

Days went by, the unknown visitor was still unconsciou.

Your the best native doctor in our village, why is he not awake yet? Yelled Maria". I treat but the gods heal, replied the native doctor".

As they were still wondering why the unknown person was still unconscious, a cough was hard.

Uguuh! Uguuh! The unknown man woke up, his awake!....his awake... , said one of the caretakers.

Immediately, maria come inside the hat where the unknown man was laying.

Who are you? What's your name? and where do you come from? Asked Maria". Calm down Maria... ,he just wake-up, let him rest first before you pamper him with questions, said the native doctor".

Moving up and down, Maria was still unsettled, as she sat ,as she stands up. All l want are answers to my questions, who is he ? Said Maria, talking to her self.

After awhile she went back to the hat.

Hope your ok now ,so tell me who are you and where are you from? Maria rapidly asked.

Wh...wh....wh..o are mine? Asked the unknown visitor confusedly, where are my? And where are my?, what are my doing here?.

There were many questions yet there were no answers, Maria wanted to know who the unknown man was! And the unknown man also wants to know who he was.

Native doctor want is wrong with this man? Asked Maria. I...l think he lost his memory, replied the doctor ". What...! what do you mean by that?, am losing my patience, yelled Maria".

He May regain his memory, may be after a week, a month or even a year Maria, you have to be patient, said the native doctor".

Hey you!, simply because you've lost your memory doesn't mean that you will stay here idol doing nothing, said Maria to the unknown man". What do you mean? Asked the unknown man". Well l mean from today henceforth you will do want other man in my kingdom do.replied Maria.

The unknown man not knowing what Maria meant, stood there confusedly.

I said you shall go farming ,hunter and doing all chores meant for weman, are you not seeing what other men are doing? Replied Maria angrily.

But that's unfair to the men. Replied the unknown man". How dare you? Maria said while rushing towards the prince with the knife and placed it in his neck.

The next time you ask me such questions, then this knife will pass through your neck, whispered maria".

Then she treked away while the prince was sent to the garden with other men. Being someone from a royal he knew nothing about chores.

Hahahaha! Look at this lazy man you can't even hold a hoe properly, yelled Maria. Ohhh.. l forgot your clothes portrait someone from a wealthy family. no.. wander... you can't even hold a hoe. Said maria." While mocking the princ.

As she was still macking, the prince had already hurt his hands, immediately Maria noticed.

Look at this lazy man, hey you. am talking to you. said Maria. Can you hurry up here, she yelled.

The prince come to Maria then she tore apiece of clothe from her waist and said, can you bring your hands forward.

Slowly the prince brought his hands, then she tied his hands.

Next time be more careful.she whispered".

After seeing this ,the prince realized that Maria is not as bad as he thought.

Then come Akello.

Maria we have an emergency, said Akello,

Immediately Maria headed back to the village leaving Akello and the prince.

So Mr stranger how should l call you since you don't even know your name. Asked Akello". Well, call me what you want , replied the prince. But l want to ask you something, why is Maria so stricted and tough.asked the prince".

Well she looks tough but she's so kind, and to us she's our mother. Said Akello. What do you mean she's like your mother? Asked the prince.

Uuuuuum... It's a long story, she our mother because she made us who we are right now , she took care of us ever since we all were kids. Replied Akello. But how?, what about your parents, asked the prince". They were killed. Replied Akello." By who asked the prince ". Hey Mr stranger you asked to many questions, the less you know the better but just know Maria is the kindest person we have ever met. That's why all the villagers love her. Said Akello as she was leaving to go and meet Maria.

On the other hands , warriors from Getom had raided small villages for slaves. And it was time to take the slaves to the Coast where Mr Yusuf the slave trader was waiting for them and they were to pass near the forest.

Maria , we got news from our spies that Getom warriors will be passing near the forest with slaves. Said Akello ". And where're they taking the slaves? Asked Maria. Uuum.. well to the Coast to meet Mr Yusuf the man who bought slaves from our village last time.replied Akello.

That idiot, isn't he tied of killing people and destroying villages? Maria murmured to her self".

Akello tell our spies to golet me enough information, when are they leaving Getom, when will they reach here and how many warriors will go with them, will Ocen be with them or not? Let them gather every usefull information. Said maria".

I was informed that in two ake market days( two weeks) they would have reached here and they will trek with few warriors but it doesn't mean very few and most importantly together with Ocen. Replied Akello ".

Tell our warriors to get ready, we shall lay an ambush on them, and information the chief blacksmith that we need enough and good weapons with in one week. Lastly get me good well trained ten warriors for this mission. Said Maria.

Are you sure about this? Are ten warriors not few? Asked Akello".

Just do as l've told you, yelled Maria". Oh yes don't forget that one warrior can defeat one hundred warriors, all you need is good strategy to over power your enemy.said Maria

And least l forget, Okirror get your boys ready too cause this mission will be carried out by your nine men and my ten female warriors. said Maria.

A voice come from behind laughing loudly, while saying,how can nine weman fight with a bundle of men?. that alone Maria so angry. it was the prince.

Immediately Maria gave him a hard Punch and got her knife,placed in on his throats

How dare you enter into my meeting room in such manners?, know it takes me seconds to kill you and feed you to vultures. whispered Maria in angry voice.

Am sorry Maria l didn't mean it that way, said the prince in a shattering voice. Please am so sorry maria. he said".

For what you have done today ,you will be punished to set an example to others who underestimate women. Said Maria, guards lock him up with other captives of Getom and no food for two day unless l say so. Yelled Maria". Two days ! No Maria he will surely die said Akello". Let him die if he can't make it to two days. replied Maria angrily".