

"Xander James Forsythe," Charles yells from downstairs.

"I'm coming Dante, just chill, beauty does not make itself," I yell back as I fix my hair in front of the mirror.

"I swear to god you're gay sometimes or bisexual" he laughs.

"Shut up," I say as I walk down the stairs, "You're the gay one, Charles"

"Xander tell me something I don't know and hurry up we're going to be late for our flight, Damien is already in the car," he says as he walks to the door.

"I know Charles," I roll my eyes and make my way out of the house; Charles turns on the alarm system and locks the door.

I walk to the car and can see that Damien is glued to his phone in the backseat. I'm sure he is playing the new game Pokémon Go; I'm making billions with that game. I jump in and he gives me a warm smile and looks back at his phone.

"Pokémon Go?" I ask; he doesn't look up at me.

"Yep, it's fucking addictive," he says with a childish grin.

"I know Dame, I know," I chuckle.

"How many have you found?" he asks, locking his phone.

"All of them, I created the game," I laugh.

"I seem to forget you're a genius," he laughs lightly.

"You shouldn't, I know everything," I say confidently.

"Not when it comes to women," Charles says as he gets in the car.

"Shut up," I growl.

"Whatever Casanova," he replies, Damien lets out a chuckle and I instruct the driver to leave and we make our way to the airport.

After Charles confronted me on Monday, I spent the rest of the week, meditating and getting my life back together, I'm getting better, but I face a challenge tomorrow meeting her and I think, no, I know I'm more than prepared to meet her. I've gotten over her, I have no place for any woman in my heart; I don't think I ever will.

We finally arrive at the airport and we check in and head to my private plane, ridiculously small and eco-friendly and it has missiles and other awesome weapons, don't judge me, I love dangerous things.

As soon as we get in Charles throws himself on the chair and groans.

"I missed this plane,"

"The best alcohol and amazing food," I say with a smile.

"You got that right Xander," he winks and laughs as he sits up, Damien laughs as he sits down next to Charles who jumps on his lap.

A young man with light brown eyes and light brown hair walks out of the cockpit.

"Hi, my name is Matt Jones and I'll be your flight attendant," he says politely.

"Hey cutie, why don't you bring me a glass of Fort wine and the mini sausages, I really like those and don't be stingy with the dip the last guy was," Charles says to the young man, he nods his head and walks away, Damien glares at the boy and I chuckle lightly.

"Really Charles?" Damien asks, looking at his flirtatious lover.

"What you jealous of the kid?" Charles asks with a smirk.

"No," he mumbles lowly.

"Admit it you are," Charles whispers as he kisses his neck.

"Okay, I'm leaving," I say. I get up, look at them, and cringe a little.

"Aw Xander is the jealous one here," Charles laughs.

"Baby no," Damien says, and I carry on walking.

I make my way to my cabin; I open the door and walk to my desk where my laptop, iPad and phone are placed as they should be. I switch my phone on and I have six missed calls from Nikiwe how the hell did I get her number saved onto my phone, oh yeah Charles.

I go back to Charles and he is sitting on Damien's lap, with a glass of wine in his hand and a sausage in his mouth, this man never stops eating and doing weird things.

"Charles did you tell Miss Mthethwa that we will be landing tomorrow morning," I ask, and he gasps.

"Uh crap no," he says in frustration. He gets off Damien's lap and takes his phone out.

"I'll call her now, sorry Andy" he frowns; I couldn't tell he wasn't lying, and Charles rarely makes a mistake, so I have no reason to get mad at him.

"It's okay Char, just do it now. I'll be in my cabin," I say and leave to go back to my cabin.

I go to my desk and begin my work, reading through the contract and preparing questions.

So, I'm guessing you've been wondering how this all started and how I came to be the world's greatest president, well sort of. So, let me give you a brief boring history of how things became the way they are today.

