
The secret power

In this 15 years of my life I have never stepped outside of this mansion because I posses purple magic, powerful enough to destroy the whole world. But now I am going to attend a magic Academy.I am going to hide my power from everyone.It will be a secret forever.

Annesha_ArtWork · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Lain is a monster?

(As they were talking Lain saw some mysterious man.Lain could feel dangerous power from them.They were wearing long hoodie.Long enough to cover thier whole face.)

What's happening there are something wrong.I can't see any palace gourd.Where are they? The king is Defence less.Those men!

Princess go quickly call my grandpa something is wrong.What are you saying.Just do as I say.(Hearing Lain the young prince Jek went to call Sir Hero.He stoped at the entrence.The gate was locked with a powerful magic.)

Hey sis the door is closed.

(It is clear to Lain that those men are assaaain.Those men started attacking the nobles who were present at the banquet.Some died right away.That place became chaotic.No one was a match for them.Lain doesn't know what there purpose is but Lain knows this much If he doesn't stop them no one in this place will survive.So without thinking too much Lain got into the fight.It is nearly impossible to fight with only a sword.The princess And the 2nd prince Wes joined him too.But Lain used a spell to make them go away.Now it's only Lain and the assassins.Lain doesn't have much time because on the corner of the banquet hall some assassins are activating an explosive magic that can destroy the whole kingdom.Lain quickly delt with the assassins and went to stop the other assassins from activating the explosive magic.Suddenly a powerful mage assassin arrived.)

Your pretty impressive.How come I didn't know This Rokshana Kingdom had such a talent. But unfortunately It's your last day.


(Without any delay, Lain released his purple magic.He killed the assassin.He also finished off the other assassins who were activating the explosive magic.As he killed them,he stood in selent.His beautiful long white hair became red because of the blood.It was his first time killing human.All the nobles were staring at Lain with disgust.The princess stood shocked.Someone from the crowd shouted...)

He is a purple magic use.He is a traitor.We can't let him free.He can hurt any of us.Such a dangerous monster.

(Lain still kept silent as he had become a statue.Right at that time,Sir Hero and the other Knights broke the seal and entered the banquet hall.It was clear to sir Hero some thing tragic has happened in this place.The banquet hall was a mess.The Knights helped the king to stand up.The king then ordered the knights to catch Lain.Even when the Knights sealed his hand he still didn't move and said quietly.....)

Kill me! kill me!

(Sir Hero told the king...)

Your Majesty what has this child done.Please release him.

....To be continued...