
The second incarnation of the god of creation.

Haruto a seemingly normal average 16 years old high schooler was suddenly transported into another world. With no way of knowing how or why he was sent here Haruto decided to investigate this world to find clues as to why he was summoned. When suddenly he heard the scream of a lone girl who was being rob by two elderly men. While trying his best to save the girl he had met for the first time he almost died as a result which awakened the desire for power. _____ (A/N: If you notice any errors or broken contexts while reading, please let me know. I'll go back and make the necessary corrections.)

Gladion_Official · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
129 Chs

Bewitching beauty.

Once we had made our way out of the guild, we continued making our way through the Kingdom of Albanian. Gazing at various attractions the scenery was beautiful and filled with the screams of children.

However, I noticed there were quite a lot of people here as the streets were even more packed with people.

(Hmmm... is it because of the war that people are making their way here? If so, the same thing should be happing over the Watanabe Kingdom as well)

Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing I didn't know so, I stopped worrying about it. Instead, I enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere of the city. We visited various stalls and gazed upon the beauty of the park before long the sun had already started setting.


The sound of someone's growling stomach resounded. I turned my head to Alya who was holding her stomach. Seeing that my face contorted in confusion considering that spirits shouldn't have any problem living without food.

"Haha... I guess we should look for a restaurant about now."

I said half exasperated. Nikita's face quickly perked up as she nodded, her silver tails wagged happily at the mention of a restaurant. I quickly took out the guidebook and flipped through the pages. Once my eyes landed on the food section my lips were upturned into a smile.

"Follow me there is a good restaurant around here."

I said as I walked in a certain direction. Alya and Nikita quickly followed along. When suddenly Nikita's nose twitched, and she immediately looked in the distance.

"Hmm, what's wrong?"

I asked confused.

"I smell some familiar scent mixed in with the crowd."

Nikita informed. Alya also nodded her head with a serious face.

"It's probably those adventurers from the guild... I had a feeling they were going to try something on the way but, could they make it any less obvious I can feel their intent to kill even from here."

Alya said while heaving a sigh. I see... I didn't think they would try anything this openly so I had my guard down the entire time I really should be more careful. I released my magic power in the atmosphere to cover a radius of twenty kilometers. I then used magic sense and tracked the ones spying on us.

My vision became dark then suddenly I saw three individuals with high mana capacity, they were most probably the ones spying on us. I then opened my eyes.

"Their only a few blocks away from our current location, I was only able to see three of them."

I explained.

"I see... so do you want me to kill them?"

Alya asked her expression turning serious. Hearing her brutish response my brow twitches a few times before I smiled and spoke.

"Don't you think that kind of action is too savage? Plus, the others maybe waiting to act let's wait and see."

I said with a humble smile.

"Sigh, you know Haruto your way too kind for your own good, sometimes it's better to kill the enemies as fast as possible to ensure they won't group up and trap you."

Hearing Alya's words I couldn't help but frown of course I'm aware of that but, if there is a chance to end things without bloodshed, I'm willing to take that path. No! there is no use thinking about it at this point. For them, who had spent their entire life here in a world where life could easily be taken and wars could erupt at any moment, of course their ideology would be different when compared to mine who always tried to avoid any form of violence in my former world.

(Maybe someone from back home would be able to understand me better)

A gloomy sigh escapes my mouth when I think of going back home. As though guessing what I was thinking Alya changed the subject.

"Well anyway, let's not waste too much time here. Haruto, you said something about a good restaurant, right?"

Alya said with a bright smile. Nikita also followed suit, she put on the brightest smile she had ever had.

"Oh, right we should go."

I said before walking off in the direction of the restaurant. Walking for roughly 10 minutes we stopped before the entrance of the restaurant. A middle-aged man wearing suit and tie and his blonde hair was rather stylish was standing at the entrance.

"Good afternoon, sir please come this way."

He said before coming to a pause once he noticed Nikita's fox ears and tails. His eyes became cold as he spoke.

"Excuse me but, pets aren't allowed inside this restaurant."

"Hm? What are you talking about, I don't see any pets, do you?"

I inquired, cocking my head curiously. The blonde-haired man furrows his brow in displeasure.

"I'm talking about that woman, with those nasty ears and tails if she isn't a pet then what is she?"

He exclaimed while pointing at Nikita. Nikita's round shape eyebrow twitch faintly by his insults it seems she was trying her best to keep a friendly smile on her face though her smile was forced.

"Sigh, we don't have time to waste on you. I'm hungry, you know? I don't think you'd want to upset me when I'm hungry. Well, that's if you wish to die."

