
Battle of angels and demons

<At the Hotel>

As the timer neared zero, only the finishing touching remained of the preparations. Some of Carmilla's forces helped with the weapon training and fortification of the hotel, and Zestial and his spiders set up traps around the outskirts of the Hotel. The demons from Cannibal Town stood in neat rows, testament to their training and commitment. Charlie, Vaggie, Husker, Angel and Niffty stood at in front of their army, ready for the countdown to reach zero. Sukuna was on the side, standing next to Alastor, both of them looking nonchalant, but eagerly waiting for the war.

"Are you sure your shield is going to hold?" Sukuna asked Alastor. "You know they will send the big guns this time."

"Ohh don't worry. As long as you take on the Ophanim, and I take care of the leader, no exorcists will be able to get through it." Alastor smiled, confident in his power.

"Worst case, it fails and everyone dies, right?" Sukuna chuckled, amused.

"You know, everyone called in a couple demons as reinforcement. How come you didn't? Don't tell me, you don't have any higher tier favors?" Alastor cheekily taunted.

"You know what? Let's make it fun. I will call in one I've been waiting on using for a long time.." the smile on his face creeped the Radio Demon out to no end. After Sukuna cut his palm, dripped some blood on the floor, and the black blood arranged itself in a circle with complex runes around it, pentagram in the middle. "I call upon you to fulfil your end of the deal. Protect the chosen five demons, even if it costs you your life. Step Forth. DEVINE GENERAL MAHORAGA!" he yelled to the sky, everyone around him turned back, looking at what the mysterious Overlord was about to summon. A bright light descended from the sky, as everyone thought an angel arrived early, a demon stepped out of the circle. The demon's towering figure was pure white, four grotesque wings protruding from where it's eyes are supposed to be, and a tail like appendage extending from the back of it's head. Even by demon standards, it looked frightening. What was more interesting, was the eight-handled wheel like shape that was hovering above it's head.

"Go." Sukuna said, and the new demon walked and stood behind Charlie and her companions. "Happy?" he turned to Alastor, who looked at him impressed.

"You truly have some fascinating demons in your service. Maybe after this is all done, we should sit and discuss them. Maybe even trade one for another if you like. As you know, I'm quite the collector myself." Alastor chuckled happily.

"If you survive that is. He won't protect you, you know." Sukuna murmured, just as the Helltower's bell ticking got louder. The final couple minutes have arrived.

"Everyone, get ready!" Charlie's voice was unsure, but determined. "We can win! We will never have to fear the angels, EVER AGAIN!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the rows of demons, to which they slammed their weapons to the ground, a thundering show of agreement.

When the timer hit zero, a swirling golden portal, high in the sky opened up, spewing forth the vast armies of Heaven. The first to emerge was Lute, who was assigned to lead the Exorcists after Adam's unexpected death. After her came out over a hundred exorcists, all brandishing angelic weapons of course. They stopped advancing a bit before they reached the Hotel, gathering behind their leader. After the exorcists, came three bigger angels, with 2 pairs of wings each. They were the Erelim, the elite forces of heaven. Towering over the normal exorcists, their size alone made them formidable, but their weapon mastery and combat skills guaranteed they prevail over normal demons, and even some Overlords. Their pure white wings had angelic metal daggers at the end arranged like feathers, and they were covered from head to toe in armor. They were assigned one role, and one role only, kill Ryomen Sukuna. However when they looked down at the opposing forces of Hell, they saw their target just standing some way away from the main force, alone, looking at them with an evil grin on his face.

With a loud battlecry, the angels started decending, charging at the Cannibals with bloodlust. What they weren't expecting however, was that the moment they clashed, some of the angels got sliced apart by the demons' weapons, and some got stuck in what seemed like spider webs, and were then promptly butchered. Their golden blood covered the front row, their corpses were dragged towards the back and viciously eaten by the Cannibals. This was a disturbing site for the angels, who thought that only Sukuna was capable of killing them. They tried to retreat and regroup, but then a green light enveloped the battlefield, and a dark ominous shield rose from the ground, which they couldn't penetrate. For the first time since the Extermination began, the angels were being pushed back against a wall and killed en mass by demons.

While chaos enveloped the front lines, the three Erelim approached their challanger.

"Greetings! Our names are..." they started, slowly pulling out their weapons, but the moment Sukuna opened his third and fourth eyes, one of their weapons shattered, leaving them dumbstruck. 

"I don't give a damn about who you are. What interests me is whether you can entertain me for a bit or not." Sukuna calmly said, as his extra two arms emerged from under his robes, with elongated sharp nails on all of his fingers, and in one of his hands he held a 'vajra' like tool, in another a trident. "Let's see what you can really do." he said, and lunged towards the three now angered looking angels.

On the other side of the battlefield, Alastor stood before Lute, newly empowered by the blessings of the Seraphim, giving her a bit more of a chance against the Overlord.

"Salutations! I don't believe we've met before." Alastor started, but was immidiately attacked by Lute, however he swiftly dodged and continued his introduction. "My name is Alastor, the Radio Demon." he said with a smile.

