
The Silver Esper [Stopped]

[Mature content] There are depictions of violence/gore and abuse towards characters. There is also swearing as well in this story. __________________________________________________________________ People with abilities, powers of which normal humans can not use. Monster's, freaks, people have called those with these abilities with such names, but there is one name that became attached to them eventually, Esper. The strongest of all abilities is physic, an ability that makes nearly anything possible for a skilled user. Sent to another world similar to her original she lives as Avalon Kanze a girl with rocky blood relations. Living in a country that didn't exist in the other world Niahurii, she is forced by her blood relations to join the military as a man. Unwilling, but the deal they strike is the only reason for her doing so. Avalon's lazy days in the military begin to change when that man appeared. Plans begin to change, new conflicts and allies begin to arrive. Can she keep her identity a secret or will they learn the truth? But most of all can she keep her darkest secret, the truth about her 'disease' and condition from everyone. __________________________________________________________________ "I can't believe they are forcing you to do this just to cut ties with them. How ridiculous since they've never treated you like family." "There is nothing I can do but to do this... as a man. On the bright side, we get to see the inner works of things here so we can use the useful points." "How can you be so optimistic when they are sending you to a suicide unit." "I've already died once and experienced true hell on earth. This is honestly child's play in comparison. So I see no reason to be afraid." Avalon sighed as she tightened the bandage around her chest. "Besides this world is behind in comparison. My ability will ensure I survive. So don't worry once it's all said and done. We will no longer stand for them. I will change this world from my 'home'. So dear brother be ready for the 2nd coming of Raijia's Silver Esper."

Arsin_Vulpine · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Twin Sibling Love

Lukas noticed quickly when her brother came that she was fairly reserved normally she has a nurtural expression or a false smile when talking to others expect Antonio, but now seeing her with her brother that she wasn't emotionless or anything she was reserved towards other's but with certain people (those she trusts) she shows more emotion as if she comes alive.

Avalon walked at her brother's side with a smile you could almost see the wagging dog tail as she stood beside her brother. "So what are you doing with LGen Haas?" Shane asked.

"Oh well the instructor didn't want to teach me anymore. So the captain is training me."

"What? Are you not- actually never mind its you of course you wouldn't be mad."

"… what is that supposed to mean Shane? Though you're not wrong it's not as if I'm an air head."

"I'm not saying that you are. You are just not one to get angry easily. Pff but when your really mad I would not stand in your way."


"Pff it's like an uncaged tiger. That's why I know that I don't have to worry about you."

"You are just paying lip service now. Pff Nora's got to be all worried cause of that."

"It's not like that." Shane repealed sharply his ears slightly red.

"Mmm~ send her a letter you jerk, just one. I know that the two of you are not in a relationship but she like everyone else from home understands our situation. They are not mad (anymore) so just send her a letter telling her you are alive at least." Roan sighed crossing her arms glancing over at her brother noticing his red ears.

"Fine… fine but please stop bringing this up."

"Alright alright." Roan purred with a smug face since she won out.

They walked into the mess hall and grabbed something to eat. Avalon took a sandwich, with some fruit and vegetables to balance out the meal. She sat down at the table after taking a carton of milk Shane sitting down next to her. "I got something for you in my car."

"Ah the usual thing yeah."

"Yes. I thought since I was coming over to see you anyways I'll just give it to you instead of mailing it."

"Thanks Shane I'm sorry for troubling you with that."

"It's fine I had to do it more than once back in high school." Shane replied with a wave of his hand. Shane then handed her half his sandwich.

"You want half of mine?" Roan asked looking over at her brother.

"No it's fine you need it more right now."

"Mmm~ Kay, just don't complain about it later." Roan replied picking up the first half of her sandwich after taking out the tomato and handing over too Shane. "Here's the tomato's Shane." She muttered placing it down on his plate.

"Still don't like tomato's."

"I know it's been 4 years but I don't think I'll ever like tomato's… or celery for that matter."

"Pff right." Shane replied with a laugh smiling slightly. Avalon eat her sandwich in silence with a pleased look on her face.

"Your probably thinking that the two of use don't really look a like yeah?" Shane muttered glancing up at Lukas as he stuck a tomato that Avalon gave him in his mouth. "We are fraternal twins we have the same eyes though." he told Lukas.

'We look more a like when I'm not using my ability. Though we are still fraternal twins since I'm a women.' Avalon thought continuing to eat the sandwich in her hand.

"Since you are training her what do you plan on doing after this?" Shane asked looking over at Lukas with a neutral expression. He wasn't too worried in particular he trusted his sister judgement but there are a few things that would be difficult for her to hide that she is a women despite currently portraying herself as a male.

"Shooting. I want to see his reflex time and sight distance."

"Have you ever shot a gun before Roan?" Shane asked looking over at his sister who was halfway through the first half of her sandwich.

Avalon held up her gloved hand with 5 fingers out. She swallowed the bite she was eating before she spoke. "I've shot a real gun only 5 times for real, it was 9mm Browning Hi-Power. Though it was sometime ago." Roan replied nonchalantly before taking another bite of her sandwich.


"It is the standard issued pistol of the Canadian army." Roan added covering her mouth slightly to clear up her brother's confusion.

"… I see." Shane replied, when she answered that it became clear to him, as he was aware of what happened in Avalon's past life, though not in especially great detail. "So you must have had those men let you fire their gun when they came." Shane lied giving a logical explanation for the remark. Though it was true that some people of the Canadian army came to Bridni before but Avalon never borrowed one of their guns. In this life Avalon has never touched a gun before.

Avalon continued to eat her sandwich in silence she finished her sandwiches and was eating the vegetables and fruit before for she spoke up again. "Do you have any idea when big brother will come?"

"Not a clue."

"… great. I really don't want to deal with him."

"You'll be fine.

Avalon tossed the last piece of her lunch in her mouth and opened the carton of milk. "After what happed last night I'd bet to say he's probably going to show up tonight or tomorrow if the incident was reported." Roan muttered before she begun to drink.

"I didn't report it if you are worried about that."

"… you didn't?"

"It wasn't something that needed to be reported."

"Then… as long as no one has said anything to them he might not come till later this week. I really hope it's that one." Roan groaned after finishing off the carton.

"Shane I need to get back to training so I'll see you off. Captain is it alright if I meet you at the main field?"

"No I'll come as well I want to make sure he leaves."

"I'm hurt though I'd love to watch Roan train I have things to do."

Finished with lunch the three of them head over near the gate where Shane was parked. He opened the passenger side door and handed Roan a slight mid-sized box. "Thanks again Shane."

"It's no problem. Now good luck Roan."

"Kay. I'll climb the ranks than piss her off."

"Pff. Yeah that defiantly would do it."