

When everything was about to go wrong between the Mystic Nova and the Ever Moon empires, a great alpha lord was born. Lord Thanos was determined to face his responsibilities, his enemies, and himself. His fated mate, Anastasia been in the hands of the hostile Alpha lord of the Ever Moon empire, Alessandro, aggravated the issue. Lord Thanos made a promise to his late father that he would protect his empire, conquer all their adversaries and revive peace, with the acquisition of his natural powers. He swore to take back what belongs to him from Alessandro but when it turned out that the latter's plan toward Anastasia was a terrible one, the enmity between them grew inexplicable. Then Everything became complicated when the great lord of the Mystic Nova discovered the dark powers of his rival. Did he later win? did he fulfill the wishes of his late father? did he prevail in having back his fated mate? A must-read story that incorporates love, betrayal of trust, and pain.

Chinonso_4331 · Seni bela diri
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4 Chs



We chased Tommaso till morning. It was about four a.m. when we nearly approached the Ever Moon castle. Everywhere was already filled up with snow and I signaled to my friends to stop. "We can't continue. We've got to return to the castle. It's morning already and none of us must catch cold. Moreover, we don't wish for anyone to know about this. The idiot is so lucky. He should be giving thanks to the moon goddess for economizing on his life for this moment because he must surely die. It's already a known fact". Then we turned back and scurried off. We were still in our wolf form, we ran as fast as possible for us not to be seen.

We returned at exactly five a.m. and thanked goodness that nobody caught sight of us. I scooted into my room and relaxed in the giant bathtub with warm, rosy, and bubble-filled water. Then I reminisced on what happened earlier; how we fought and eliminated those fatuous alphas, particularly, the younger one I slashed his abdomen. I began feeling pity, but I waved it off immediately. There's no mercy for the wicked. and every killer of the innocent must feel all their anguish.

I made a promise to my late father and myself that no matter the circumstance, I must protect this noble empire to the end. And come what may, no soul shall be lost unnecessarily again. I learned that my fated mate, Anastasia have been residing in that bloody castle for over three years due to her father's foolishness. I'm a crowned alpha prince, and I can not be crowned King without my lunar by my side. Not just that, It's expected that every alpha or lunar should mate with their fate. I know I have avoided my fated mate because of some irrelevant reasons, but this time, I must fight for her, for us. She belongs to me and no one can ever take her away from me, no one! Not even Alessandro. And talking of the bitch, I know he has attained more powers. But he must surely perish, him and his posse, they all will never live. They've committed enough atrocities. I recollected Anastasia again and regretted why I haven't been there for her all this while. Her purity, I don't know whether it's still with her or has been taken away by the venomous beast. I just wish she would find a place in her heart to forgive me. I just hope.

I came out of the bathtub, dried my torso, and walked out of the bathroom, into my room. I was surprised to see Cecilia, the head maid who was standing by the bedside and my royal garments were already on the top of my bed, waiting for me. Cecilia was my mother's personal maid and our nanny when my siblings and I were still little. She is indeed a very nice and diligent woman who served the empire and the royals with an ardent and enthusiastic mind. She is a very stunning woman and even in her early fifties, she still looks like a thirty-year-old lady. She lost her mate as a result of an unknown ailment in her early twenties when she was still pregnant with Nikoleta, her only daughter. She grieved for years over her mate's demise. My mother met her when she newly mated with my father and the latter, newly crowned. She was working as a road cleaner, and a day came when my mother caught a glimpse of her and liked her instantly. Then she decided to help her, Nikoleta was just three then. They were brought into the palace and taken good care of. It was not my parents' wish for her to work as a palace maid. Their ambition was to find her a good job, but she chose to work as a maid. Then being her choice, my mother made her, her servant, and in no distant time, she was promoted to head maid. Nikoleta's education was funded by my parents as well. When I was given birth to, she took me as her younger blood brother. At two years of age, she became six. We went to the Wolf Fleet Academy together, we were close that people began wondering if we were really from different mothers. And currently, she's living happily with her mate, together with Kalliopi, their kid lunar. As for my three other siblings, Gabriel recently graduated from college as a medical doctor at twenty-three years of age. Probably, one of the youngest medical doctors, both far and near. My younger sister, Ekaterini, and my kid brother, Leonidas are still in college.

