
The Seraph And The Soul

In the face of an impending cosmic conflict that imperiled the very fabric of the Omniverse, Aeonius Valorin, the Seraph of Time, found himself compelled to commit a daring act—bending the rules of existence by reversing time a millennium in a desperate bid to restore peace. However, this audacious maneuver, while driven by noble intentions, earned him severe consequences. Condemned for his transgression, Aeonius is cast into the unforgiving confines of the Forsaken Realm, his once transcendent powers drastically diminished. From a majestic, supreme being, he now assumes the form of a frail and powerless human—a transformation that, despite its pitiful nature, does not deter him. Despite his weakened state, Aeonius retains enough residual power to wield a force capable of reshaping the world itself! *** Hello, this is the author, Zal01. I understand I may make mistakes, and blah blah blah. If so, please comment the mistakes, I'll make sure to check on them. Thank you for reading, and I hope you join me on this wild ride :) Also, if you like it, add it to library! Don't forget to vote if you enjoy it so far and would like to see more. It'll motivate me to upload more :) This work is participating in the [WPC DEC 2023]

Zal01 · Fantasi
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1 Chs


The skies unfolded in an enchanting emerald hue, a celestial tapestry that seemed to be crafted by the universe's revered artists. However, this ethereal display was not the handiwork of divine creators but rather a natural phenomenon from an alien realm. However, the scenery foretold catastrophe, shrouding the world in desolation.

The ominous scene unfolded as two cosmic entities confronted each other, signaling the aftermath of a destructive clash. One entity was adorned in celestial armor, mirroring the vastness of the cosmos, and concealed by a hood that shrouded his presence, accompanied by piercing crimson eyes. The other figure donned similar attire, its entire form radiating in obsidian brilliance, with eyes that glowed with an otherworldly emerald intensity.

"Aeonius Valorin, commander of the Valorin clan and the notorious Serpah of Time. Your defeat marks the culmination of my quest. I've vanquished the other six Serpahs, and now, you stand as the final obstacle," declared the crimson eyes figure.

His piercing crimson gaze emanated discomfort, casting a shadow over all who encountered it. The enigmatic figure remained shrouded, revealing only his haunting crimson eyes and an otherworldly armor that resembled the cosmos.

"Interesting, Sin. You should have sought me out first, yet you've saved me for last. I possess the ability to thwart your plans entirely and erase you from existence," retorted the opposing figure, Aeonius. His speech resonated in a deep, ethereal tone, echoing around the vacant landscape.

The body of this entity was covered in blue-black armor like skin, reminiscent of the night sky, while its gaze emitted an emerald glow.

"Is that so? Then why did you not exercise 'that power' the moment I defeated the first Seraph?"

Aeonius maintained a stoic silence, seemingly hesitant to respond.

"Because wielding such power comes with significant repercussions. While it may temporarily erase me, its permanence is uncertain. You risk ceasing to exist or, at the very least, losing your powers," responded Sin, his crimson eyes squinting as he studied Aeonius's expressionless visage.

"So, you've absorbed all knowledge, reserving me for the final encounter," Aeonius remarked with a knowing gaze. "I presume you saved me for last to ascertain your ability to vanquish the other Seraphs."

"Indeed, Aeonius. That is the point. If you cast that spell now, you will only be rewriting the fate of the Omniverse," Sin replied, his satisfaction resonating in the air. The tranquil plane bore witness to their confrontation, both entities sizing each other up.

"Ending you right now is pointless, as even after death, you wield the power to trigger the spell," Sin declared, his voice resonating with depth. 

"And coming to a consensus will only be futile," Aeonius chimed in, assessing the vacant terrain. "And should we come to a consensus, it's already too late anyway."

"That is correct. My goal remains undeterred, however, I shall ask you Aeonius... Join me," Sin said.

Aeonius silently listened.

"Together, we shall recreate the cosmos by defeating the 'Quasar,' become the rulers, and keep everyone and everything in check, as they serve and revere only us. We shall gaze upon a perfect world, devoid of evil. I don't understand why this is hard to accept," Sin stated.

