
New staff and ominous future

<In the Happy Hotel>

After that show of power, Sukuna slowly transformed back into his original state, with two arms and two eyes, with a look of absolute boredom on his face. Alastor however didn't recover so quickly. Turning around, away from the hotel resident's curious gazes, he tried to heal the cut on his face. The bleeding stopped, but the scar he could not heal, not matter how much he tried.

"You will not be able to heal that you know..." Sukuna's bored voice echoed, while the Radio Demon's head snapped back, looking agitated. "Let it be a little reminder, about who is in charge here." Sukuna's face turned into a wide grin, looking down on Alastor like he was a bug about to be squashed.

"No wonder everyone calls you the Cleaver Demon. These cuts you make are quite permanent it seems." Alastor said, a bit of respect in his voice. "And pray tell, who is REALLY in charge here?" Alastor asked, intended as a taunt towards Sukuna, however he didn't react.

"So are you here because you believe that it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?" Charlie meekly asked, seeing as this was her little window to join the conversation and guide it towards a way that did not include tearing down her hotel. As Sukuna heard her question, he rolled his eyes, turning away, and settling down onto a couch, right next to Angel Dust.

Angel flinched as Sukuna sat down next to him, but his easy going personality and curiousity broke through. "So, Cleaver Demon, huh? What's that about? Were you a butcher or something?" Angel asked, earning a lazy look from the demon next to him. Angel flinched a bit, as Sukuna raised one of his hands, thinking he was about to die, but an unexpected thing happened. A mouth formed on Sukuna's palm, and started talking.

"I'm the Cleave Demon, because I can cut things." It was a short answer, and Angel wasn't satisfied with it. "The fuck you mean you cut things?" Angel asked, getting irritated about Sukuna's non-answer. "I can cut anything. Buildings, demons, an...khm...anything material I can cut. Although...I wonder if I can...That's a good idea for later." Sukuna started to talk, and Angel didn't even notice that after the cough, he was so absorbed in thinking that he switched back to his real mouth. 

That cough however caught Angel's attention. "What was that? You skipped something. An...what?" Angel inquired, getting honestly curious about the topic. "And what was a good idea for later?" He had a feeling he made a mistake, and made Sukuna realize something. 

Even Alastor and Charlie's conversation died down, the Radio Demon paying careful attention to every word Sukuna was saying. Sukuna however wasn't willing to enlighten the crowd. While Alastor was distracted, Vaggie dragged Charlie away into a secluded corner, "Charlie listen to me. You can't believe this creep. He isn't just a happy face, he is a Dealmaker. Pure Evil." Vaggie tried to caution Charlie, but she was lost in her little world, thinking that the Hotel might have a chance if Alastor joined their team. 

"Even Sukuna..." Vaggie continued, to which Charlie looked up, confused. "I don't know why you tolerate that guy. I heard that a couple days ago he destroyed part of the Pentagram and killed a bunch of demons." Vaggie tried to convince Charlie, but mentioning Sukuna was a mistake on her part. "You don't know him like I do Vaggie." the Princess started, looking a bit sad, but she had a certain glow in her eyes. "He was there for me since I can remember. He helped me start up this hotel. I trust him completely, I would trust him with my life even." Charlie said, completely catching Vaggie off guard. 

"I understand. Just...be careful with Alastor. Please? For me?" Vaggie begged. Now it was Charlie's turn to be caught off guard. Vaggie never begged her before. "You know I will." she smiled at her girlfriend. "And if there is one thing I learned from my Dad..." Charlie puffed up her chest a bit, and deepened her voice "You don't take shit from other demons." she said, and started walking towards Alastor, who was curiously looking around the hotel, his gaze lingering on the family painting. On Lilith to be exact. A detail which Sukuna did not miss.

"Okay. So Al. You're sketchy as fuck, and clearly you see everything I'm trying to do here is a joke. But I don't. I truly think that everyone has a chance to prove they can be better. So I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there will be no trickster...vodoo...strings attached." Charlie said to Alastor, who looked quite entertained by the things the Princess was saying. He adjusted his suit, twirled his staff in his hand, and held out the other. "So...IT'S A DEAL THEN?!" Alastor's voice became distorted, and his demonic energy went wild, creating gusts of winds around the two of them, green energy eminating from his hand, and weird symbols floating around them.

"Nope." Charlie said, slapping away the demon's offered hand, dispersing all the energy Alastor was releasing. "No shaking, no deals of any kind. I'm...hmmm..." Charlie was unsure of herself. She knew she needed help to run the hotel, and when help was offered, she couldn't just turn it down like that. She took a deep breath, transformed into her more demonic form, and said "As Princess of Hell, and heir to the throne, I hereby order you, Alastor the Radio Demon, to help with this hotel, for as long as you desire. Sound fair?" Charlie asked, unsure if she could decieve this Overlord with her half faked new-found confidence.

"Hmmm..." Alastor thought for a moment. "Fair enough." he said, as his staff disappeared and he went to look around the hotel. Charlie exhaled a long held breath she didn't know she was holding, and embraced Vaggie who came to support her after the ordeal.

Alastor approached the couch Angel and Sukuna were sitting on, they embraced the not-so-comfortable silence that decended down on them. Alastor was humming a low tune, and with his distorted voice, it sounded like a far off radio was playing it. "Do you ever smile?" the Radio Demon asked Sukuna, who just looked up at him, not reacting whatsoever.

"So where is your hotel staff?" Alastor asked, surprising Charlie with the completely understandable question.

"Uhhmmm, well..." she hesitantly looked towards Veggie and Sukuna. To which Alastor just chuckled a bit. "However capable they are, you're going to need more help, my dear." he said, and moved on towards the others present. "And what can you do, my feminine fellow?" he asked Angel, who just grinned at him. "I can suck your dick." he said cheekily. "HAH no thanks." Alastor rejected him without hesitation. 

"Well this just won't do..." he said as he summoned his staff back. "Maybe I should cash in a few favors to liven things up."

<Later, shortly after the extermination>

Everyone was gathered in the main hall, watching the television advertisment that Alastor has created for the hotel. Although Charlie had to step away to take a call from his dad, so with their ever-positive leader away, all the resident's true opinions flew free, mainly aiming to hurt Alastor's feelings as much as possible.

"OKAY!! HAH! YES! YEESS!!" they heard Charlie scream in excitement, hanging up the phone. She turned the corner, and yelled "Vaggie!Holy Shit! Sukuna! Come here quick!" she yelled scaring her girlfriend and drawing the interest of the Overlord. Alastor tried to join in, but a quick slash appeared right infront of him on the floor, so he stopped.

"So get this." She started, unusually excited. "Dad just called, he said that the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet! And he asked if I could go instead." she rattled off in a single breath.

"Interesting..." was all the reaction she got from Sukuna, not that she expected more. Vaggie however was unusually against the idea. Charlie's enthusiasm on the other hand managed to convince her, given that she wasn't needed at the meeting, the idea of which made her very uncomfortable, which Sukuna took note of.

"Charlie." Sukuna said, determination in his voice. The Princess looked at him, curious about what her ever-silent guardian would want to say. "I'm going with you." he said, surprising her. "I have some matters to discuss with them as well..." he finished, an evil grin gracing his face, something neither Vaggie nor Charlie had ever seen before, but it sure freaked them out to heaven and back.