
The Secret Of The Nation

An undercover agent, Samuel Fernand is tasked an important mission of transporting an important set of documents that may change the history of his country, Haiti forever... Unfortunately, Fernand is betrayed and killed by his own partner, Julian and the documents are now in the danger of falling in the wrong hands.. To solve this, the CIAH sends in their only available detective, Bruster who has a history of failed cases... But dire situations like this call for the biggest risks and now its up to the failed detective Bruster to solve this case filled to the brim with action, adventure, turn of events, and newfound partnership... Will this detective succeed is the question.....

Aditya15Gautam · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

The Informant

I head to the basement of the facility... I was told by the Hawk that my informant Rachel was going to meet me there. She was going to explain to me the details of the mission. I swipe in the key that I was given to by the Hawk and head in...

The Basement is eerier than the Hawk's room with small workstations that are dimly lit filled with mechanics, weapon providers and remote trackers.

The Hawk said that the informant would be sitting at the very end of the basement hallway.... After a long walk to the end, I take a deep breath--

Hkk!! A bag is removed from my face. I exclaim," What the--". Suddenly a lady flashes into my vision and puts a finger on my lip.

I am seated on a warm leather chair and in front of me stands a lady, most probably Rachel.

She is tall ( 5"11), blonde wearing a red velvet suit. She suddenly jumps up in the air and presses a button, and moves to my right, suddenly the wall in front of me lights up by a projector light and on the screen is a face of a man who I oh-so faintly recognize.

Rachel suddenly speaks," I guess you may not know but my name is Rachel Mira and I am your informant for this mission".

She tussles her hair backwards and continues," The man you see on the screen used to work for the CIAH until recently when he betrayed our agency and killed a dear friend of yours, M. Samuel Fernand".

My brain works overdrive just trying to figure out who he is, I know him for god's sake.

Defeated, I ask her," Who is--"

I am cut off by her and she says," His name is Julian Marconi".
