
I'm Ignored

When I opened my eyes, the first thing that engulfed my

view was a pair of orbs staring right back at me. I flinched,

getting up from my bed only to recognize it was my best friend,

Oddette. I creased my forehead in confusion. Isn't she supposed

to be in the shop? It isn't even her day-off yet.

"Hey, wake up. It's almost twelve noon already," she

yelled. "You've been lying in bed for almost half the day!" she

added, tugging on my blanket.

"I'm still sleepy," I responded in an annoyed tone. "And

what are you even doing here?" I asked.

Last night when I arrived home, I was already drenched

in sweat and dirt due to my constant wandering on the street. I

was cussed and yelled at several times but I didn't bother to react

at all. When I checked my phone, hoping to at least see his

username flashed on my screen, I frowned in disappointment.

Zoren didn't bother to call or text me.

"Well, I'm here to give you your salary for the whole

month," she answered, shrugging her shoulders. My eyes

widened in shock. What does she mean by that? Was I

immediately terminated because I left without saying a word? I

got up from my bed and stared right at her, full of confusion and


"W...W-What do you mean my whole month's salary?" I

asked, stammering. I couldn't help thinking how stupid I acted

last night.

"Yes, it's your one month salary. It's the same for me,"

she continued. "The shop is already closed." She stood up from

the edge of my bed and handed me an envelope with money



Upon hearing what she said, it felt like my world

crumbled into dozens of pieces in just one hit. So, I was right?

Zoren just used me as a play thing and now he chose to go back

to his fiancé? A sharp pain immediately pierced my chest. All of

those sweet words he whispered, gestures and how I let him do

as he pleases with me? Everything was just a lie?

"Come on, get up! I bought our favorite fried chicken

from Andy grilled," Oddette said. "I passed by the store earlier,

on my way home," she added and finally pulled the quilt away

from my body.

I clicked my tongue. "Alright, alright," I said, scratching

my head. I pretended to be fine but deep inside, I was hurting.

"I'll just take a quick shower before coming down," I added.

My best friend walked towards the door of my room and

before she could even leave, she turned around to look at me

once more. "Don't take too long. The food will get cold," she

reminded me. She then exited my room to which finally, my

tears started streaming down. I've been trying to control all these

time while talking to her. It was hard and suffocating to a point

that I wanted to blurt everything out to her but chose not to.

Yes, I'll admit it. I've been too secretive when it comes

to the things that happened between Zoren and I. I just couldn't

get the courage to tell her--to tell anyone about it.

I'm afraid of her humiliating me or showing a pitiful look on her

face. I don't want her to think of me as a shallow person; ready

to give myself to any man we just met.

I stepped into the shower for a quick rinsing and joined

Oddette at the dining room after several minutes. As I crept upon

the area, I noticed Miranda. I guess she finally came home this

morning. She was putting newly cooked rice onto the table

followed by Oddette pouring mixed juice on our glasses with ice


When she noticed my presence from behind, she glanced

at me.

"Finally, you're here!" Oddette said, sarcastically. "I

thought I still needed to go upstairs again and call for you, my

highness," she added, gesturing to bow at me to which I rolled

my eyes before giggling. I pulled onto one of the chairs in front

of me and sat down.

As I gazed upon the meal sitting at the dining table, my

eyes shone in delight. On the table was a platter of white rice and

Chopsuey that I'm sure Miranda cooked. There were also six

pieces of chicken wings at the side, probably bought by my best

friend in the well-known store in the city.

"I miss those times where we didn't have to work,"

Oddette started. "We usually pass by that shop to have lunch,"

she added, pouting.

I glanced at her for a moment before swallowing the

food in my mouth. "Yes, most especially when we visit that

place after the Sunday mass," I responded. We exchanged a few

sets of conversation until our eyes landed on Miranda.

"The chicken is yummy," she commented. We all

laughed together until Oddette started describing that famous

store. I could see their eyes glimmering in happiness; I hope I

could do the same.

I smiled at the two of them, pretending to be fine but

deep within; I knew I won't be able to hold on for too long.

We were almost finished with our lunches when

suddenly we heard a knock coming from the door. The three of

us looked at each other, exchanging confused expressions on our

faces until I decided to stand up.

"Sit down," Miranda said, stopping me. "Let me go open

the door, instead," she added before getting up. I don't know

what she's up to but I decided to just follow.

I remained seated and only followed her using my eyes.

When she reached the main door, my heart started pounding fast.

I may be lying if I said I wasn't expecting Zoren to be there,

standing from the opposite side of the door. I stared at her every

movement looking like she was in slow motion because of how

careful she was.

Upon the door opening, I saw her reaction turned

solemn. It looked like the person standing at the door wasn't

familiar to her. She then turned towards our direction, staring

straight at me.

"Someone is looking for you Emmy, I think you know

him," she added