Well World War III started in 2033 and ended in 2040. Before the war, there was some peace in the world a few civil wars here and there and then Douglas Trelley became the president of America, and all hail broke loose. Russia decided to take over the world. My father Desmond Forsythe was an army general during the war.

After the war ended, the world was left in shambles, so my father being the genius he was decided to use all the money he had left and helped rebuild his hometown he started helping other states rebuild themselves and before you know it, the entire country was back to its normal state, slowly beginning globalization with China and South Africa and that's why only three countries rule the entire world with me as the highest authority.

During the time my dad was rebuilding America he met my mother 2041, Suzie Diaz, they fell in love and my mom was the first lady in the world, they got married that same year and had me in 2043.

The world was looking better than ever but my father wasn't, he was diagnosed with Cancer due to radiation from the war bombs. He lived long enough to be cheated on by my mother; the world went into a decline. My mother had been having an affair from the time I was born and apparently, she had a child a year after I was born but I don't know if that is true or not, I believe it isn't. After my dad filed for divorce and it was completed my mother ran away and left me and my dad alone.

My dad raised me from then, I was only four years old when my mother left and her face is still in my head, I can never forget her no matter how I try to. My father taught me everything I know, I was never the average kid, I never went to parties or did any school sports although I wanted to, never went to prom. I was raised to be an outcast and I thank him for that because now I can see why I am better than everybody else.

My father died when he was 55, I was only 20 at the time, he passed the company down to me and here I am, 24, never been kissed but rich, famous and the most hated guy in the world and you know what I don't give a damn.

There is a knock on my door and Charles walks into the cabin holding my tray of food.

"Hey buddy," he greets, placing my tray of food on my bedside table.

"Hey," I greeted back not looking up from my computer screen.

"What are you up to?" he asks looking at my computer screens, "Abraham's contract?"

"Yep, I'm trying to find a flaw or a loophole. This contract can't be this perfect," I say.

It just can't be.

"Maybe you should be looking at yourself for flaws Mr Forsythe, and you have tons of them," he says, I look at him and he looks at me right in the eyes with his arms crossed something in the back of my mind tells me that he is right, but I won't listen to it.

"Oh Charles, I don't have flaws just a unique character," I reply, looking back at my computer screen.

"For a genius, you're a real knucklehead," he sighs and leaves.

I get off my chair, walk to my bed, and open my tray of food, Mac, and Cheese, my favourite. I finish having dinner, pack my laptop, and get ready for bed; I'm brushing my teeth when I realize that I need a haircut but that is the least of my worries. I get into bed and turn on the lights, closing my eyes and letting the darkness consume me.

Next Morning

The plane lands in South Africa, Johannesburg, OR Tambo airport at 8 am the next morning, giving us a chance to go to my house and get ready for my meeting at 10 am, the drive to my house is only thirty minutes long due to the lack of traffic which is odd because there is always traffic. We arrive at my double-storey mansion and Charles can't wait to get into that house, it's his favourite house of all the houses I have.

We get out of my Land Rover and my new driver makes an appearance, mixed-race, well-coloured in South Africa, light brown eyes, well-cut hair, plain old good-looking guy.

"Morning sir," he greets with a warm welcoming smile.

"Morning, how are you?" I replied with a smile.

"Good and you sir?"

"I'm good. What's your name?" I ask politely.

"Michael but you can call me Mike sir," he says holding out his hand and I shake it.

"Xander or if you want call me Mr Forsythe."

"You are my superior, so Mr Forsythe will do for me," he says, he walks to the back of the car and takes our bags out, he picks mine up and I take Charles who has surprisingly disappeared with Damien.

"Oh no sir, that's my job quickly," he says with his face covered in fear.

"I don't mind Mike, I'll do it," I say, he lets out a sigh and we walk towards the house.

"So why are you here sir?" he asks

"Business to attend to," I reply as I place the suitcase in the doorway, and we back to the car.

"That's good," he says.

"Yeah, I'm always on a mission," I chuckle lightly.

"We all are, I'm on a mission too," he says laughing.

