
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Catriel put her hands in her black skirt pockets, she's wearing the same clothes from early morning, when cotny comes to meet them.

She looks down and keeps walking to her destination; the back of school, where no one goes and is the best place for catriel and... scarlet to come to to spend their break time.

Speaking of scarlet, catriel release a deep breath. She looks up at the cloudy sky and mumble out, "where are you scar...?"

She stops in her track and close her eyes while rubbing her arms for some comfort which she knew she wouldn't get.

Catriel wasn't an introvert but people around her made her shut herself down. Right now, all catriel wants is to get away from this hell hole and inside her brother's warm embrace who told her that it will be alright. She isn't a weak girl either, but sometimes, the heroes need a break too.

Just then, a yelp makes her eyes open and looks at where the source of yelp comes from. More whimpers of someone crying also comes from the source, the 'Store'.

'The FORBIDDEN' area behind the school. There are many rumors about this place being under unknown creatures rule. Maybe that's also a reason why no one comes in this part of the school. But truly as much the horrors rumors states about this place, it sure is also the beautiful place with white roses and trees and that 'one' ruined store in middle of them all.

Anyone in catriel place would have run or maybe people thinks that catriel is mad or crazy for not running and just keep looking at the store brokenly.

"Don't cry." catriel says with no emotions. The crying stops at her voice. A voice called out to her, it was a GIRL voice.

"Who are you!? and what do you want from me!?"

"I am a trader of this cruel place called world. I have no ways to harm you. I am harmless. My hands are tied myself. How could you expect someone who is themselves bound, hurt others?" came the reply from Catreil as she scoff in the last of her statements. When no reply comes, catriel looks at side, her hands still on her arms as she again started.

"Our lives, our thoughts remain ours. Other thinks they could judge us but we are a person of ourselves."

"What have you been through, kid? what are your dreams?" came the voice, more maturaly. Catriel looks at the white rose in front of her as she answer, " Maybe my dreams are mine to keep" Her right hand reaches for the white rose as she keeps the left hand on her right arm while continuing " Maybe what i have been through is easy to listen but is never easy to say." A small smile cross catriel face as her right hand plays with the soft white petals of the rose in front of her.

"Maybe you need someone?" The unknown voice ask. Catriel only smiles a little wider not looking up at the source of voice. She just replied by a, "Maybe, who knows?"

"What's your wish, kid?" The voice ask again. At this. catriel stops what she was doing, and looks up in distance not where the store is. She looks like shes in deep thoughts. Her face turned emotionless again.

"Will it be selfish, to ask something for yourself?" Catriel ask.

"How so?" The voice replied in a curious way. Catriel shrug as she returns her attention to the white rose but stops as another paled beautiful hand grab the same flower. Catriel looks up and found a very beautiful 'fairy' with long black hairs that reaches the ground with white ball gown with glitters on it. The figure in front of her smile warmly and pick the white rose and pass it to catriel who also grabs it and looks down at the rose in her hands with a small frown before looking up at the figure who starts walking around the white roses, looking like a true fairy.

"Sometimes, thinking about yourself is necessary. But you my kid, shows who you truly are. Futures truly need someone like you. You really deserves what you have been gifted with. Just don't let other people thoughts get to you. Just as you said, 'we are a person of ourselves' then show it. Show everyone that you're the Catriel. Do you know what your name even means?" the fairy who was talking to catriel before asked as she kept walking and often touching the dead roses making them alive again. Catriel shakes her head confused with a small frown. "No, i don't." came the reply from catriel.

The fairy giggles and nods while moving her hand and catriel watches as a crown formed from the stem and white roses. The fairy walks to catriel with her same calm posture and place the flower crown on her dark open hairs.

"Catriel means, 'God is my Crown'." The fairy replied as she cups catriel face and kiss her temple before leaning back and saying, "Remember you're a person of yourself. It was nice meeting you, The 'Holder' " before catriel could ask anything, the fairy was gone with a white rose in her hands and a crown in her hairs. She looks down at the flower in her hands and smile a little, "You're right, maybe..."


To say scarlet was beyond amazed and confused is understandable as just in front of him, a whole fucking MANSION just appears, out of blue and not only that but just as the three enters, both Brix and elen foams changes to more intimating one. Both just as they enters the bright and big MANSION, their both clothes changes to black. Elen dress change to black tight plan shirt showing his muscles and six pecks easly with a black leather jacket, black pants and various tattoos appear on his once clear skin. His eyes turns red and his canines sharp like vampires. His skin turns more paler as well and his hairs turn silver almost handsome white and gray with black combat shoes.

While on the other hand, Brix clothes changes to a black crop top and smooth, jacket above similar to elen's and below, she was wearing a short black shiny shorts with harness on her left leg with various knives resides there. And not only that but her hairs change to dark orange shade with red lipsticks which matches her sharp eyes and smooth clear skin with long knee shiny high heel shoes.

Scarlet mouth was wide open making brix laugh and points at him, "Don't be in this much awe, why not have a look at yourself." At this statement, scarlet looks down at himself and his eyes wider more if that's even possible.

Cause, he was in a very smilliar attics to elen. except his hairs were darker than the mid night colour.

"W-what just h-happen?" Brix, or what scarlet know walks to him and place a hand on his shoulder smirking lightly at him before pointing at the MANSION in front of him and saying,

"Welcome to your new home, The WARRIORS' DEN. "

And at that time scarlet knew, he was fucked up and starting from here a new chapter of his life gonna starts..


Chapter. No.4 (complete)


1231 words