
26. Drunk

Hazel's pov

"You again?" I asked trying to stand still

"Come with me" he took me to a corner "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you asking?"

"You are drunk?"

"Why are you asking"

"Hazel stop irritating me"


He held my arms tightly

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here with my friends"

"Who's that guy?"

"Why you care?"


"He is also my friend, Jesur"

"We are going back" he said holding my hand taking me out

"Leave me Henry"

I saw Jesur outside talking on phone, I was going to call him But HE held my mouth.

Throwing me in the seat he sat on driver seat starting off

"What do you think you are doing Hazel? Why you drank?" He asked

"You shouldn't be concerned Henry its my choice"

"Seriously? I don't think you can handle this?"

"You just think I can handle"

The car suddenly stopped!

"What is happening?" He asked trying to start the engine

He step out of the car looking down

"Fuck dude" He said kicking the tire