
school time (Alex pov)

With a loud thud my back hit the ground. I grit my teeth standing back up punching the taller boy, hitting him right in the cheek. I grinned as he spit out some blood backing away from me, giving up. I grabbed my bag slining it over my shoulder. I heard the kids around us laughing at the boy.

I glanced back at him he was easily almost 6'0, shaggy coal black hair, stormy eyes with enough mussle to at least be great in soccer.

I stoped my exit, turning on my heal and walking infront of him.

"good fight" I say simply.

A shocked mummer arose from the people around us at the fact I actually spoke. I easily quieted it down with a glare before leaving.

I head for the class, feeling my ex-opponents eyes on me. The group leaveing to their classes. I silently sit in my seat.

"do I even need to ask" a small almost femine voice came from beside me.

"do you ever" I reply with a smirk, turning to the small boy next to me.

Nick rolled his eyes. He was barely 5'3, dirt brown hair with a failed dye attempt giveing it a mossy ground look, forest green eyes, and freckles dusting his cheeks, with how geeky he was it suprised me he didnt have glasses though.

Then class started.