
Chapter 10

As the devil disappeared into the night, Lily and Alexander were left alone in the clearing of the woods. They both knew that they had failed to break the deal, but they also knew that they had something that the devil could never possess - love.

They made their way back to the city, hand in hand, their hearts heavy but full of hope. They knew that their journey was not over, but they also knew that they would face whatever came next together.

As they reached their apartment building, Lily turned to Alexander and smiled. "I love you," she said, her voice soft and sincere.

Alexander took her in his arms and held her close. "I love you too," he said. "And no matter what happens, I always will."

Above the clouds of the apartment stood a person with black robe that represent the stary night and has pale skin. The person look at Lily and Alexander and sneered "These two really love each other huh, I guess I'll help them a little as a form of thanks for making me entertain"

Suddenly a white small ball flew towards the two and the person above disappeared as if he was never there. As the white ball approached the two something deep inside happened in the deal that Alexander make unnoticed, but that is for another story.