"You're deluded Sin. Our duties are only to preserve the balance of the cosmos, yet you exist to sever that, and by doing so, that marks the downfall of all of existence," Aeonius retaliated.

"Aeonius, you say such things because you have always been a higher deity. If you were a mortal, perhaps our opinions would align," he said. With a graceful gesture, a planetary hologram materialized on his outstretched hand—a vibrant green marble suspended in the void. which was the outer appearance of the planet they were standing on. As he manipulated the hologram, the view expanded, unveiling the cosmic tapestry of countless planets, stars, and galaxies. Ultimately, a luminous white marble emerged—the embodiment of the 'Universe,' encompassing the very realm upon which these two entities stood.

The visualization continued, portraying countless white marbles extending infinitely, symbolizing the existence of an endless array of universes contained within the expansive bubble of the multiverse.

As the grand finale, a celestial constellation of multiverses unfolded, forming a colossal sphere known as the Omniverse.

"The very Omniverse was always within your grasp, and all you ever did was watch as a transcendent. You were merely an indifferent spectator who has lived an easygoing life," he continued.

"You don't know me," Aeonius replied.

"True. I do not," Sin conceded. 

The hologram vanished, and Sin continued; "Perhaps by activating the spell, you'll witness the horrors of the mortal plane, and see for yourself if my actions are unjustified."


In the vast expanse, the celestial beings appraised each other with an intensity that transcended mere observation. Sin, an imposing figure, took a deliberate step forward, his piercing crimson gaze fixed on Aeonius, reminiscent of a predatory focus. Each footfall reverberated with an ominous weight, causing the very ground to yield beneath him, and his form blurred with sudden speed.

Aeonius mirrored the motion, both entities converging in a collision that echoed with a thunderous... 


The platform they stood on disintegrated in the wake of their clash, yet the true magnitude of the event exceeded mere destruction.

The ensuing shockwave surpassed the boundaries of their immediate surroundings, extending beyond the confines of the world—a green marble—enveloping every planet until it reached a galactic scale. However, the ripple of force showed no signs of abating. It transcended the boundaries of countless galaxies, stretching forth to a singular, radiant white marble—none other than the Universe itself. Within this luminous sphere existed myriad planets and galaxies.

Yet, this radiant marble was not solitary. Infinitely stretching into a seemingly boundless void were numerous other radiant marbles. Far from mere embellishments, each marked the expansive territory of its own universe, with unique laws and variations of reality.

The vastness of each universe eluded the comprehension of feeble mortal minds. However, the imminent demise of this particular universe loomed on the horizon, a cosmic event set to unfold across the tapestry of radiant marbles.


In this celestial vacuum where mortal senses were rendered obsolete, a silence deeper than space itself prevailed. However, this vacuum of soundlessness did not apply to the divine; for Gods and transcendents, the 'pop' resounded, and communication flowed seamlessly.

In the wake of this singular collision, every life form within this particular universe was eradicated, disintegrating into nothingness and seamlessly fading from the fabric of existence, departing without a trace of suffering.

In the aftermath of the universe's demise, Aeonius and Sin stood as witnesses to the grandeur of 'Zero,' surrounded by the remnants of countless realities that once thrived within the cosmic dance of existence.

Within the vast expanse of nothingness, a profound darkness enveloped them. Even the radiant white marbles, each representing a distinct universe, failed to illuminate the boundless obscurity. This cosmic emptiness bore the name 'Zero,' yet paradoxically held within it the essence of an infinite tapestry of universes — the multiverse.

"Just like that, a universe is gone," Sin confirmed. 

"Naturally," Aeonius agreed.

Sin's figure remained undiscerned as he casually stood beside a Universe. His stature was so minuscule it defied microscopic classification; it transcended such scales by a considerable margin. That's how significantly tiny these 2 entities were, yet they possessed the capacity to destroy an entire universe.

"If we had gone full power, this very multiverse would go..." Sin paused, raising his hand, and snapped his fingers...

"Boom," he playfully voiced.

The moment he snapped his fingers, multiple Universes were erased, all producing a 'pop' sound, marking their destruction.

