
79. Rescuing Caimie

Jon pick up the denden mushi and it's Brook that call him.

"Jon-san, where are you right now?"-Brook

"I'm in groove 9 with Zoro here."-Jon

"So you're with Zoro-san, that's good. Keep calm and hear me. Caimie-san has been kidnapped."-Brook

Jon widen his eyes then gritted his teeth. He is very angry right now and he didn't realize that he let out an aura that pressure a lot of people near him. They all feel a chill and some are shaking. Some weaker people even faint from the pressure. Zoro also feel it because he is the closest to Jon. He know something must've happened to make Jon this angry.

Zoro call him and look at Jon that has his sharingan active. Zoro calm him down and tell him to look around. Jon look at many people that looking at him with fear in their eyes. So he calmed down and get away from there with Zoro.

"That's 'Demon Eyes' Jon, and 'Pirate Hunter' Zoro from Straw Hat pirate crew."-Boney

"Hehe, they look crazier than what the news said."-Urouge

Jon & Zoro arrive near the mangrove tree and stop there. Jon calmed down and sit on a stone.

"Alright Brook, tell me what happen."-Jon


Brook tell them that they went to a bar to meet the one that will coat their ship. But he is not there, so they search for him. Luffy, Chopper, and Caimie want to play in the amusement park, so they try it. After sometime, they stopped, but suddenly, Caimie has gone when they rest.

"Most likely slave traders like those Flying Fish Riders. Have you call the other?"-Jon

"Yes, Sanji-san told us to stay here and he will call the riders. They must've know a lot about this place and where she will be brought to."-Brook

Jon immediately dispell all of his clones to get the information. He stay silent for a while before he got a conclusion.

"Alright, you guys stay there and wait for Sanji! I have a hunch of where it is, so i will move there with Zoro, it's near afterall. If we find her there, we will call you. If you find her first, then call us!"-Jon

"I understand."-Brook

Jon close the phone and walk away with Zoro. He even make a clone to walk behind Zoro so he won't lost.

"Where are we going?"-Zoro

"Grove 1."-Jon

"Oh, to our ship?"-Zoro

Jon stopped walking when he heard Zoro's question.

"Huh? No, our ship is in grove 41."-Jon


Jon & Zoro staring at each other for a while, before Jon massage his head and sigh.

"Maybe you need to learn how to read first."Jon


"Then maybe you need to use glasses, how can you miss the number 4? Well, whatever, our priority now is Caimie."-Jon

"Tch, so why grove 1?"-Zoro

"A mermaid price is very high, it's the highest actually. So they will sell her to the best customer possible, the tenryubito. Tenryubito will go to the best shop too, which is located in grove 1."-Jon

"Heeh, then let's go there!"-Zoro

Jon & Zoro run there, and Jon make Zoro's body lighter too, so he won't hurt himself by running. Because they are lighter, their speed also increase. But there are still some disturbance on the way. Some bounty hunter try to capture them for their high bounty. Jon & Zoro didn't want to waste time, so they defeat them fast.

Sometime later, they arrive in the Human Shop. They stopped rather far and Jon ask Zoro to stay, while he dusguised as a rich man to gather info. Jon then ask the guards if there is a mermaid being sold today.

"Yes, there is a mermaid being sent just now and she will be sold today."-Guard

"Hmm, how did she looks like? Maybe i will buy her if she's pretty."-Jon

The guard then told Jon the mermaid appearance and he is sure that it is Caimie. The guard also said that she will be sold the last. Jon then go back to meet Zoro and he call Nami. She and Robin are the only ones that always bring their denden mushi. Even Brook call him from public denden mushi before.

"She's in grove 1, i will infiltrate the place and try to free her. I don't know if i can open the bomb collar tough. So you guys need to come inside the auction and try to buy her. Don't worry about the money, we have more than 2 billions and i have my 500 millions savings so we have 2,5 billion."-Jon

"Okay, we'll go there right now."-Nami

Jon then move from the shadow and stealthily go to the back of auction house. He enter from the ventilation and then disguise as a guard. Zoro and his clone enter from the front and will bid if Caimie come out before the crew arrived.

Jon enter from the back and he see a lot of people are caged and have collar. He look around for Caimie with his sharingan. After sometime he find her but there are too many guards here. So for now, he try to look at the collar and learn it's mechanism.

His sharingan is very helpful at times like this. He can see the inside structure of many things. He could open seastone handcuff because of this too. So he learn the collar structure first and he understand the mechanism now.

Jon immediately use his lighting mode and knock out all the guards. Then he open the cell and walk to Caimie. She is shaking and afraid seeing Jon. He forgot to change into his real appearance. So he changed back and Caimie hug him while crying.


"It's okay, i'm here now. We will get out from here."-Jon

"Young man, you can't get out from here like that. The collar will explode if you don't open it with the right key."-Old man

An old man suddenly talk to Jon, and warn him about the collar. Jon just smile and assure the old man.

