


"ten more more minutes" he whispered to himself as he stared at the lifeless body lying across from him in a massive pool of blood , he had wanted the euphoria of taking her life with his own hands to have lasted a little bit longer , but it seems the more he has killed the more the urge came with it. Looking at the lifeless body the only thing he kept replaying in his head was that final look in his victim's eyes knowing that they will finally succumb to his will and die , he loved that look of hopelessness, the look of defeat and the realization that this is where their lives end .

His victim tonight was a woman he had followed from western springs park , she had probably finished work and was on her way home when they crossed paths . He was just out for a night walk when she walked passed him , he said "hi" and she didn't reply nor did she even acknowledge him, he took it personally , anger seared though his whole body as he remembered all the snotty nosed girls in high school that used to make fun of him and reject him just because of the way he looked , all his life he had gone through the torment of being ridiculed and rejected over and over again until the day he decided to take his destiny with his own hands and strangled his first victim to death . She was prostitute named Cindy out at west Auckland near the mobil service station by kelston . Ever since then he had started to hunger and thirst for the opportunity to take a life and tonight was a great night to fulfil his sick fantasy .

her name was Sia as he read her work ID that he hand in his hand , she was a store manager at KFC by St. Lukes about a good 30 minute walk from where she resided at new north road , central Auckland , hence why she's always walking by western springs every time she finishes work . looking at her body he kept telling himself that if only she had said "hi" back or nodded back his way she could have been still alive , he would not have followed her to her apartment forcing his way in right behind her before slitting her throat . as he started to finally come down he realized that he had not surveyed this particular victim , his anger had blinded him and his work tonight was really sloppy . what if she didn't live alone? what if she had a partner or husband or family member living with her? things could have gone very wrong for him he thought. After wiping down everything he had thought he may have left a print on he turned around to take a photo of her on his phone like he has always done with all his victims, and that is when he finally saw it , tonight's victim, his only victim to be killed for such a petty reason had on AIRPODS .

To be continued...........

have always wanted to write something and test my imagination . i guess nothing is ever too late . this is my first ever piece soo go slow on me please

Vavaitamana_Eronicreators' thoughts