
The Secret Of The Nation

An undercover agent, Samuel Fernand is tasked an important mission of transporting an important set of documents that may change the history of his country, Haiti forever... Unfortunately, Fernand is betrayed and killed by his own partner, Julian and the documents are now in the danger of falling in the wrong hands.. To solve this, the CIAH sends in their only available detective, Bruster who has a history of failed cases... But dire situations like this call for the biggest risks and now its up to the failed detective Bruster to solve this case filled to the brim with action, adventure, turn of events, and newfound partnership... Will this detective succeed is the question.....

Aditya15Gautam · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Larry The Weapons Provider

I head to the weapon providers. Rachel, my informant told me about a provider named Larry who will give me all the weapons I need. I walk for some minutes when suddenly, I hear someone shouting my codename.

I look to my left where a guy calls me towards him. I head there...

"You must be The Underlier right?" The guy asks. I nod my head.

He continues," Oh, I was told about you through a confidante of mine, Rachel." I come to a realization and ask," Are you Larry?" He quickly replies," Yes, that's me." I ask him," So, have you got what I want?" He says, "Yes, yes follow me!" He motions me into his shop. We go in...

He hands me a gun, a small automatic pistol--.

Larry suddenly speaks up," Meet the Mach, the fastest pistol to ever be produced, it fires at a rate twice than that of an SMG with a capacity of keeping 70 small but hard hitting bullets and you know what's the best thing, No Recoil!"

We head in deeper and he gives me two razor sharp daggers which he says are called, "The Handy Dual" for their immense close quarter combat prowess that can be your first choice in any close situation.

Lastly, he hands me a contraption which he calls his own invention called "The Ring Shocker", it looks like a taser but instead of the top which is to electrocute the person, it has 7 rings that float around on a magnetic base and as Larry explains me that with a simple push of a button on its handle, the 7 rings with fly out in different directions and will create a shock environment in the vicinity of its impact space of 5 meters for 3 minutes and if it lands on an enemy, he will be knocked out for another 10 minutes.

He presses another button on the contraption and the rings floating around die down into the device.

I keep all the things in a small bag given to me by Larry, he says that the bag is made of such material that no metal detector would be able to find the things inside.

Before my leave, he hands me all the ammunition necessary.

As I am leaving, My phone rings, its Rachel, she has sent a text message. It says," Underlier, make your way to the airport quick. The plane will leave at 12:00!"

I look at my watch, Its 11:35!

I quickly say my thanks to Larry and make my way out of the facility.