"I don't care!" Lute screamed, but the demon just kept dodging her attacks.

"Oh but I think you should. Given that.." he held a suspensful pause, even Lute hesitated to attack again, feeling some threat. "I'm about to END YOUR FUCKING LIFE!" he said in an eerily calm tone, while he transofrmed into his more demonic form, with shadow tentacles rising next to him, and little imp creatures popping up around him.

As Mahoraga was summoned and given the command, he didn't plan on fighting at all. He needed to protect, and he would do only that. However when he saw that the enemies were angels, he got into the mood suddenly. He never killed angels before. He killed many demons in his days, but since he made a deal with Sukuna, he wasn't called on often, and his part of the Pentagram was basically empty. Now he could finally let loose and go wild. As he swiftly darted around the groups of angels, they quickly fell victim to his blades. He was always on alert, in case his wards were in trouble, but they were managing just fine from what he saw.

Charlie and Vaggie were a dynamic duo. Charlie had a shield in one hand, and her other hand was casting magic. Vaggie wielded her angelic spear with mastery, killing angels left and right while Charlie defended her back. They were quite a site, as they twirled around on the field. 

Husker, Angel and Niffty stuck together, and were picking off angels from a distance, Angel with his tommy guns, Husker with his cards and dice, and Niffty mostly just started viciously stabbing the already fallen angels.

The Cannibals were also going wild, their previously ordered appearence nowhere to be found, now they were running around the place, attacking angels in groups, and sometimes not even waiting until they died before starting to feast on the enemy.

Sukuna's battle was harder then he would like to admit. The surprise attack at the start was at full concentration, and just barely broke the weapon. Now, with the constant and perfectly coordinated attacks from the three angels didn't leave him any breathing room. He might not have been hurt seriously yet, he wasn't doing any serious damage either. They were in a stalemate, which irritated him to no end. They were not even the strongest angels in Heaven, but he was the strongest demon, beside Lilith, in Hell. He was fuming with rage, trying to create openings in his enemies, but was always countered by another. He wasn't utilizing all of his tricks, but still. They were again stuck in the same pattern of attack and defense, when he suddenly noticed it. One of the angels was not as strong as the other two. Still being stronger that most of Hell's Overlords, but not as strong. He was going to use that. When it was that particular angel's turn to attack, he let the attack through. The angel stabbed him in the shoulder, but in exchange, another arm grabbed the weapon, and two other arms grabbed the angel's face. It tried to get away, but Sukuna's iron grip was too strong. As he started to squeeze, a POP could be heard, and the angel's jaw fell to the floor. The angel was screaming, slowly drowning in it's own golden blood, while the other two were taken back for a moment. It was enough for Sukuna though. With his shoulder already healed, he put together two of his free hands, in a particular shape.

"Scale of the Dragon. Recoil. Twin Meteor." as his words were heard by the angels, they were confused. Why would he start speaking rubbish in the middle of the fight. Until they noticed the ominous looking shrine behind Sukuna. "You held out long enough. Now it's time for your end." he said, as the angels' armor was stripped away, little by little but still incredibly fast. Soon it started to scratch away at their skin, then muscles, then bones. After a fraction of a second, nothing remained, just a mist of blood in the air.

Alastor's fight wasn't going as well as he planned. He was evenly matched with his opponent, but was being pushed back slowly. Lute's holy light infused attacks were slowly eating away at him, while he couldn't deal any decisive damage to the angel.

"Before we clashed you sounded confident, now I see why. By demonic standards, you're quite strong. But not as strong as us." Lute said, as she quickly attacked again.

However her aim was not Alastor this time, but his microphone like staff, and when her attack connected, she grinned wildly. The staff broke. Alastor has channeled most of his power into the staff, when it broke, he lost a lot of his tricks. When she attacked next, Alastor was in a state of confusion, so he was sliced across the chest and stomach, dealing a heavy blow onto the Overlord.

"Look at you, confident Radio Demon. Dying to a lowly angel." Lute taunted, but Alastor grinned back.

"I'm not dying today. I'm just switching frequency." he said as he quickly melted into his own shadow.

"DAMNIT!" Lute yelled, as her spear struck the ground where Alastor was a moment ago. As she calmed down, and turned around to announce her victory, she couldn't believe what she saw. All three Erelim were obliterated at the same time, while Sukuna held his hands together, and looking at her directly.

As Mahoraga weaved through the hordes of angels, he lost count of how many he killed. He didn't even care. He was jsut enjoying himself. He suddenly heard a loud cry, and turned around to see Alastor disappear, Lute collapsing in despair, and Sukuna standing there, with his accursed shrine behind him. He wanted to go over there and fight him. He was by far the strongest here, but he couldn't do it because of his deal. While he was thinking, he was suddenly stabbed. He turned his head, seeing an angel's spear embedded in his stomach. Then another angel came, stabbing his shoulder. Then another. Then many more.

