

The course has ended, and now Yashelino is in a canteen to fill his empty stomach. The man had been alone ever since while smoking a cigarette casually.

It seems that after the incident on the rooftop, Yashelino couldn't stop thinking about why he could feel that she was gone. Is it possible that he still has a heart for that woman?

Yashelino really could not stand all this. Therefore, the man smoked it again and again without feeling it, now he had finished a pack of cigarettes without the rest alone.

Without the man realizing that someone had been watching him from a distance with a different feeling. The girl could see something else when she saw the current state of someone she adored so much.

"You're hurt," she muttered sadly. She wanted to get close to the man, but she didn't want to contradict her friend's orders yesterday who had advised her because she had been reckless and reckless.

True, the girl could see what others could not see in Yashelino. She knew that the man's current condition was not well and that made her feel uncomfortable. There was a feeling of wanting to approach and calm the man, but it seemed impossible.

"My God, Yashelino!" said someone suddenly making the man now who was enjoying one last cigarette immediately turned around with a straight face. "You ---?! We've been looking for you everywhere, but you're here."

The man just kept silent, didn't have an expression like surprise or smile after seeing his three best friends who were now sitting at the table with him. But one of them looked at him sadly, as if Yashelino could understand what Yashelino was currently doing.

It is Alfiz, his best friend who understands him the most. This man never says or even does things that cross the line when he is with him because that one friend knows how Yashelino has been.

James is currently just silent and playing on his phone. The man even occasionally smiled when he saw the flat object he was using, a sight that was familiar to the three humans who were near him at this time.

While Didan, that man is the most chatty among his three other friends. So, surely everyone would know that the one who had just asked Yashelino to speak was the one who earlier made her turn to stare at him with an expressionless face.

"Yashelino, it's you, isn't it?" asked Didan who didn't expect the man finished a pack of cigarettes in an instant. In contrast to Alfiz who understands the condition of the young man in front of him at this time.

But the man had no intention of answering his friend's question, wasting his time thinking. Alfiz wanted to kick Didan in the face, who was never in his right mind to take a stance, on what to do and what not to do.

Suddenly, Yashelino's eyes caught a look of confusion from James' expression, who was currently staring at the screen of his phone.

"Yashelino, mother told you to come home today," said James, who had just received an incoming message that had to be delivered from a woman who was none other than the mother of a young man in front of him at this time.

Of course, this caused oddities from their two best friends, Alfiz and Didan. The two men were surprised because it turned out that James was so close to Yashelino's mother that the man sent a text message from his best friend's parents.

Even though they just don't know, James and Yashelino are still brothers and both come from the large Albert family. The last names Yashelino and James use the same surname, but, strangely, no one suspects this, so the identities of the two are so secret.

Hearing this, Yashelino immediately stood up but failed because a voice made the man sit back down where he was before. It turned out that it was his phone ringing where there was a name he recognized so well that he was calling him.

James looked up and said "That must be your mother, right?" guessed right. Yashelino, who heard that immediately snorted and nodded his head in agreement with the young man's words.

Finally, Yashelino was forced to pick up the call, not wanting to hear what his friend had to say next.

"Hello Mom," said Yashelino coldly. The man's aura is immediately visible when dealing with or talking to his mother. The three youths who were currently looking at him already knew what had caused his best friend to be like that.

"Yacel, where are you now?" asked the mother to her beloved son. Hearing this question made Yashelino even more certain about what had brought this woman to contact him at this time.

"Campus," he answered simply. The man still maintained his straight face which made his three best friends a little scared when they saw Yashelino like this.

"You can go home first, right, today?" asked the woman again in a tone that was getting softer than before.

One of Yashelino's eyebrows rose, and the man knew very well that there was a specific intention behind the woman's request that asked him to return to the big house at this time. It's just that he was so lazy that he didn't want to go back to that cursed place again which only made him feel even more depressed.

"Mommy," he called.

"Yeah, what's wrong Yacel?" said the woman in a soft tone.

"If not today, can it be?" asked Yashelino. After that, the young man faintly heard a chuckle from the other side, making him know that no was the correct answer.

"You don't know what to say, Yashelino," said the woman again.

Appropriate. Was it true, she assumed if her mother had no reason to allow her to accept the man's offer? He was forced to come there and see what the woman would do if he came to his big house.

Yashelino ended the call without a word. His three best friends, who had been watching him all this time, were just silent, not daring to make a sound because the aura from that man was so different now.

Again the man sucked on the remaining half of the cigarette with one puff.

Meanwhile, a girl who couldn't bear to see the man in such a state immediately walked up to Yashelino with passionate anger.

In one drag, finally, the object that could emit smoke was immediately blown away and fell to the floor, causing Yashelino to immediately harden his jaw with his two very sharp eyeballs at this moment.

Don't forget the three friends who were surprised to see a girl who dared to do this to the young man. That girl's history ended today, surely after this, there will be something surprising from Yashelino Albert because she directly dared to disturb his peace.

Feeling that he did not accept being treated like that, Yashelino finally turned to see who had dared to provoke his anger. Remind someone not to make a mistake with that man, because if that happens, then that person's history will be finished after this.