
The Silver Princess

LysanderNightshade · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Echoes of the Labyrinth

The echo of the creature's final scream still rang in Sophia's ears as she and Lysandra stood in the darkness. Though the beast had been defeated, the tension in the air was palpable. Neither of them dared speak first, knowing that any words could shatter the fragile alliance they had built to overcome the test.

Sophia slowly sat up, feeling the weight of exhaustion on her shoulders. Her muscles protested with every movement, and the energy she had summoned to defeat the creature was beginning to dissipate, leaving her vulnerable. Still, she could not afford to show weakness. Lysandra, though seemingly exhausted, was still a rival, and in the Aren, any weakness could be exploited.

—We should move on —Sophia said, breaking the silence, her voice firm despite her state.

Lysandra nodded silently and struggled to her feet. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for any clues as to what was coming next. Despite their cooperation, Sophia felt there was a growing distance between them, an invisible barrier raised by suspicion and fear.

—That creature… —Lysandra finally murmured, as she looked at the shadows still looming in the room. —. It wasn't just a physical test, was it?

Sophia shook her head. She felt deep inside that the creature had been a reflection of something much deeper and darker. It had attacked not only their bodies, but their minds as well, playing on their innermost fears and doubts.

—This maze is designed to challenge us in every way. —Sophia replied —. It's not just a matter of strength, but of will and cunning. The Demon King wants to see if we are capable of facing our own demons, not just those that inhabit this place.

Lysandra looked at her, and in her eyes Sophia saw a flash of recognition, as if she understood that the true battle was not fought in the corridors of the labyrinth, but in their own hearts.

—So we must be prepared for whatever comes. —Lysandra said, her voice taking on a more determined tone. —. We can't let this break us.

Sophia nodded, grateful for her companion's resurgent resolve. Though she was still wary of her, she knew they needed to stick together if they wanted to get out of the labyrinth.

They moved forward slowly, their footsteps echoing on the stone floor. As they went deeper into the labyrinth, the shadows seemed to grow, becoming denser and more oppressive. The air was heavy, and the darkness seemed alive, as if it were watching them.

They soon came to a fork in the road. Unlike the previous ones, this one seemed to be imbued with an unknown energy, something Sophia had never felt before. The path on the left radiated a slight warmth, while the one on the right exuded a bone-chilling cold.

—Which one do we choose? —Lysandra asked, her voice thick with tension.

Sophia closed her eyes, trying to focus on her instincts. Both options seemed dangerous, but somehow, the coldness of the path to the right felt familiar, as if she had felt that presence before.

—The cold… —said Sophia, opening her eyes —. It brings us to something we must face. I know it. It is a call, something we cannot ignore.

Lysandra didn't look convinced, but she nodded, accepting Sophia's decision. Together, they took the path to the right, feeling the temperature drop with each step. The cold was almost unbearable, but Sophia kept her gaze fixed ahead, knowing that what awaited them at the end of that path would be crucial.

The hallway opened into an icy cavern, the walls covered in glittering frost. In the center, a figure stood, its form almost ethereal, like a spectre caught between two worlds. Sophia immediately recognized the figure: it was her mother, Lady Astrid.

—Mother … —Sophia whispered, taking a step forward.

But the figure did not respond. Instead, its empty eyes turned to Sophia, and a cold smile appeared on its face.

—Sophia, my girl —The figure said, his icy voice echoing through the cavern. —. Have you come to face your destiny?

Sophia felt a chill run down her spine. She knew this wasn't real, that this wasn't her real mother, but the sight was so vivid, so compelling, that her memories and emotions jumbled together, confusing her mind.

—You are not her —Sophia replied, her voice shaking slightly. —. This is another test, another illusion.

The figure laughed, a sound that echoed like breaking glass. It advanced towards Sophia, its ethereal form sliding across the frozen ground.

—Illusion or not, I am part of you —said the figure, his face now just inches from Sophia's. —. I am the reflection of your fears, of your doubts. I will always be with you, reminding you of what you fear losing.

Sophia felt a surge of pain and despair as she heard those words. The figure represented all the insecurities she had tried to suppress, all the fears that had haunted her since childhood. But she couldn't let them control her.

—No —Sophia said, her voice gaining strength. —. I don't belong to you. I won't be a slave to my fears.

With a cry of defiance, Sophia stretched out her hands and channeled all her power into the figure, releasing a beam of silver light that illuminated the cavern. The figure writhed and screamed, but did not disappear.

—You can't get rid of me that easily —said the figure, his voice dripping with venom —. I'll always be here, Sophia. Always.

With a final flash of light, the figure vanished, leaving Sophia shivering, not from the cold, but from the intensity of the confrontation. The figure's words continued to echo in her mind, but Sophia knew she had taken an important step. She had faced her fears, and while she had not defeated them completely, she had proven that she could endure.

—Are you OK? —Lysandra asked, approaching cautiously.

Sophia nodded, though she knew the experience had affected her more than she cared to admit.

—I am, he replied. —. But this isn't over. The Demon King is still watching us, and we must be prepared for whatever comes next.

With renewed determination, Sophia and Lysandra continued on their way, leaving the icy cavern and moving towards the next test. They knew that the labyrinth had been only the beginning, a prelude to the even greater challenges that awaited them in the Aren. But now, Sophia was more aware of her own strengths and weaknesses, and she was determined to face them, no matter what the cost.

As the shadows of the labyrinth faded behind them, Sophia sensed that there was something else lurking in the darkness, something I hadn't noticed before.

Though he couldn't identify it, he knew it was a real threat, something that would test not only his power, but his very essence. That would be a topic for another day. For now, surviving the labyrinth was a triumph in itself.

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