
Chapter 5 : we have a surprised visitors

wonder woman pov

After we got back inside the flash ran to bring pizzas and hamburgers for the young heroes, we were about to eat when the one called Leo started a small fire in a metal bucket , all the young heroes stood in one line in front of the fiery bucket and proceeded to throw pieces of their meals to the fire witch seemed kind of strange considering that they looked really hungry.

"what are you doing ?" I asked a little confused "giving an offering to the gods for their help" Leo said "what it's not a thing here on this earth?" i looked at the group and said "no not really but i guess it couldn't hurt giving our situation." i took my pizza slice and stood behind Percy, when it came his turn i heard him say "Poseidon" before throwing half of his cheeseburger into the fire then when my turn came i concentrated hard and said "Zeus" suddenly thunder could be heard even though it was summer and i knew my father accepted my offering.

after we sat down and finish eating we started to work on forming a plan, batman said I need you guys to share with us how you stopped Cronos last time, how he got back and everything you know of his powers and abilities." Percy, Annabeth and Thalia then proceeded to explain all that they could remember of his powers and abilities each of them filling the blanks for each other and when it came for how he got back to life Percy said "he had a demigod vessel specially prepend for him so he wont burn it up right away with his power," he then described the process that the vessel had to go threw in order to be able to contain Cronos's essence.

when they were all done Jason was the one to say "look this is great and all but we need to consider the fact that this Cronos might be totally different and that the rules of the mythological world might be completely different from our earth as well." that is true. i thought to myself "such as?" i couldn't help but ask they then told us about a thing could mist in their earth that prevents mortals from seeing the mythological world although there are some exceptions to that. and they even talked about their weapons witch apparently can only hurt monster, immortals and demigods which explains how Percy was able to slash my arm earlier.

we went back and forth about the differences between our earths witch was a lot, when all of a sudden the entire room shook aggressively with the light flickers and after everything settled down we saw that seven figures stood in the center of the room, I soon realized who those figures were and took a bow and so did the teenagers, the man in the middle stepped forward placed his hand on my shoulder and said with a thundering voice "arise Diana of themyscira, my daughter."

Jason pov

when we saw the seven figures in the middle of the room dressed in Greek armor it wasn't hard to guess who they were, we bowed down in front of them as the one who was probably this earth's version of Zeus stepped forward and told wonder woman to stand up, he and the gods proceeded to look at as and they waved their hands in the air in front of us as if they tried to feel our aura's or something of the sort. when they were done they were all wide eyed and lord Zeus said "we have much to talk about" and with the snap of his finger lightning struck us and all of us including the members of the justice league were transported to what seemed like the hall of the gods on mount Olympus only a little different from the one on our earth.

we looked at the gods who were in full god size and just waited, 30 minutes go by and zeus looked at us and said "when we have gotten your offerings we were surprised to say the least but imagine our surprise to find out that you are our children but yet we have no memory nor knowledge of your existence, and that begs the question just who in the chaos are you?" i stood up and said "i am Jason grace oh mighty lord Zeus and there is a very good reason as to why you have no knowledge of our existence," i pause and i continue "we are your children but from another earth." this caused the gods to gasp and i continued "we came here by an accident after we stepped medusa on our earth from summoning Cronos, but I'm afraid that by doing that we brought her with us here to this earth and now she is on her own trying to revive the titan to wreak havoc on our earth but not before he will do the same here first."

the gods then went silent until Zeus has asked "and why would she summon Cronos from this earth when you have a Cronos of your own?" Percy then said "because i defeated him when he came back from the dead." causing Zeus to look angered that Percy have spoke without being spoken to "and who might you be? son of Poseidon.." at least they know who our parents are. I thought to myself . Percy then answered "Perseus Jackson" causing both Zeus and Poseidon to look shocked, and I have to say that i kind of get them i mean according to mythology Perseus was Zeus's son not Poseidon's.

Poseidon looked at Percy and said "tell us about your world and your version of us" we then spend the next three hours explaining everything from all perspectives to the gods as best as we could ,when we were done Zeus then held his beard and said to us "you gave us a lot of information we need to we need to discuss this further." we bowed down and left the room leaving only the gods there alone.

we waited with the members of the justice league outside the hall, while we waited i was i was approached by Diana "hi" she said to me with a smile on her face "hi" i said back "so i know this must be quite a shock to you the whole multiverse thing." "that's one way of putting it" i said to her. she put her hand on my shoulder looked me in the eyes and said "listen i want you and your sister to know that even though you are from another earth i would still like to get to know of you a little better." Thalia just came next to me and said "we would like that as well... sister." i nodded in agreement this caused Dina to smile and give us both a huge hug that we both returned to her it was very nice.

Percy then came running to us with Annabeth by his side and said "bro you will never believe it come and see." he ran back to the direction he came from and we ran after him to see that he was in the balcony looking at the view. i started to say "bro i don't know what your talking abou-" i stopped in shock as i looked at the view in front of me we were on the original mount Olympus in Greece. "dude" i said "i know" Percy's answer was "we are in Greece" Annabeth answer was "why of course where else would you be?" Diana asked we looked at her and i asked my friends "should we tell her?" they all nodded and we told her of the location of mount Olympus on our earth and the reason for that and to say that she was shocked is an understatement.

then we came back inside after the gods called for us and we bowed down in front of them, lord Zeus then said "you gave us a lot to think about but from what have told us you have proven yourselves worthy of our respect and for that," he paused and i looked at my friends to see that they had their parents symbols floating on top of them "we acknowledge you as our children." we were exited and all we could say was "thank you all very much!" then Poseidon said "Arise Perseus my son" Percy then stood up looking at his 'father' and said "if it's alright with you i prefer to be called Percy... dad" Poseidon smiled and you could tell that he wasn't the Poseidon we knew from our earth, his eyes were sea blue instead of green his hair whit like the see foam but he still had his smile and good in his eyes, Poseidon said "of course my son."

then Poseidon said "i want you to go with Arthur back to Atlantis to train and prepare the armies of the seas just in case we need to go to war" Percy then said "but who will be in charge of stopping medusa's plan?" that would me" Artemis said and my dear sister said "lady Artemis please give me the honor of joining you on this hunt" she said bowing down before the goddess "if that is your wish then i will grant it to you.. little sister" Thalia smiled but didn't said a word and my father said "as for you Jason, i think it would be best if you stay with Diana for the time being, unless you have a problem with that Diana?" Diana smiled at me and said "no problem at all father" Zeus looked pleased and said "good and as for the rest of you, you will be staying with the justice league, I am sure that you have a place they could stay in?" batman answered "yes we have some spare rooms in the hall of justice I will make some arrangements." Zeus seemed pleased.

after that Zeus snapped his fingers again and we all were back in the hall of justice and we knew what needed to be done.

(a/n) hi there what do you think of the story so far? let me know in the comments below and if you liked it