I did a mistake of troubling Annabeth
we turned and saw lisa. "lisa" eliza said and got up. "what happened to you both? You look hurt like me" lisa said and sat on her knees. "what happened to you lisa? You are super different" I said and looked at her. lisa hugged us both and she almost squished us! "lisa we are not soggy bottles" eliza said trying to breathe. Lisa started to cry and me and eliza were confused. "AWWWWWWWWWWWW" someone said. I saw the girl who dropped me and she was looking at the fishes. "lisa what happened?" I asked. "I went in coma for 3 days by now!" lisa said crying. "why you?" eliza asked. "the teachers got mental and they bought bomb and they busted it. Half of us died and half of us were hurt, the other half of us is in coma like me" lisa said crying and hugging us. "what date?" I asked. "it was like day before yesterday" lisa said. right that moment I felt a trigger on my heart. Wait a damn minute… annabeth went in coma day before yesterday, lisa went in coma day before yesterday, "eliza how did you get you hand fractured and when?" I asked. "it was like yesterday" eliza said. okay now its getting too, weird! But how? Me and eliza were hurt yesterday, annabeth and lisa were in coma day before yesterday! So that means annabeth is awake too? "guys if lisa is awake and eliza is awake and I'm awake then annabeth should be awake too!" I shouted. lisa put a tablet in my mouth and gave me some water as I started coughing. "your right!" lisa said and smiled. She hugged me like anything. "get away from my friend, girl!" someone said. I turned back and saw my college friends. They pushed lisa and eliza away from me. "you okay dude? What creepy girls" my friends said. eliza was getting angry and she pushed them. a necklace dropped from her pocket and they threw it In the water. I got to know that was the clock necklace I buyed for her when we were 7! She still had it? god whatever my parents buyed didn't even last for a day! Who knows. "oh no" I said. I ran to the edge and eliza was aside of me. she put her leg up and her another as I watched the river. I looked at her and she jumped off! I tried to hold her hand but she went faster. There was a big splash of water. Lisa jumped in too, to help eliza and the river overflowed and pushed them. they went under the water and tried to come up. I knew they those two idiots didn't know to swim! So I jumped in too. I felt someone looking at me badly at that moment when I jumped in. I got their hands and didn't let go. I saw the necklace and I left their hands and went and grabbed it. those two got up by my friends help and I climbed up. I handed the necklace to eliza and she had drank a lot of water. I scolded her for jumping in without knowing how to swim. We were soaking wet. my friends names are; luck, which eldest one of us. honor, he is the 3eldest, as I am the 2nd one. Honest; he is the youngest one of us, he is super sassy, he is like a small kid! ! I am telling you! I warn you for the 1st time!
Honest hugged me tight! "don't go anywhere!" honest said and pressed me hard. "who said I'm going somewhere?" I asked as he pressed me tight. "luck said the water is going to eat you" honest said. I slapped myself on my face. "luck I swear I'm going to murder you!" I shouted. honest smiled and got back. " here 3 of you have my clothes" honor said and took some clothes out of his bag. He gave us and we went to the hospital to change. I changed my clothes and ran to annabeth's room. honest stopped me and he pulled me were everyone were there, I saw eliza and lisa wearing boys clothes. I started to laugh under my breath and eliza yelled at me. the clothes were pretty long for them so they made it their way. "ren?" someone said. I turned around and saw annabeth. "anna!" I shouted and ran to her. I hugged her tight. she hugged me tighter. "ow, okay annabeth can you leave me?" I asked for a joke. She left me and laughed. she was wearing patients dress and I was wearing something else, so was lisa and eliza! Honest started to laugh hard at us. " be quiet!" I shouted. "yeah sure!" honest said and smiled. "hey" I said. "hi" anna said. "meet you later" I said and ran. eliza ran after me and lisa and annabeth went to the hospital. "why are you running!? Ren!" eliza shouted. "I can't! I can't talk to her! she is just an deaf girl!" I shouted. eliza stopped and she caught my hand. She slapped me on my cheeks and it hurt. "you think she likes to be deaf! She has your gift till now! And you are just like 'she is just a deaf girl' I mean how could you ren! You saved her! she saved you! If she hadn't saved you would have been in a death grave!" eliza shouted. "yeah right!" I shouted. "I'll text you later!" eliza said and walked away. my college friends came and we had fun. "hey guys lets go to a restaurant!" honor shouted. "YEAH!" the rest of us shouted. "oh yeah!" honor shouted after us. we went for a fish restaurant and we were at the bad place. the girls were right next to us. "hey girls, nice to meet you again" honest said and smiled to the girls. "shut up honest!" I shouted. "ok" honest said and left them. we went and we sat in the family seat, as the maid took us there. she said other customers will also come. We ordered and I took sea foods. They bought the food and mine was sea food soup. I took chop sticks and I took one bite of the sea food. it tasted good. I put the water in my mouth and the girls came behind our seat. "please you can seat here" the maid said the girls. The soup got stuck in my throat and I started to cough. "hey girls you don't have other seat to go?" a guy said and pushed annabeth. "sir this seat is reserved by 3 members already!" the maid shouted. "who cares" he said and sat down on the chair with his friends. That went on eliza's nerves and she knows that guy. "get off the seat mister!" I shouted and turned back.