Alya said her voice became cold to the point that it could easily send a chill down one's spine. The blonde-haired man wanted to retort to Alya's threat when.


(Hmm? I couldn't follow her even when I enhanced my senses?)


A small scream escapes his mouth just like the wind. Alya's figure vanishes from her spot then reappears as she grabbed his neck with her slender hand.

"Like I said before... you wouldn't want to upset me when I'm hungry, do you?"

Alya asked this while a distorted smile appeared on her lips. However, there was nothing charming about her smile, contrary it was terrifying. The blonde-haired man could only nod his head weakly as Alya allowed him to fall on the ground.

The sound of the blonde-haired man gasping for breath was painful. He stood up with a pale face the emotion known as 'fear' Seemed to be rooted in his body as he didn't even dare to look in Alya's direction.

"Y-You may enter."

He said fearfully. With his permission we all entered many gazes gathered on us for those who saw the spectacle that happened.

"I'm really sorry."

I whispered to the blonde-haired man as I passed him at the entrance. The scenery of the restaurant was beautiful, there were many chairs and tables set up here and there. With many people dressed in expensive clothing fancy music could be heard playing. We chose a seat that was set up on the terrace and it showed the view of the night sky, as a gentle breeze cress my cheek.

"This place really is top class isn't it."

Nikita said cheerfully.

"I agree. I can see why This place is so popular."

I said voicing my admiration. Nikita nodded along.

"Shall we go over the menu?"

Alya who was seated on my right said as she took a breath of fresh air. Her long dress fluttered in the wind. Nikita was seated on my left, her eyes wandered around curiously. Eating inside a human restaurant must be new to her. Seeing that I smiled faintly.

I ran my eyes over the menu steam fish, roast fish and fish sandwich with salad was available. BarBQ chicken fries and apple juice. There were other dishes there though I didn't know any of them. So, I decided to choose the ones familiar to me.

After going over the menu for a few minutes we finally chose the dishes we wanted. I chose steamed fish and orange juice while Alya chose BarBQ chicken and apple juice. Nikita chose a fish sandwich and salad which comes with orange juice. The atmosphere of the restaurant was pleasant, making it easy for us to enjoy our meal we eat and chatted about various things before we decided to leave, I left behind five gold coins before leaving.

As we were making our way back to the inn, I frowned, noticing we were still being followed.

"Sigh, those guys sure are persistent, aren't they?"

Alya said half exasperatedly. I could only nod my head in agreement.

"Maybe I should-"

"Wait a minute master, please allow me."

Nikita suddenly said. I widened my eyes at her suggestion while glancing at Alya seeking her opinion. Seeing that she smiled before saying.

"It should be fine why not let her stretch her legs."

"Hm... I guess but don't take too long you already know where the inn is, right?"

"Yes, please leave it to me."

She said before her figure completely vanished from my sights.

"Well, we should get going I don't think those guys are going to bother us again."

Alya said before walking away somewhat lazily I slowly followed her from behind.


A few distance away from the location where Haruto and Alya was standing in moments ago, three figures could be seen there. They were dressed in dark coats that hid their faces observing the ones they were told to observe.

"Hmm... I think we should strike now; their guards are completely down."

One of the men dressed in coat said.

"No! not yet, from what the boss said those guys are strong, all we need to do is kill the boy and bring the women back to the boss."

Another man wearing coat said. The one in the middle stayed silent when suddenly he felt danger. He followed his instinct and promptly moved away from that spot the other two followed along.


A giant block of ice as big as a truck fell on that spot creating a huge crater in its wake. The men widen their eyes, if they were at least a second late they would have died from that surprise attack.

"Ara, I thought I would have killed at least two of you from that attack just now but, it seems I may have underestimated you. Good it seems this may actually be fun."

The three men turned their head simultaneously in the direction of the voice, there standing in the corner was a beautiful woman with bewitching beauty dressed in a yellow transparent dress. Her long silver hair came down to her waist, her beautiful crimson eyes glowed faintly as her nine silver tails swayed back and forth.


One of the men muttered beneath his breath. It wasn't often he got the chance to meet such beauty. However. The man in the middle's expression became stern, that is the aura of this woman was no laughing matter. It was extremely intimidating to the point that he wanted to give up and run away. However, he shook off that feeling and took out a pair of daggers from his coat as he prepared himself to fight.

Seeing him overcome his fear of her, which is something not many can achieve, Nikita smiled in amusement her eyes glinted with a peculiar light as it was filled with killing intent. Her luscious red lips curved upwards into a grin.

"Fufu... good now come at me, entertain me for as long as you can!!"

She screamed. It was then that the sky became clouded as the temperature became cold as though a snowstorm was about to hit.