
29.The Truth!

Hazel's pov

"I can't give you the happiness Henry, the feeling of being a father, I can't" I was crying

He didn't replied

"Just this?" I looked at him "Because of this you were leaving me?" He asked I nodded

He made me sit on bed while himself sat on his knees holding my hands

"Hazel you scared me!" He said

"Henry I am not joking I am telling you something serious"

"I know. Hazel I had no right to knew? Why you hided this from me?"

"Because Alice already had broken the news so I thought to leave you Henry I don't want you to be with me after this default, I am defaul-"

My words left incomplete as he kissed me, I didn't replied

"Never say that again, Hazel I love you And I want you if we can't have a baby then its fine, we can try I mean if you want we can go to the best doctors for the checkup and if not then we can adopt one, but I don't wanna loose you, why can't you understand?" he said