
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Divina is a sleep seer for the king of Ceavaria, a title passed onto her by her mother. When a bout of insomnia causes her to get on the king's bad side, she quickly learns that her adequate life might not be worth her sticking around. A kind knight comes to her rescue as her situation becomes even more dire due to a treasonous act. Now she must survive with the help of her knight who she is discovering is more than what he appears.

Audra_Symphony · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chapter 22

Owen stared at Divina's face as the doctor wrapped up her hand. She looked frail. He hated that he didn't do a better job of protecting her. He should have been more aware of their surroundings. What kind of knight was he that he required a defenseless maiden to watch his back?

"I will go for now but will be back in the morning," the doctor said as he packed up his bag, "She will likely catch a fever so I will bring medicine. I can tell the two of you aren't from around here but I would suggest staying put for a few days to allow her to rest. And I might suggest getting a proper dress for the cold. The first snow will fall soon and her dress is far too thin to keep her warm." Owen absentmindedly nodded along as he walked the doctor to the door. After he was gone he built up a fire in the tiny fireplace and covered Divina in a blanket.