
Love Life

At this moment I just left Gatorsvill and I'm in this new town called Panthersvill. New school new friends I hope I don't know anyone yet but I hope to know people. It's my first day in my new middle school it's a smaller place but it's nothing like my old school, I'm happy about that. There's this kid that came up to me in forth period one of the friends of this guy that I ended up liking and still do. But I know that there's nothing going to happen with us but his name is Cregory. Oh and I don't think I told I'm in eighth grade at this point. Anyway his friend told me that me called me hot so cliché right. Gosh I was so nervous to tell him how I felt only after two weeks. We have talked and he messed with me on the bus and I think he still likes me. Moving on about Cregory I told him that I liked him on a note and he kinda told me that he didn't like me but not directly. So funny story I missed the bus in the afternoon the day he told me he "didn't like me" my friend LoVoy and his dad took me home I was scared that they were going to kidnap me but I was ok. My friend texted me that Cregory didn't like me but I found out that he lied to me about it that summer. To my lady's out there I hope your love life goes well and that you find the right one someday and don't do anything that you don't want to. Some boys will try and pressure you to do stuff but if you're not comfortable just walk away if you hurt their feelings they'll be fine. Also have fun with your girls not boys hearts they act all strong and everything but on the inside they're kind of a softy. To my boys out there don't hurt the girls they can handle it but they don't want to they have enough on there plate as it is. I know what it's like to get hurt I've been there and I've hurt the ones I've loved too and I regret it all the time. I've change for the best and I've locked a lot up so others won't see the things I've done or been through. But I think that's enough about Cregory for one day he was a mistake and still is. There was another guy that I ended up liking after Cregory his name was Johnathan. Really cute by the way supper sweet better then you know who. He was my first real boyfriend we were together for three years and off and on for three years. Best and worst relationship I was ever in but we've been through a lot. I made a lot of mistakes and because of that I wanted to change and never put someone else through the crap I put Johnathan through. I did get better after three years. After Jonathan I move on really fast kinda wish I didn't. Remember I was telling you about LoVoy yeah he was kinda my second boyfriend. Shortest relationship in a while so I though but I'll tell you about that later. Wait let me back up first so at this point I'm in tenth grade halfway through high school. Back to LoVoy we lasted two month and he broke up with me the Monday before our office two months. His mom loves me and still does she texts me on snoopchat every now and then. But while we were dating I when on a cruise for the first time to the Baamhas. It was so amazing I met some we people but there's one person that means so much to me. His name is Jesse but some times I call him Marine or basic cowboy. Back story marine because he wants to go in the marines when he's older and basic cowboy well because he is on the outside and he grow up in the county also had a bunch of animals. If your thinking that I cheat on LoVoy with Jesse I didn't. But we met on the cruise and we hung out everyday and all night we didn't go back to our rooms until one in the morning. We were just hanging out under the stars and the moonlight. After the cruise we stayed in touch on the last day of the cruise Jesse asked for my number but LoVoy told me not to give my number to anyone. To think about it I don't think he trusted me but it was ok anyway I accidentally gave Jesse the wrong number but at the same time I was hoping I did so LoVoy wouldn't get mad at me. But then Jesse got my FacePage and he texted me on that and after I realized I could trust him I gave him my number. But it all worked out in the end after LoVoy and before Jesse I started to date someone else. We can just say he was a rebound someone to kinda help me get over LoVoy cause I think that Jesse is the one for me and I hope he is. The rebound and I only dated a few weeks nothing really happened I was just trying to make it something more and he didn't really want that. He ended up flirting with a girl that wanted a ride home and she lives close to him. His claim was that she annoys him and he had to go to work. He wanted her to do things to him and not in a good way and she offered to pay for gas and he didn't want that. The girl told me that he keeps saying nasty things to her I apologized to her. And after I found out about the first time I cried and told him that we're braking up and crap. I got over it with in one day but the next week he was saying sorry. I wasn't really listening to him but he tried getting back with me of corse I didn't want to. After that I gave myself a little brake from relationships and once I was ready I gave the one person I was waiting for a chance. Jesse and I are about to go on four months I'm so happy and he is too we both think and hope that we're going to be together forever. I can't wait until we're older gosh I'm existed.

I could use some inspections and I hope my most reading chapter could relate to you guys

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