
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Heavy breaths and running was all heard.

Splash water, as foots hit against the water pounds due to the raining, pouring since morning and now it's almost mid-night.

In middle of this eerie silence of night. A person in black long hood which stops near his feet, and wearing all black below as well looks around.

His eyes stop on a little baby crying outside a closed door of orphanage. Without thinking much, he walks to the baby and bend down looking at the baby with his black eyes.

"Hi, little... one... " His voice deep which could send shivers down one's spine.

The baby was not even looking a full day year old, who kept crying. Not known-ing about the problems of his Future which awaits for him. After this meeting.

"My decender....." the unknown person said as he moves his left fist holding a 'Black' beautiful clear crystal to where the boy's heart is.

"Keep it safe. little one. A time will come when you have to give it back. " the person said as he watches the stone disappear in middle of the baby's collarbone where his heart is and a 'Dragon' sign appears there glowing red once complete like feeling with the baby's blood before turning black. Staying their like a dragon tattoo. (like the one in book cover, for easy understanding).

"Now, the future is in your hand." the Person said as he heard voices coming closer.

"shit. " he mumble as after a glance at the crying baby. He runs away with more people in black following him but none of them care for the baby.

After all, what 'roll' could a baby play in their matter?

Just then the orphan door open and an old woman looks down at the crying life.

"Ma'am, have you seen someone running wearing all black? " one of them ask the old woman who pick the young baby up and shakes her head at them.

"No young man. I come after hearing this young one's cries. Let me ask you, do you know this kid? " the old woman ask.

"No ma'am, and sorry for disturbing you. We will take our leave now." another one said as he bow a little to the old woman who smiles at them and nods. Those black wearing runs away after that.

The woman look down at the young baby in her arms, still crying.

"oh! let's get you inside. It's quite cold here and you are only covered in a blue blanket." The old woman said as she walks inside closing the door behind her.

The baby was still crying. After all he was just a baby. what do you expect?

"Miss. yaga? what is this noise? and... who is that? i don't remember a baby here? " another woman wearing a tight dress with red lipstick said tiredly and bossily with a sleepy look.

The old woman aka miss.yaga smiles as she looks down at the baby in her arms.

"He was outside. " Miss. yaga replied while the new one rolled her eyes going inside her office.

"What the heck? a new one? What these people think orphanages are? " the new one kept rambling.

She turns around irritatedly while pointing at the baby. With close eyes.

"Shut this thing, please. Everyone trying to sleep and I am too. " the old woman aka miss. yaga sigh as she nods.

"Of course, lila" and after a disgusting glance at the baby, lila leaves.


TIME SKIP: (Morning-The next day)

"Miss. yaga, who's this?" a 17 year old ask as five children of the orphanage sit in front of miss. yaga who was craddling a newborn in her arms. Miss. yaga looks at the children and smile before saying.

"He's your new brother" she exclaimed with a smile.

The older two gasp and looks at each other happily. As other three, two eight years old twins while one seven year old boy, tilt their heads or gives a confused face.

"Can i hold him, miss.yaga?" Miss. yaga nods as she hands the newborn to the 16 year old girl who shrieks in excitement.

"He's sooooo cute, miss. yaga! " The girl exclaimed as the 17 year old also agrees with the 16 year old while other three looks at the baby with confusion.

"yes, my dear. Cleo. He's a newborn. " miss. yaga replied to the 16 year old holding the baby.

"What's his name, brother.Zan?" the boy twin ask as he looks at the 17 year old whose name is zan.

Both older looks at miss. yaga for answer.

"well.. he hadn't had a name, yet.. so.. "

"we can name him!? " The twin girl exclaimed with joy making her twin brother and other three older laugh.

"Name him?" the seven year old exclaimed with confusion to which miss.yaga smiles and nods while rubbing the seven years old head.

"yes." replied by miss.yaga as the older, zan and cleo smiles while the younger three excitedly thinks of the names for the newborn while the two olders turn to mis.yaga again but this time a serious expression.

"Miss.yaga?" zan called as miss.yaga looks at him and answer in hums, indicating to continue to which after a glance at each other, zan said.

"How old he is?" miss.yaga sigh as she looks at the baby in cleo arms sleeping peacefully despite the noise the three youngers were making around him.

"He is only one day old, as long as i know. miss.lila had asked for a hospital documents of this kid, it will be here soon." both the olders nods as the three turns their attention back to the three youngers'. Chuckling and giggling at the younger's conversation.

"No! ellen, he's not a pushie! he's a 'real' baby!!!" said by the eight year old girl, cotny.

The seven year old, names ellen, pouts and crossed his arms over his chest.

"B-but he-he looks like one!!!" ellen argues making the three older chuckles.

"Come on, ellen. be a good boy and let's name him together...and a real one, not pinkie or trolls." the eight years old boy, ron said politely to which the seven ones looks down but either way nods his head.

"Do you have any idea, brother.zan?" ask cotny who made a thinking face.

"Mhmmm... what about...." zan thinks. Cleo smiles at the four and cut them all while looking down at the small baby in her arms.

"What about 'Scarlet'?" all the other four looks at the each other, liking the name.

"Yh! and we can call him Scar for short!" zan said as the younger three gasp and nods.

"Scarlet...." miss.yaga repeats as she takes the baby from cleo and looks down at the baby with a smile while continuing...

"Welcome to this cruel and dark world, 'Scarlet'."


PROLOGUE (complete)


1146 words.