
The Skies Belong To The Birds!

Staring at the Elder Being before her, she momentarily felt like shit! "There is no need for you to run from me, I am nothing but your servant," said the Elder Being. Rucheng stared at him thinking, 'Fuck this bullshit!' Cover art by: the_nerd.artist Reviews and comments welcomed.

VanessaNicole2 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Rucheng (2)

Hearing the last part of what her mother said, Rucheng frowned, "I don't want children!"

Mrs Qin, "Oh, what nonsense are you spouting now? If you didn't love children then why would you be teaching those children of the noble bloodline?"

Rucheng, "Huh… Am I a teacher?"

Mrs Qin, "Yes, you teach at the Silent and Wise pavilion of literature in the capital city's Scholar Village. You teach the four to six-year-olds literature and writing."

Looking at her mother confused she asked, "Why would I teach a toddler how to read and write when they are still at the age where they need to experience textures and active play?"

Mrs Qin looked at her daughter strangely not understanding a word she just said. Rucheng noticed the confusion in her mothers' eyes and on her face, 'Oh right, I'm not in the modern world so all the work done by the researchers doesn't exist yet but honestly, how can they make a baby read and write?'

Shaking her head she waved it off, "Mamma, I don't remember the way can you take me?" I need to investigate and wrap my head around this whole situation, although mamma seems to be accepting I don't believe it for one bit; I now can't fucking believe that she's alive but who cares, I got her back!!

Mrs Qin, "Alright, I need to go to the market too so no worries, get ready, we leave in five hours."

Rucheng, "…"

It wasn't Rucheng's first time dressing up in traditional clothes but this really was too abnormal for her, five layers of clothing, then her blue outer robe, with her hair irritating her face.

Stepping out of their small house she saw that it was morning. As she and her mother were walking she asked, "What time is it?"

"You woke up around chou-zi plus five hours it's chen now, we'll arrive before si and classes start at the end of si, so don't worry, you won't be late."

Sighing she thought, 'Welp, thank goodness I loved history and my home language is Korean but who the hell is emperor Feng?'

They arrived in the capital city not long after and as early as it was, it was already busy.

Mrs Qin walked with Rucheng to the Scholar Village waiting for the guards to let her in. The guards recognised her but for safety's sake and protocol, they had to examine her jade token.

Done checking it, Mrs Qin smiled, "I'll be here to pick you up after work, enjoy your day."

Saying her goodbye, she entered through the doors and was almost knocked off her feet. Behind the walls of the Scholar Village was exquisite pavilions, beautifully crafted and decorated.

Saying her goodbye, she entered through the doors and was almost knocked off her feet. Behind the walls of the Scholar Village was exquisite pavilions, beautifully crafted and decorated.

Looking around she felt out of place and lost… Walking at her own pace she walked through the gardens looking for something not even she knew what it looked like.

"I truly am lost!" she sighed. From behind her, a little voice spoke, "Lady Qin?" Turning around she was met with small round eyes, staring straight at her. Kneeling down on one knee she looked at the little boy, "Do you know me?" she pointed to herself.

The little boy looked at her with his small eyes scratching his nose he answered, "Lady Qin is the Silent and Wise Pavilions master, Lady Qin is my master."

"Your master . . . little one, what is your name?"

"This one's name is Kwon Min Xiao, did master forget my name?"

Smiling at him she rested her chin on her hand and sang, "Good morning~ good morning~, how are you~"

Looking at his master he was stunned. Why did his master suddenly sing to him? Seeing Kwon Min Xiao's curious yet slightly frightened gaze she asked, "How are you this morning?"

"I'm well, master," he answered, not sure of himself. Standing up she held out her hand to him, "Let's go to class."

He looked at her hand … he felt his hand itch wanting to reach for it but he held back … "Yes, master." He said and walked off before her.

She followed behind him while looking at her hand. She closed it, 'No contact I guess – parents full of complaints or society 'rules' maybe.'

The two of them arrived at the Silent and Wise pavilion and entered. From the looks of it, she had almost twenty students and they all were looking at her. Kwon Min Xiao went to his seat facing the front of the class and the person standing in for her paused what she was doing; looking at Rucheng who stood at the door she frowned. Placing down the book in her hands she said with a forced smile, "Lady Qin, you're back so soon… I wasn't informed about your return."

Observing this woman's facial expression and body posture which showed hostility – she didn't answer. Staring expressionlessly at her made the children in the Silent and Wise pavilion worried.

"Lady Qin?" the woman in front asked.

"What is it?" Rucheng asked back in a neutral tone. With her hands folded behind her back, she walked forward step by step, stepping heavily on the jade floors bringing thunderous tremors that vibrated through the class.

Stopping before her, Rucheng tilted her head. With a sharp look in her eyes, she smiled at the woman saying, "Lady . . . you are no longer needed here."

She looked into those green eyes of Rucheng and her heart trembled, although there were traces of dominance in her eyes there was an unkind smile on her face.

The woman looked around at the students but they couldn't see the terrifying sight as she did. Looking back and meeting eyes with Rucheng, that unkind smile was gone. Rucheng mouthed the words 'Fuck off'. Shocking the woman – frightened she squealed and ran off.

Turning around she watched the woman run off, "Say, goodbye children…"

"Have a nice day Lady Hong," the children greeted standing up. Rucheng tracked behind the woman surnamed Hong – closing the door behind her.

Turning around Rucheng looked at her class with smiling eyes, "Good morning children."

"Good morning master," they greeted her back. With her hands behind her back, Rucheng skipped back to her desk.

The children looked at her strangely while some grew slightly excited. Seated on the chair she fixed her posture saying, "Since master has been off for quite some time, I want you all to stand up one by one and tell me about the activities you have done at home and also begin with introducing yourself first."

A few of her student's jaws dropped. Unable to think up a good reason to object. Looking around the class at the stunned students she grinned, "No one willing to go first?"

She picked up the register before her. Looking at the top of the list she called, "Ming Mei Hao?"

"Y-yes master?"

"Stand up and speak about what you did in this past week that is new and foreign to you."

The little girl dressed in light blue scholar robes stood up. Looking around she saw that all eyes were on her and became nervous. Rucheng saw that the girl started fiddling with her fingers.