
Prologue: The sins of the world

The story begins in the year 2075, the human civilization has advanced beyond belief, not only that but also humans have became more and more sinful over the years to the point where crimes have became legal.

This new amount of sins opened a portal between the realm of hell and the world of the living, all the demons who wanted to devour humans for centuries have finally been let loose.

In a matter of days 40% of human population has been wiped out, meanwhile the rest of the human kind used the last of they're technology to save themselves from thirsty demons.

A few years later demons have completely taken over more then 75% of earth and managed to break though the defences that humans had, some demons decided to devour humans for good meanwhile others took pity on the human kind and joined they're side, it became a war of survival. In order to demolish the puny defences of human and demon alliance, the rest of demon kind started forcing some helpless humans to marry them and carry they're kids, hoping to create hybrids that would help them in this battle to kill off the human kind. And so, human-demon hybrids where born, while some of them would join the evil demon side, the others would instead join the humans in order to even out the odds. 1