"Hehe, don't worry old man, a collar like this can't stop a shinobi like me."-Jon

Jon take out his lockpicking tools and shape a wire into a unique pattern. He shape it to match the collar mechanism. Then he insert the tools and after sometime, the collar is opened safely. Everyone are surprised by this, and a commotion instantly happen. They ask Jon to free them, so Jon shuush them because it will attract attention.

It really attract attention, also Jon has knock out all the guards while the auction has started. So everyone are suspicious when the slaves didn't come out for sometime. So the other guards check it and they see all guards in cells are knocked out.

The guards are coming so Jon immediately carry Caimie and run. But he left some clones to free the other slaves, and to steal some money. He will make those immoral people that like to buy slaves suffer a little.

But then he stop that idea because he know some of those people must be nobles from some kingdom. If he take their money, they will raise the tax from their citizens. So he will just take the money from the auction house itself.

Jon want to run from the back, but the back door has been guarded tightly. So he can only run to the front, but suddenly all the guards fall and faint. Jon is very surprised by this, and he put his guard up and look around.

"Don't worry young man, no need to be that cautious."-Old man

"Huh? Are you the one that did all of this old man?"-Jon

"You can say that, but i won't attack you, don't worry. You are Van D. Jono, correct?"-Old man

"Hmm? You know me?"-Jon

"Of course, your crew is very famous. If you are here, that means your captain is here too."-Old man

"Wait, you seem rather familiar..."-Jon

Suddenly they hear a gunshot from the front. Then a big 'bang' sound is heard too. There's a big commotion happen in the front. Jon take a peek from behind a curtain and he see his friends there, Hachi is laying with some blood on his body, and a tenryubito is laying beaten on the floor. There is a path of destruction from where Luffy stand to that tenryubito that hold a pistol.

Jon can guess what happen already. That scum must have seen Hachi is a Fishman and want to capture him. Then he shot Hachi so it will be easier to catch Hachi. Of course Luffy will got angry and beat him.

"It seem Luffy just punch him with normal punch. He should have use his strongest attack."-Jon


Caimie also take a peek and see Hachi is laying there with blood. So she's panicked and shout, make everyone look at them. Jon sigh and he walk to his friends. He put Caimie beside Hachi that is being treat by Chopper.

"Luffy, what are you doing?"-Jon

"He shot Hachi, so of course i beat him."-Luffy

"That's not the problem, you need to hit him harder."-Jon

"Is that so?"-Luffy

"Of course."-Jon

The Straw Hats nods and the normal people are afraid hearing their conversation. Even the other pirate crews think they are crazy.

"They're really a crazy crew like the rumours."-Kid

Suddenly the other tenryubito that most likely is the father of the beaten scum order his guards to kill the Straw Hats. So the Straw Hats immediately fight back. Jon just stay there and guard Caimie, Chopper, Hachi and Pappag.

"Just stay here, i will protect you. Chopper, treat Hachi first, don't worry about the other."-Jon


Jon take out his Kusanagi and seastone staff. Then he take out some guards that try to come close to them with Kusanagi. He infuse it with wind chakra and swing it to make wind blades. His clone that is with Zoro earlier also join the fight and protect Jon's back.

"By the way, where is Usopp, Robin & Brook?"-Jon

"They're still on their way, they search too far before."-Chopper

While the fight happens, the guests run away from the auction house. They don't want to get involved in this mess. But the other pirate crews also just stay silent and not fighting. Well it's not their fight, so they don't need to waste energy.

Suddenly the roof blasted from above. Robin & Brook have come and immediately help to fight. Usopp has come too but he stay on the roof. He's too afraid to come down, it's so high afterall. But then a fish rider push him and he fall. Usopp fall on the middle aged tenryubito and knock him out.

"Wuoh, sorry old man."-Usopp

"Oh Usopp, you are so brave to attack a world noble. Maybe you need to fight an admiral later."-Jon

Usopp immediately freaked out, but Jon just laugh and calm him down. The admiral will come but he will target all of them, so Usopp will not fight him alone.

"THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM. You have almost killed by an admiral before, why are you so calm right now?"-Usopp

"There's no point panicking now, it has been done, so we just need to face it."-Jon

They continue to fight the guards and it's easy, the guards are just too many. Suddenly the woman tenryubito take out her gun and point it at Caimie.

"It's all because of this fish, i will take your life that they want to save."-Woman

"I will not do that if i were you."-Jon

Jon pointed his kusanagi at her and threatened her. She got insulted and about to shoot her gun at Jon. Jon immediately put her in genjutsu to suffer. He decide not to stab her because it will be too light as a punishment.

The fight continue, but suddenly, all the guards and guests fall and faint. Everyone faint except the pirates in there. Jon feel familiar with this, so he look at the stage and the old man come out from the back with the giant that sat beside him earlier.
