
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

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32 Chs

Chapter 26: Game rivalry

(Game rivalry) 

The day for the launch of Spellbound Clash has arrived, and everyone who created the game is excited to introduce their hard work to the world. Inside Josh's company room, everyone is busy with their own tasks. They set up a mini-arena for the upcoming match, placing two long tables in the room and dividing them into two sections for the teams. Each table is equipped with three gaming chairs. In the center, a large screen is positioned for viewers to witness the game, with a camera in front of it for the live stream scheduled later.

William invited five popular gamers to promote and play the game later on. The gamers arrived one by one, each well-known in their respective social media circles and the gaming industry. They shared the exciting news with their followers, announcing a match with other players in a new game. Their fans eagerly anticipated watching these popular gamers engage in a battle against each other and explore the features of the new game. The buzz generated on social media added to the anticipation surrounding the upcoming gaming event.


Emily arrived at the scene dressed in a simple white t-shirt, a cap, and denim pants. Despite not wearing any makeup, her natural look radiated freshness and stunned those around her. She spotted the gathered gamers, wearing a smile as she eagerly anticipated playing with them later. Observing the other players—four boys and one girl—Emily recognized them from watching their live streams before.


As William commenced instructions for the match game, Emily approached the group with a sweet smile. All eyes turned toward her, and Anna, the only girl among the gamers, greeted Emily warmly. However, the four boys appeared to ignore her, clinging to the stereotype that a girl gamer might not be skilled enough to contribute to the team's success. Unfazed, Emily responded with a smile to Anna's greeting and concentrated on listening to William's guidance for the upcoming game.


William, spotting Emily's arrival, greeted her with a smile before continuing with his instructions for the group. "So, everyone here will be doing a live stream on your accounts, and we'll divide you into two teams. How about having girls on each team?" William suggested to the group.


Two boys gamers expressed disagreement with the arrangement. Andrew, a seasoned gamer with years of experience in the gaming industry, voiced his concerns, saying, "I don't think so. I don't want to lose in this game, even if it's a promotional game. My followers will see this! Girls don't have a chance of winning in this type of game; they probably always die throughout the game." Andrew's comment reflected his past experiences, where teaming up with a girl in the game felt like a risky move.


Another guy, Michael, arrogantly commented, "Look at them, it looks like their hands are not fast enough to be gamers. I want to team up with only boys." He continued, casting a condescending glance at the two girls, "You girls probably spend more time in front of the mirror than practicing this game. All you need to do is be pretty in the live stream later." Michael, having experience in the gaming industry, disliked gamers who relied on their appearance to gain supporters.


William, feeling a headache from the ongoing argument, desired to balance the teams by dividing the girls. He was troubled by the discrimination against girls displayed by some of the gamers, especially in front of Emily. 


"For God's sake, she's the one who made it possible to have good security in this game," he thought to himself. Looking at Emily, he smiled shyly. Emily noticed William's expression and reassured him, saying, "Don't worry," without uttering a sound.


Emily, understanding the situation, recognized the scarcity of female gamers in the industry and the stereotypes associated with their gaming abilities. Unfazed by the team arrangement, she planned to enjoy the game. However, the arrogance displayed by the two gamers irritated Emily, fueling her determination to teach them a lesson during the game.


Emily's response was firm and composed, cutting through the arrogance of the two gamers. "I don't mind who's on my team. You two can choose your teammates. Don't complain like children; we haven't even started the game," she stated coldly, asserting her confidence and readiness to face the upcoming challenge.


The two arrogant gamers were taken aback as Emily coldly responded to them. They hadn't seen much of Emily's face earlier since she was wearing a cap, but now they gazed at her in surprise. Emily's natural beauty shone through, even without makeup.


"Tch, are you hurt because we didn't want you on our team? Don't worry; I'll take it easy on you later," Andrew said with a smug smile, attempting to save face after Emily's composed retort.


Emily, maintaining her composure, forced a smile in response to their comments, refusing to let their words get under her skin. "Are you so sure you're going to win? Want to make a little bet?" she asked, her tone steady. Her words carried a subtle confidence, hinting at the impending showdown in the game, where skill would ultimately prove more significant than arrogant boasts.


"Haha, sure, why not? You two girls can team up. Whichever team loses will have to dance after the game. You, join us!" Andrew declared, pointing to another boy gamer, John. who was listening to their conversation. John nodded in agreement and moved to their side.


Emily's lips twitched upon hearing about the dancing bet if they lost. Concerned for her teammate, she glanced at the other gamer, a girl who had been silent throughout. Anna, a newbie in the gaming industry, looked worriedly at Emily. Fearing embarrassment in front of many people and the potential loss of supporters, Anna was anxious about the consequences of the bet.


Emily observed Anna's worried expression and thought, "This girl is really cute, and it seems she might cry at any moment." Noticing Anna's concern, Emily leaned towards her and whispered, "Don't worry, we'll play our best. And if, by any chance, we lose, we'll handle it gracefully. Just focus on enjoying the game, and let's show them what we're made of." Emily gave Anna an encouraging smile, hoping to boost her confidence for the upcoming challenge.


Anna nodded in response, still very worried about the bet and unsure of Emily's gaming skills. However, seeing Emily's bright smile, she couldn't help but trust her.


Emily then turned her attention to the young boy, who had been silent the whole time. He hadn't expressed any opinions and seemed to be observing and listening to the discussion. Emily observed him closely; she had watched his live stream before, and his name was Noah. Surprisingly, he was a skilled gamer and a top-paid player in the country. Emily was surprised to see him playing a new game here. Noah was dressed in a white polo shirt and denim pants, his handsome face expressing indifference to the ongoing discussion.


Noah acknowledged Emily's gaze with a nod, stating, "I don't really mind who will be on my team. I don't think we will lose this match, so I don't care about the bet," in a cold tone directed at Emily.


Upon hearing Noah's confidence, the other team grew furious. They were aware of Noah's popularity and believed they were losing supporters because of his handsome face. They considered themselves more skilled in gaming than Noah and assumed his status as a top-paid player in the country was solely due to his looks. Andrew despised individuals like Noah, who he believed used their appearance to gain support rather than showcasing gaming skills. Irritated by Noah's assurance of victory, Andrew vowed to humiliate him in the upcoming live stream.


"Tch, how can you be so sure you'll win? Your team has two girls; even if you're a good player, they will slow you down!" Andrew smugly retorted. He continued mockingly, "Your team is made up of handsome and beautiful people, perfect for promoting the game. All you need to do later is smile while playing, okay? But don't expect that you will win because we will emerge victorious," he declared, provoking laughter from his team. They were confident that Emily's team had no chance of winning against them.