anabelle and Dareth took the path towards the left part of the mansion, and we followed them there.

As we turned in the direction leading towards the back part of the mansion, what greeted us was a miniature forest at the side of the road. 

As we walked past it, we finally reached our destination, a huge grassland quadrangle in the middle of the forest. 

"We are here!" Annabelle announced.

There's nothing inside it except grass; maybe it's her designated arena if there's someone confident enough to challenge her.

I turned my eyes towards the four people I was with, but unlike me, who was looking at the huge grassland in front of us, all their eyes were dwelling on the person sitting on her white metal chair and white circle tea table under the shelter of the shade of a tree.

She's completely concealed from my line of view because the tree she's staying at was hiding her, plus the fact that I couldn't see her Mana.

As soon as my eyes saw her, there was nothing. No status to read or even Mana to see. It was like she was completely an ordinary fairy. 

I already tried the extent of how low I could conceal my Mana; it could go very low, as low as what an average human has, and that's the lowest it could get. 

This is the first time I've seen someone who can completely conceal all of her mana manifestations, even in my evolved ability.

She was crossing her legs while sipping her tea. A small smile emerged on her face as she stared at us. "Tea, anyone?"

She was smiling, but I could feel the heavy pressure lurking around her. I couldn't see it, but my instinct told me it was there and it was extremely dangerous.

"Rai, he's already here!" Anabelle excitedly announced as she sat next to her.

She nodded and wandered her eyes on us. "Yes, I can see it, Bella."

She stood up and approached us, revealing her elegant attire.

She's a freaking silver-haired gothic lady!

Wearing a black gothic dress complete with headband, arm sleeves, and freaking thigh highs as the cherry on top!

She stood a meter away from me, but with our distance, I could see that she was just tall enough to level on my chest, the perfect height for a gothic lady!

A puzzling little smile emerged from her pale red lips that perfectly complemented her white skin. "So, you are the one everyone is talking about?" Her tone hints at superiority, but it faultlessly works on her elegant appearance.

Gothic supremacy! 

I bowed my head as a sign of my utmost appreciation for such a blessing to my eyes, which was the person standing in front of me. "Thanks for the meal."

The moment I opened my eyes, I found her glaring at me. She softly exhaled and gazed upon the people who were with me.

"It's fancy meeting you two losers in here, though, since you are already in here, and I'm not that awful to kick you out. Well, it can't be helped; I have to endure the torment of seeing you two until the battle is done."

"Oy, Dareth, haven't I told you to teach your grandma proper manners? She's spouting nonsense again," Leo retorted.

On the other hand, Leal just nodded at him.

Her eyebrows instantly furrowed. "How despicable. I'll deal with your annoying mouth first."

Xin walked towards her. "Maybe you already know why we are here, Raiden?"

Raiden? So, she really is the Shadow fairy, Raiden. The faction leader of the Spriggan faction!

But, unlike what Leo described, she doesn't look like an old hag. She looks like an egocentric, noble young lady who always has a proud, smug face.

Raiden nodded at Xin. "Yes, I do." She shifted her gaze back at me. "You have come to challenge me, right?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She nodded and proceeded to walk towards the quadrangle in front of us.

 "A Summon. And the whole world thought that your entire tribe was already wiped out thirty years ago? Where have all of you been all these years? How long has it been since the last time I have seen a Summon? It's been more or less than eighty years now."

I stopped for a second. "Eighty years? How old are you?"

I mean, she looks way younger!

She immediately looked back and glared at me. "You should know that it's common courtesy never to ask a fair maiden about her age; it is absolutely rude."

"Ah, my bad, then."

Her glare instantly converted to a puzzling smile. Her air became gentle but at the same time, became more menacing. She slowly raised her hand while still maintaining her elegant smile.

I instantly walked back upon sensing the intense tension building up around us.

I don't know what she's doing; I only know this girl is dangerous!

"Beat her, boss!"

"You can do it, Big bro Troy!"

"Before we get started, may I know why you're doing this?"

"I want to create a safe place where every race can live together in harmony, and I think this is the best place to realize that goal."

She covered her mouth using her fingers. "How amusing, a destroyer who wants to build something, and not just anything, a place where every race can live in harmony? Isn't that a little bit contradictory?"

I shrugged. "I don't think it is; I don't have the intense urge to destroy anything in sight. If I must say, we are not as destructive as everyone thinks we are."

The smile on her face instantly disappeared. "Don't worry, even if you are, it doesn't matter to me."

In just a blink of an eye, a burst of fire materialized around us, completely engulfing all the grass throughout the quadrangle, instantly turning them into ashes.

"Pardon me for introducing myself this late. My name is Raiden Latora of the Spriggan faction. Now, show me what you've got, and don't disappoint me, the imitator of the Summon tribe."

I smiled and acted tough. "Worry not, you won't get disappointed."

Yup, I hope she won't beat me to a pulp!