
The Silver Esper [Stopped]

[Mature content] There are depictions of violence/gore and abuse towards characters. There is also swearing as well in this story. __________________________________________________________________ People with abilities, powers of which normal humans can not use. Monster's, freaks, people have called those with these abilities with such names, but there is one name that became attached to them eventually, Esper. The strongest of all abilities is physic, an ability that makes nearly anything possible for a skilled user. Sent to another world similar to her original she lives as Avalon Kanze a girl with rocky blood relations. Living in a country that didn't exist in the other world Niahurii, she is forced by her blood relations to join the military as a man. Unwilling, but the deal they strike is the only reason for her doing so. Avalon's lazy days in the military begin to change when that man appeared. Plans begin to change, new conflicts and allies begin to arrive. Can she keep her identity a secret or will they learn the truth? But most of all can she keep her darkest secret, the truth about her 'disease' and condition from everyone. __________________________________________________________________ "I can't believe they are forcing you to do this just to cut ties with them. How ridiculous since they've never treated you like family." "There is nothing I can do but to do this... as a man. On the bright side, we get to see the inner works of things here so we can use the useful points." "How can you be so optimistic when they are sending you to a suicide unit." "I've already died once and experienced true hell on earth. This is honestly child's play in comparison. So I see no reason to be afraid." Avalon sighed as she tightened the bandage around her chest. "Besides this world is behind in comparison. My ability will ensure I survive. So don't worry once it's all said and done. We will no longer stand for them. I will change this world from my 'home'. So dear brother be ready for the 2nd coming of Raijia's Silver Esper."

Arsin_Vulpine · Fantasi
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32 Chs

The Silver Haired 'Ghost'

Lukas then began to walk away from the door with him walking away, Avalon hearing his footsteps going away she stood up from the desk and smiled slightly. She turned to the desk and walked right through the desk and door reaching the hallway on the other side not moving a thing. She then looked at Lukas as he made his way to the stairs, she made no sound but she began to wave goodbye to him.

Lukas turned around feeling as if someone was watching him. When he did he stopped in his tracks as there stood a tall 30 or some year old woman. The women had long silver hair with beautiful silver eyes (like that of the moon) and had distinctive features that were not like someone from this country of Niahurii rather she looked like beautiful North American women. However the longer he looked at her he noticed something out of place.

The silver hair woman was wearing a slightly tattered white dress, the dress has a red stain in the chest area and around her neck was a silver necklace with an odd jewel pendant he's never seen before. He then noticed the blood that was on her face as well. Then noticed saw that the woman was not wearing any shoes either. Then finally he noticed that her left leg was different. Unlike her right, her left was metallic it did look similar to a foot and normal leg but it was only a prospect. A highly advanced mechanical prosthetic that looked and acted like a normal foot.

The women froze when he turned around their eyes locking, 'he can't see me right?' she thought. She then began to move slightly and noticed his eyes were closely following her. Her face slowly started to morph into one of surprise. [Eek!] She screamed but no noise came from her mouth, 'He can see me?!' She gasped shocked at this revelation. The look on her face was both one of horror and surprise as she quickly turned in the other direction.

"Wait!" Lukas called out to the odd woman. But she just started to run away from him, she continued to run down the hallway with Lukas close on her heels.

[S-s-stop chasing me!] She cried as she made her way down the hallway with not a single sound of her footsteps rang as she ran down the hall.

She then was reaching the end of the hall to another set of stairs Lukas was sure he had the women at this point he could jump down the stairs and catch her. However, she didn't try to go down the stairs but rather jumped up onto the railing. "Stop!" He yelled she glanced back at him for a moment before she pushed off.

The moment she pushed off rather than going towards the ground she went forward and up. Lukas slid to a stop at the railing and look up in surprise at the women. She turned around and looked at him at that moment he noticed that she was slightly transparent with the colour of the full Red moon behind her. She had a slightly conflicted look on her face as she looked at him. But then she just flew off out of sight.

"What the hell? I just saw a ghost." Lukas muttered and shook his head slightly thinking he must be crazy. But that wasn't the case as he did see a ghost or rather a spirit/soul (solit). That solit he saw was none other than Avalon, and that is what she looked like when she died in the other world (for the most part).

Lukas then made his way back towards his office since he had some paperwork to finish. As he made his way back to his office he had a slight shadow. Avalon was following not that close behind him keeping her distance. She was not used to people being able to see her when she is like this. As like this she was very much like a ghost unable to be seen by people for the most part. However she found that two types of people could be able to see her, sensitives that could see her on rare occasions but normally were able to hear her 'voice' (which sounds like her original voice). The other type was Esper's that could see and hear her with ease. She has yet to figure out why that is the case.

This happens every night of the full-red moon. Her sol would be forced out of the body from this world the moment the sunsets. Her body goes into a point of some kind of status, during the whole thing she cannot return to her body and she can travel around freely. She could do all things a ghost can do, and when like this she is able to use her ability physic (since the ability is attached to the soul and not her current body). She has no real idea why this happens or how to stop it as it's slightly inconvenient since it happens every night of the full-red moon. But at the same time, she didn't entirely mind it.

Currently, Avalon was following Lukas curiously. Partially due to his ability to be able to see her in this form. She would glance out from behind things watching him, and occasionally he would turn around when that happened he would look at her and it would be a moment before she realized he could see her causing her to duck back behind the corner.

She continued to follow him till they reached his office at this point he had enough and turned around. "Can you stop following me?" Lukas sighed in exasperation. Avalon blinked at him for a moment and realized he was defiantly talking to her. She put a hand to her mouth giving a slight nod, then a bow before she turned around and flew off.

'Hmm, what should I do now? Antonio has training I don't want to bother him. … I haven't seen Shane in a while let's go see him. I want to talk with my twin brother.' Avalon thought as she then made her way towards his camp. She flew through the sky at a quick pace.

You might notice that in the story here there is mention of the red moon. In this world there are 3 different kinds of moons the red moon is one of them.

Later I'll tell you more about the 3 moon's and what there effects on Ava is. But it's important to note that the moon(s) is an important element of the story

Arsin_Vulpinecreators' thoughts