Emilia was the former female head servant during my father's regime, but was put behind bars as a result of some lethal offense she committed where she nearly poisoned my mother, while I was still in the womb. If not for Cecilia, my mother would have died with me in her womb. My father threatened to annihilate Emilia, but my mother intervened and requested that she should be imprisoned instead, the reason being that she had to confess the motive behind such a dreadful act. She was tortured terribly until she confessed the deed had something to do with the Ever Moon empire. That was when my parents discovered that the enmity between both kingdoms has exacerbated greatly. Emilia died the next day as a result of intense pain. Ever since that awful occurrence, Zoe, the palace alpha seer advised my parents on trust issues, especially, with the castle servants. That was how Cecilia was promoted to the position of the female head servant. She later requested that she take over as the head chef for safety reasons, which was granted immediately due to the level of trust we have for her. Even at that, I still took her as my mother and treated her as such. Matter of fact, apart from my mother and siblings, she and Nikoleta are another set of people I don't joke with in this life.

"Good morning your highness. Hope you had a wonderful night" I don't know whether that was a question, a statement, or both, but I know of just one thing, our hunt last night was fun. But does she know we... "Yeah good morning to you momma Cecil. How about yours?" I inquired back as I moved towards my cabinet in search of something casual to wear. I didn't feel like putting on those royal garments right now. "My night was magnificent Than" That was a unique briefing of my name she has always employed ever since I was a kid and I love it. I took out a pair of blue jeans and a grey T-shirt. "You're not wearing these are you?" she queried as she pointed to the garment and that even reminded me of something. It has always been Kathlene to select my clothing. But why isn't she here by this time? She should be here already. "Where's Kathlene, momma Cecil?" I questioned as I put on my wears. "She brought out the garments herself before I came in and dismissed her. I wanted to have a word with you son" she solicited. I wondered what it would be about. "Hope everything is fine momma Cecil, how's my mother and my brother, Gabriel?" I asked anxiously as I scrutinized her countenance closely, but there was no hint of worry or suspicion in them. I almost loathed the fact that my mother is human. She acquired the pheromones of a wolf when she was still birthing, but it isn't as strong as that of her mates and kids, even her wounds don't heal faster like ours. She doesn't possess the ability to shape-shift like other normal werewolves and humans die faster than werewolves. She's still in her late forties and one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. If not for the fact that she's a crowned queen known by everyone, she would be mistaken as a spinster. "Both are healthy and hearty Than. Gabriel Is getting ready for work and your mother will be here anytime soon" she replied and sat on the bed. Then I sauntered to the bed and sat beside her. "Feed me on it Momma Cecil" I demanded, and her expression changed slightly. At that moment, I needn't anyone to notify me that something is wrong. "The enemies have vowed to expunge this great empire, your Highness, things are slowly falling apart in the castle without the knowledge of anyone. Our enemies have decided to use our households to manipulate us." She said this and then faced me. "We have spies in the castle Than, and the toxic part is that they're from the most trusted ones. As it stands right now, I don't know who else to trust here. Everyone's move is suspicious. Can you imagine..." And instantly, her words were cut short by a loud bang on the door. "Who the hell is that?" I questioned; "It's Nikita your highness and there's a problem" the knocker replied. Nikita is one of the most reliable and diligent female servants in the castle. Cecilia and I gazed at each other questionably at what she said. A problem, in the canopy with the one at hand. "Come in at once" and she did without waste of time and bowed before speaking up. " Greetings your highness. Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but... " "Spill it now!" I bellowed with rising anger. "Your mother the queen was nearly electrocuted in her bathtub your highness" "What!!" Cecil and I screeched in unison. I jumped on my feet at once and surged out of my room.