
Chapter I

The world is consist of so many people, how come I was chosen to be in this situation? With this pale skin and empty stomach, I am filled with nothing but regrets and hatred. If I could only take back the time that I have wasted, I could have been someone better.

No matter how hard I've tried to hold on, it feels like life is slipping away from me.

No matter how hard I've tried to hold on, it feels like everything falls apart.

No matter how hard I've tried to hold on, it feels like I will not be able to continue.

'give up'

I suddenly heard those words that I needed, those words I've been longing to hear.

This is it.

My life should end here, at this point of time, where no one will be able to stop me. Though I am certain that no one will even notice, in this particular spot where I used to dream.

Maybe those dreams must die in here.

One step is all I need, after, I will never be able to feel this way again.

For the last time, I feel the wind and sun on my skin, I hear the voices of the crowd, I can see the amazing streets that I used to walk through.

Maybe this time, reality will be good to me.

Life can be distinguished into two factors: reality and dream. We escape reality through dreams; dreams that keeps people alive. Still, reality is the world where we all belong. It is a place to experience things beyond our expectation. But, within these expectations numerous challenges arise.

If you are given a chance to live this dream forever, are you willing to stay even if it means that you will never be able to come back to reality?

RosasJustinecreators' thoughts