"And what is that?" I ask, he turns and looks at me.

"I'm on a mission to give my family a better life," he says, there is a sudden click in my head and something just tells me that this guy is worth befriending.

"That's good, the world needs more men like you Mike," I say honestly, it does.

"Thank you, sir. Well, these are all the bags if you need anything, I'll be around the neighbourhood.

"Thank you, Mike," I say, and he waves goodbye and leaves.

I turn around and walk into the house and find a trail of clothes leading up the staircase.

"Charles," I yell as I climb up the stairs.

"What?" he yells back, and his head pops out of his room.

"Dude why are you such a slob, come pick your clothes up," I say.

A loud moan comes from his room and my eyes widen, I quickly walk away and get into my soundproof room. Charles tends to be loud sometimes, so I had soundproof walls made.

I realized I left my suitcase downstairs and I rushed to get it and go back into my room. I check the time and it's already 08:46, I've got an hour to get ready for my meeting, well shit.

I quickly take shower and get dressed; I comb my hair and style it neatly. I head downstairs for a quick breakfast and to my surprise I find Charles and Damien already having breakfast, Damien has an apron on, and he is making waffles.

"I see that you guys are ready," I say in shock.

"Yes, yes we are," Charles smirks.

"Weren't you guys-"

"Having sex, no we weren't," he says cutting me off.

"Oh, okay," I reply awkwardly.

"Geez you're so awkward Andy," Charles laughs.

"You made me uncomfortable," I mumble lowly.

"You're such a virgin," he laughs again.

"Charles behave please, it's not fun to tease others," Damien scolds.

"Thank you," I say with a smile.

"And you need to get laid Xander, you're not getting any older, your dad didn't die a virgin, so you don't have to. Get a woman or a one-night stand, just get laid," Damien says.

I groan, "But I don't want to."

"Reasons why Charles makes fun of you," he says, putting waffles on my plate.

"Ha!" Charles says with a mouth full of waffles.

"Charles," Damien warns.

I check my watch and begin to panic, "Shit we need to go."

I quickly eat my waffles; almost choking on them when Charles stops me.

"Whoa there Speedy Gonzalez, the meeting isn't for another hour," Charles says as he walks to the fridge.

"Why didn't you say something?" I asked, staring at him.

"Because I love seeing you all panicky and flustered and annoyed, it's hilarious," he laughs.

"You're so cruel," I say and make my way to the lounge; I throw myself on the couch and Damien and Charles, come and sit beside me. Charles turns the TV on, and Nikita's face is on the news.

This must be interesting.

"Nikiwe Abrahams is said to be at Alexandra High School, for a new project she is starting up, the young businesswoman is said to have donated over a million Rands to rebuild the school and add new facilities and staff," the female anchor says.

"More than Xander Forsythe has ever given in education," the male anchor adds.

"And there have been rumours of a merger with Forsythe Industries,"


You know that moment when you have a drink in your hand and you accidentally spit it out due to shock; yeah, Damien just had that moment. I had it too but in my head.

"Yes, that would be great for a world like ours and Forsythe Industries. The people will get what they want, and the world will finally be at peace. Especially with women being undermined and mistreated in America because of the laws made by the late Desmond Forsythe in 2050," the female anchor continues.

"True but we will have to wait and see if Forsythe is willing, his business is said to be going under due to recent strikes and-" Charles quickly turns off the TV, I don't realize because I've entered my world and I'm beyond angry, beyond furious.

"Xander," Charles calls out to me.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You good buddy?" he asks carefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine, we need to get going, call Mike," I say as I get up from the couch.

Charles is about to open his mouth, but Damien quickly covers his mouth and Charles licks his hand.

"Charles that's gross," Damien says loudly, wiping his hand on his jacket.

"Come on kids let's go and you better behave today," I say sternly.

"Whatever dad," Charles replies, rolling his eyes.

"We'll try," Damien says with a grin.

And we all burst out laughing,

It's always good to laugh before you turn someone's life upside down.