
The Second Producer

Ryu Ji-Ho was nothing more than a third-rate director, trapped in the shadows of his own failures. But when fate handed him a second chance, he was reborn with an unbreakable resolve. This time, Ryu Ji-Ho wasn't just dreaming; he was building an empire. From the cutthroat Korean film industry to the dazzling lights of Hollywood, he crafted his story with a sharp vision and a courage that knew no bounds. Yet, behind the glittering façade of his career lay a dark secret, one that threatened to destroy everything he had painstakingly built. With enemies lurking around every corner, Ryu Ji-Ho was forced to confront his past and make a choice—between the intoxicating glory of success or the inevitable downfall that awaited him.

Fallen_Angelss · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Earn lots of money!

Ryu Ji-ho attempted a joke, but the serious expressions on his parents' faces remained unchanged.

"You started delivering newspapers to pay for your taekwondo classes?" his father asked in a stern tone.

"It's not just because of that," Ji-ho replied, lowering his head.

"So, you're afraid that if you asked your mother for money, she wouldn't give it to you? So, you decided to act on your own?" his father continued, raising an eyebrow.

Ji-ho took a deep breath. "I apologize for deciding to work without discussing it with you both first. But this isn't just about the money."

"Then what is it really about?" his father pressed, still sounding calm yet firm.