
The sex god system in the Apocalypse.

Join Adrian on his journey to conquer as he awakens a system before an apocalypse. His ordinary life takes a wrong but great turn as he fights against the hordes of monsters, that threaten humanity's existence. While other beings turn up on his planet’s doorstep. 10 powerstones= bonus chap

Lolbingolol221 · perkotaan
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9 Chs


3 hours later

Checking my phone for the time.

8 pm

I've done all that I could think to prepare for now, sitting down on the chair.

I should deal with Rose now, I can't see her status, which should mean she's dangerous, if she is to be my enemy it will be bothersome. It's better to bring her to my side now.

Looking at the ability I haven't used yet, I decided to use it since Rose should be asleep by now.

Dream manipulation: Able to manipulate dreams of people the host chooses,

everything the host does to the target will feel real. ( Chances of failure to use the skill successfully will increase the stronger the target is)

'Dream manipulation'

My eyes closed as I was being transported somewhere in my mind. Everything was white and seemed to be moving extremely quickly.

Opening my eyes, I felt a strong breeze on my face 'Huh, where am I' I thought to my self confused.

Standing up I looked around curious but all I could see was a never-ending grassland, no matter what direction I looked into.

"Sex fiend" I heard a cold voice from behind me.

Quickly turning around, I saw a man with a chiselled jaw and sword-like eyebrows, white hair, with grey eyes.

He was sitting on the floor cross-legged, his hand on his sword scabbard as it was placed over his shoulder.

" Stay away from my apostle or I will slaughter you, even if you have that sex God's protection, it means nothing to me, he's too weak to stop me even if he wanted to" As he threatened me he released a sharp and regal aura and pressure.

That made me sweat and tremble uncontrollably in fear.

"Begone" He commanded as my vision turned white once again as I appeared back in the chair in my house.

"Haaa,haa" breathing heavily from fear as my hands trembled " So that's the power of a God"

' The power to be that strong, the power to bring security to your loved ones, to be able to be free without restraint. No, even the Gods are controlled by other Gods, even they are influenced by the masses, even they can't hold certain opinions or else they will be hunted down by gods higher than them. What I need is a strength beyond the divine, to be omnipotent'


Anna pov

Anna in her room couldn't go to sleep as her son's face kept popping into her mind.

' I'm really going crazy' she thought to herself as she shook her head in shame.

Not being able to stay still she took off her dress and put back on her black gown.

' Adrian was really turned on when he saw me in this'

Shaking her head again 'No I need to find Adrian and end this once for all'


Adrian on his phone in the living room, heard his mom call him.

" Adrian"

Seeing his mom back in her gown his dick began to get hard just looking at her exposed breasts.

" Yes mom" I said as she walked closer to me.

" We need to have a talk" She said with a red face.

"Okay" I said but I had a confused expression.

Her hands began to fidget as she said

" We need to stop this, the things that are going on between us are not normal"

" We are mother and son"

" I agree" I said plainly.

"Huh what" She said in surprise not expecting this answer.

" I said I agree we shouldn't be doing this, things should go back to how they were" I said whilst looking at her with a bored expression.

Her expression went stiff as she froze.

' Is he not attracted to me? I thought he was. Didn't he say he would reject girls his age for me, does he not love me?'

"Alright Mom i'm busy" I said as I wanted her to leave.

She looked offended that I wanted her to leave so much. She seemed like she wanted to say something but in the end she just clenched her fists with watery eyes as she left to go to her room.

' I feel slightly sorry for her but it should be fine' I thought as she went to her room.

After all, I looked at her status with a smirk.

Fetishes: Anal, masochism, son-con

Affection: 60 (infatuation)

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