
The Secret Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Chapter : 17

Ban looking at the camp, where Pomila and Patrick stays. Lights up a cigarette and start smoking and his cigarette was about to end, when both Pomila and Patrick walk out together touching each other and kissing each other.

And as soon as Ban throws it on the ground to extinguish the cigarette, and rubs it with his foot.

His gaze turns to the other side, at some distance he is seen standing with a Glanzo harper hidden.

And on the other hand, Pomila and Patrick were standing, clinging to each other.

For a moment it felt like something terrible was about to happen. But Glanzo signals his arrival before proceeding to the camp, forcing them both to step away.

Patrick sees glanzo coming towards them - "where did you go?, She has been bothering about you for a long time" (Pomila runs away and hugs Glanzo).

Pomila - "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you like this, I'm very sorry for what I did, please forgive me".

Glanzo - "Never mind, I forgave you when.

(putting a hand on Patrick's shoulder) And I am glad that we have many people with us to take care of you besides me".

Patrick (In a nervous tone) - "Yes yes why not, it is our duty".

Glanzo - "Let's all take a rest now, we all have to leave early in the morning".

The chirping of birds, the chirping of animals can be heard.Light sunlight is coming out from among the trees (Mukashi and Joseph continue to find Ban, removing the clothes hanging on the rope).

Mukashi and Joseph - "You are here Ban, we have been looking for you since when. So tell us where to proceed, we are all very curious, for today".

Ban Takashi (with smile) - "Ask this question to your leader, not me".

Then in a loud voice Glanzo - "let's all quickly pack our things.We have to leave early, we have less time. Hey ban we will all move towards north today".

Everyone start follows the glanzo on the track.

Joseph and, Mukashi, at last were moving forward with the ban, they were pulling each other's legs over the talk, and everyone laughed at their talk and went on. As they proceed forward, the environment of the forest was changing. Due to the increase in the humidity in the atmosphere, everyone started needing more water, and stopping at one place on the way, they all waited one by one for the opportunity to drink their water. But by the time the water came at last, the water was about to finished, And the Container of water was in Mukashi's hand. Just then, Joseph start arguing with each other over whether to drink the remaining water and it turns in a scuffle between them. And in the skirmish, Mukashi collides with a nearby tree branch then suddenly a big log of wood comes down from above, due to which all of them collide and fall away. Everyone understands as soon as they falls, arrows start raining from all sides (Everyone was very nervous, but Ban understands that they have all fallen into the trap of hunting the tribals).

Ban Takashi - "we're in a trap, no one will move from their place, and there is no need to panic. Work calmly, without moving but silently stand wherever you are".

but eventually Pomila screams And Patrick steps forward to go towards her, suddenly something pricks everyone, and they all faint and fall to the ground.

Everyone comes to their senses one by one, they all find themselves hanging above high in the net.

But below Ban takashi and pomila was tied to wooden poles, there was a lot of noise all around.

Ban is seen blurry, tribal people are roaming all around saying something.

As soon as Pomila regains consciousness, she starts crying.

Ban (in harsh words) - "Quiet completely silent, if you shouted again, I will kill you before them".

Patrick - "you can't talk to her like that".

Ban - Shut up you mother f****** pussy too, you both together have trapped us all in this trouble.

While handling the matter, Mukashi interrupts - "Ban, please calm down and you all keep quiet".

One of the tribal people comes out and stands on a high stone, Everyone calms down after seeing him And he starts addressing everyone -"Nimmdda Gojrass thelmii, Aardha bhos Kkraakvikana Bhhumle (tribes group shouts with joy).

Joseph - "Does anyone understand, what is he saying? On which all these crazy guys shouts with joy.

Dimitri, you are aware of the language of the tribals, don't you tell us what this person is talking about?

Dimitri - "ofcourse"!

Tribe Leader continues to addressing their people's - "(Mohinoojukoo Lioohakve, Unu Kaasthaa peezzraa. RoopuveeMinn Bahathhee, Zarathraamaa mahashmathe.

Bhreemsa Inknoom Minmahakki, Chooho Chuunnamatasweekkdhee.

Thraaa Ghraakshh Hooorrr Aarr)".

And the tribe leader with a thick long bone in his hand, raises and wave it up and down. Everyone in the tribal group starts dancing happily while making the sounds.