Charlie saw Mahoraga stop and think, and then it looked like he was overwhelmed by angels. He was stabbed over and over again, while she could only look. She was desperate. She saw that Sukuna summoned him, but didn't think they would die in her battle. The fire of determination burned bright in her soul, when she held her free arm high, with open palm facing the sky, and said out loud.

"❖ OPEN." and a fire enveloped her. All the angels around her looked up, thinking the Princess just killed herslef, but then they heard a sudden screech. As the Princess emerged from the fire, her red hornes, red eyes and deep black crown on full display, all surrounded by lines of liquid deep red fire. The attacking angels started burning up, one by one. Those that didn't burn, were rushed down by Vaggie and her spear.

She summoned her two dragon like creatures, and as she was about to rush towards the surrounded Mahoraga, she heard it.

GRK.GRK.GRK. And shortly after, a loud KTNK.

Then the horde of angels grouping up on Mahoraga exploded. Mahoraga raged, as he massacred all the angels around him, without any thought. After he finished every angel in his vicinity, he stopped. He looked down, at the corpses of the enemies, and got an idea. He looked back at Sukuna, as if asking for his opinion. Sukuna looked back, seemingly deep in thought.

"That would indeed be fascinating to watch. Try it." he said, and Mahoraga got to work.

Charlie, who couldn't understand what just happened, slowly looked back at the so called Divine General, who was now bending down, ripping apart the angels' bodies. As she looked closer, she finally realised what he was doing. He was eating their hearts. Eating an angel's heart was basicall suicide for a demon, due to the concentrated holy light that was infused within it. But she saw it. Mahoraga was eating them, by his own will it looked like. And he was suffering the consequences. His whole body started smoking, he vomited black blood from his mouth, and his skin started to melt. "Stop! You'll die!" she screamed out, but he didn't stop. Then, after who knows how many hearts, she heard it again.


And then he slowly started to heal. Charlie at first thought it was because he stopped eating them, but as she looked closer, she saw that he was still chewing on one, while holding another.

"H..how?" Charlie asked, terrified by the previous display of thoughtless self torture, and now the impossibility of what was happening right in front of her. "How are you not dead? How are you not dying?" she screamed, when Sukuna placed a hand on her shoulder. Her fire was still active, so his hand was burned and charred in places, but he didn't show any discomfort as he looked at her.

"It's his wheel. He can adapt to anything. Earlier, it was all the stabbing and slashin. Now, it was the Holy Light." he said with an evil grin. "And now, he can do this." he said, as he turned to the General. "Go." he commanded, and the immortal demon obeyed. He jumped straight through the golden portal.

"Heaven will never have the power to attack again. They might even reach out to you, to support your idea now. They will need angels from wherever they can get." he chuckled.

After this display of absolute brutality, the crushing defeait of the three Erelim, and the despaired state of their leader, the angels soon retreated. Not that they would be safe there, but they didn't know that.

After cleaning up the field of angel bodies, golden blood, and the few fallen demons, the cheery mood of victory soon turned into a solemn silence for their fallen comrades. A mass funeral was held, and soon after the Cannibals returned home.

Gathering in the main hall, the little group celebrated their victory. Angel and Husker were drunk already, and were singing something about being losers. "Weird." Sukuna said, lying on his couch, as always. Niffty was running around the place, cleaning everything from the golden blood the Cannibals brought in. Charlie and Vaggie were on the side, in a comfortable silence, embracing each other, no doubt celebrating their survival. On the 666 News channel everyone heard about the overwhelming victory of the Princess over the angel, and everyone sighed in relief. 

Two Overlords, Zestial and Carmilla were in a room, with those they held most dear to them, ready in case the Hotel was lost and they needed to call on Sukuna's offer. Given that it didn't happen, they were relieved, said goodbye and left, letting the other fully enjoy the current situation.

<In Heaven>

It was a massacre. A pure white demon suddenly came through the portal, and started killing all those that held weapons. Nobody was ready for this. It took a while until the Erelim and Ophanim were gathered, trying to figure out how to stop the seemingly immortal demon.

"Have we tried making a deal with it?" one of the angels asked.

"Are you mad? It's already murdered hundreds of us. Why in Heaven would it stop?!" another furious angels rebuked.

"Maybe it would work. You! Get out there and try to talk with it. If it won't listen, fight it." an Ophanim said to an Erelim, who obeyed. When it was finally in hearing distance, the angel spoke to a demon.

"We want to make a deal. What would it take, to stop this insane massacre?" the angel asked, temporarily halting the demon.

"Depends. Can you sever a deal between demons?" the demon asked back, slowly making it's way towards the angel while talking.

"No. Noone has that kind of power." the angel retorted, angry at the demon's absurd ask.

"I know one who has. But never you mind that." Mahoraga said back calmly, before cutting the angel's limbs off, then cut deep into it's chest. Ripping out it's heart, it pulsed with much more Light than the Exorcists' did. As he ate it, he could feel some discomfort, but his wheel was already in motion. This was going to be a very empowering experience...