
Awakening Part 1

"Wait! Ms Abigail," I shouted frantically, "I want to take the awakening test and become a powerful mage."

"It doesn't work like that," Abigail replied, "first you need to be tested and then you need to train and then you need to be chosen by a powerful mage family."

"But I saw mom create rain and she's a mage and so I must be one too."

Mom gasped when I said this and grabbed my arms, hastily backing towards the door mother starts to open her mouth.


Abigail furiously turned to Daryn and started walking towards him. Seeing this Daryn backed away in fear whilst mumbling, " I can explain. I can explain."

"Please do." Abigail muttered through her teeth, "I would love to hear how you talk yourself out of this one."

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Daryn said looking relieved and sweating profusely.

"Fourteen years ago whilst I was out on the mission for Beesely City I got wounded in the forest and I ended up being surrounded by spirit beasts. Taking out my last teleportation seal I used it and I found myself in the middle of a clearing standing atop a small wooden block shaped rock."

Yes. Yes, you told me this already. What does this have to do with Carol?" Abigail angrily interrupted.

"I'm getting there," Daryn said, "Give me a minute Abigail."

"Lady Beesely To you, Daryn." hissed Abigail.

"Yes my Lady, Lady Abigail." Daryn respectfully said.

"Now where was I... Ah yes, I remember now."

"Daryn! Carry on the story or our deal is off." Abigail screamed.

"Of course, of course, Abi... err Lady Beesely," Daryn gulps nervously. " I found myself on top of this strange rock type monument and I did not recognise any of the surroundings. Panicking I stumbled around and fell off the wooden monument."

"The next thing I know I wake up in a wooden hut and my wounds are wrapped with some strange herbs. Getting up I met the local people and found out they knew nothing about the different castes. Finding that strange I tried explaining to them why we need it but they laughed me off. They told me they hadn't had a single spirit beast come into the valley ever since the monument fell from the sky and laughed at me calling me foolish."

"Ever since then I could find any energy I needed in the air and after meeting my wife, Carol i lost any desire to return to Beesely again."

"But dad," I cried out, "how does that explain how mom can do magic?"

"Huh?!" Daryn scratches his head bashfully, "I never taught your mother how to use magic and whenever it would happen I would pretend to see nothing."

"Arghh!" Carol let go of me and ran to father furiously pummeling him with her fists. "How could you? All those years I thought I was crazy, possessed and demented you knew what was happening."

Seething Carol looked Daryn in the eyes and said, "I've changed my mind Richard will become the greatest mage ever."

"No!", Daryn said, "You don't understand how dangerous such a life is. It's not just the spirit beasts but everyone will use you..."

"Enough!" Lady Beesely roared, "We have no choice whilst we are safe for now from the beasts, the villagers are sitting targets if anyone else finds us they will destroy you all for being an abomination. I myself would have killed you all had I not recognised you, Daryn."

"Abomination?! How are we an abomination dad?" I asked.

"Everyone apart from Daryn and Carol are not bonded to anybody. It is impossible to survive this long without a bond. It is not natural." Abigail replied to me. Looking to the elders she commanded them,

"Elder Joran gather all the villagers. I wish to address everyone this evening."

"Yes Lady Beesely. Right away."

Elder Joran left the house with a slight bow towards Abigail.

"The rest of you," Abigail turned towards the elders, "carry on with the preparations. I want the area behind the wooden wall ready by the end of the week."

"But you haven't told us what it's going to be used for..." The rest of the elders started to complain, "and we have lived our simple lives for countless years, why should we change at the whims of two strangers?" Elder Horan rasped.


In a fraction of a second Abigail crossed the room and flung Horan against the wall.

"COOL! You have to teach me to do that Lady Abigail. That was amazing", I demanded from Lady Beesely.

"Not now Richard. Can't you see I'm busy!" Abigail hollered letting elder Horan go.

Calming down Lady Beesely turns to me with a cloyingly sweet smile on her face and said, "You want to be a mage. You want to be strong. Come with me and you will be all that and more."

Stretching out her hand Lady Beesely waits for my response.

Meanwhile, all the elders have run from the room and elder Horan is crawling to the door trying not to be noticed. I can see my mother struggling in fathers hands to run towards me but father holds her down successfully.

"Turning to Lady Beesely I say, "Yes. I'll do it. What do I need to do?"

"Take my hand, Richard and I will show you." With no hesitation, my hand automatically goes out to Lady Beesely's outstretched hand. Grabbing my hand Lady Beesely pulls me towards the wall.

I try to stop myself and plant my feet in the ground. I can still remember the pain from earlier when I crashed into the wall. I open my mouth and try to speak but no sound comes out from my mouth. I realize now that something changed in me but I don't understand what is happening.

Looking at me Lady Beesely gestures to me to carry on moving forward, towards the wall. Again, I start walking towards the wall almost like a man possessed. Vaguely I can hear my father reassuring mother that I will be ok. I find it strange that I can hear my parent's from such a far distance but I pay it no mind.

Finally reaching the wall I am amazed once again when the roots at the bottom of the wall part and an opening big enough for two people is formed. We step through the opening into a valley. In the middle of the valley, there is a strange rock protruding out of the middle of the valley, almost as if a mountain once stood there once long ago and was chiselled down over a long period of time leaving a small remnant behind from a forgotten past.

I can feel a pull coming from the rock. It is intoxicating and makes me feel strong and powerful. Letting go of Lady Beesely's hand I charge towards the rock. Not wanting to wait for any second longer.


I can hear Lady Beesely scream in pain but I don't care. I keep thinking, 'I must reach the rock. I must reach the rock.'