"If we had gone full power, the multiverse would've been wiped out... Possibly multiple multiverses. Instead of continuing this futility, assist me in finding the Prime Nexus. And then, by destroying it, we awaken the seal to Quasar, destroy it, and become rulers of the new Omniverse," Sin demanded.

"And... If Lord Quasar were to perish, I would also cease to exist. Why should I do something suicidal," Aeonius said.

"You'll mark a revolutionary point, assisting with the abolishment of Quasar, and establishing a new nexus in which I take rule," Sin responded, as though Aeonius should be proud of establishing this nexus.

Sin then pointed at Aeonius, "Your death is inevitable. You can join me and prolong your demise, or you can die now. My army and myself shall scour the realm, and locate the Prime Nexus... Or..."

Aeonius maintained a stoic silence, intuitively grasping the weighty significance of the pause following his utterance of the word 'or.' Anticipating Sin's inevitable response, he clenched his teeth in silent resignation, acknowledging the limited options before him.

Assuming a composed stance, Aeonius harnessed his cosmic energy, shaping it into a mesmerizing sphere enveloped by numerous swirling black rings that elegantly encircled the vibrant emerald core.

"And so, this is what you have chosen. Very well, you're only prolonging the demise," Sin optimistically announced, unbothered by Aeonius's actions.

The profound darkness, often referred to as the 'Zero' within the domain, radiated a dazzling hue of pure white, concealing the Universal spheres within this luminous expanse.

"You will not win. Although I may perish, another sword shall rise and pierce you," Aeonius declared.

Sin gazed upon the enigmatic figure, the fiery radiance within his eyes casting an intense glow. Veiled in celestial armor that mirrored the vastness of the cosmos, his form remained elusive and mysterious.

"Haha... HAHAHAHA," Sin laughed sinisterly. "I'd very well like to see you try, Seraph Aeonious. You're the last hope, and the only one who knows all. Your actions are futile," Sin vehemently yelled.

Sin wore a confident smirk beneath his hood, showcasing two discernible traits – the other being his piercing crimson eyes.

"We shall see, Sin," Aeonius asserted with equal verve. 

"Prepare for your downfall," Aeonius's ethereal voice vehemently claimed.

"May the real battle commence," Sin announced, and... He vanished...

All of a sudden, the whiteness of the realm was replaced by pure black.

The desolate plain stretched endlessly, its obsidian expanse broken only by the solitary figure of Aeonius. In his grasp, a radiant sphere of white energy pulsed, casting an otherworldly glow. The once turbulent black rings encircling the sphere subsided into stillness.

"Aeonius Valorin, you have committed a major taboo!" echoed an ethereal voice, slicing through the serene atmosphere with authority. Aeonius swiftly pivoted, seeking the origin of the commanding voice. Before him materialized a figure draped in pristine white, possessing sapphire eyes, cascading blonde locks, and an appearance reminiscent of a human, unlike the other enigmatic entities.

Aeonius humbly knelt in acknowledgment.

"I must reiterate, Aeonius Valorin, you have committed a major taboo!"

"I understand Lord Peter. However, I did not see another way. All were lost," Aeonius responded.

The entity, known as Lord Peter, continued; "Aeonius Valorin, under the authority of Lord Quaser's command, you are hereby severed from the Angel Union. Your consequence entails the stripping of your celestial power, relegating you to live as a mortal in the forsaken realm. This pronouncement concludes our discourse."

Lord Peter vanished from his position, leaving Aeonius in solitary silence. Aeonius remained on bended knee, resignedly awaiting his inevitable fate.

"Argh," Aeonius contorted in agony as a surge of white electricity pulsed through his form.

'I had no alternative. For the sake of forging a superior reality for all, I had to take this drastic step. Lord Quasar, even though you are aware of my deeds, why subject me to this torment? I am the sole catalyst for change in this reality, the architect of a better existence for us all. Yet, why do you inflict this upon me?' Aeonius debated within himself, fully aware that his plea would go unanswered.

The anguish enveloped him, and soon, the once-celestial being lost touch with reality, surrendering to the embrace of unconsciousness.