
The secret power

In this 15 years of my life I have never stepped outside of this mansion because I posses purple magic, powerful enough to destroy the whole world. But now I am going to attend a magic Academy.I am going to hide my power from everyone.It will be a secret forever.

Annesha_ArtWork · Fantasi
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15 Chs

Who will be the next king

Lain Let's go home.

Why?Just why did you save me.

Lain listen to me.This power you have It's not a curse.It's a blessing.With this power you can protect this kingdom.

The king had evil intention to kill you.The royal blood is flowing through your body.Your existence is a threat to the royal family.Life is very specious thing.I never told you but your parents were assassinated by his majesty's order.

You mean It was... cough....cough

Lian Let's go back.The Knights will take care of the rest.

Wait,grandpa don't do anything to the princess and her brothers.They are nice people.

Ok I will keep that in mind.

(Sir Hero's Knights and soldiers took care of everything.They arrested the king.Captured all the Palace Knights.The whole castle was under Sir Hero's control.Now what next, who will lead the kingdom from now on!! The Crown Prince is also not in the kingdom now. He went far away to become a powerful magician.No one knows his whereabouts.Lain was taken to his mantion.He was also given the treatment.But Sir Hero didn't go to meet Lain.

After that incident One month has passed.The kingdom still doesn't have any king.But Sir Hero is dealing with every paperwork.Every people's respect and love for Sir Hero has turned into fear.Eversince that day Lain lives in his room and never leaves.)

Lain can we have chat.Yes, what is it grandpa?

Answer me first are you still angry with me.

No, I am not.

I am relived to hear that.

Grandpa, I have been thinking of the meaning life.But It's complicating.

But you have to figure that out on your own.Lain the thing I wanted to say is, I want you to become the king of this Rokshana Kingdom.I believe no one else is suitable for this.

Is there no other option?

No Lain.

What about you Grandpa?

It is not possible.40 years ago I took an oath to protect the king and the kingdom.I do not wish to break the oath.

I see.Well, I accept your offer But I have a codition.I don't care what the people of this kingdom think of me.I want everyone to live a happy and peaceful life.The war of the southern area, I want to go there.

.....To be continued....