
The second incarnation of the god of creation.

Haruto a seemingly normal average 16 years old high schooler was suddenly transported into another world. With no way of knowing how or why he was sent here Haruto decided to investigate this world to find clues as to why he was summoned. When suddenly he heard the scream of a lone girl who was being rob by two elderly men. While trying his best to save the girl he had met for the first time he almost died as a result which awakened the desire for power. _____ (A/N: If you notice any errors or broken contexts while reading, please let me know. I'll go back and make the necessary corrections.)

Gladion_Official · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
129 Chs

Awakening In Another World.

When I open my eyes, I realize I was in a place unknown to me, I could feel the grass beneath my feet as I breathe in the fresh air there were huge trees everywhere I look. no matter how much I thought about it I don't remember ever being here before.

There was nothing but field everywhere I looked I was surrounded by hill and more hills the area was completely uninhabited there was not even the sound of animals the quiet atmosphere was making me a bit uncomfortable to be honest.

I decided to look around in search of anyone I could find however-


Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, it was a familiar voice.

"It's almost time Haruto."

The voice said.

I quickly shifted my head to where the voice was coming from there, I saw a figure who stood before me it was a beautiful girl who I can't recognize she had bright green hair and sparkly green eyes staring at me.

Her long beautiful green hair was fluttering in the wind elegantly; her green eyes were extremely beautiful it reminded me of a beautiful green gemstone one of the highest qualities. She seems to be in her late teens, and she had snow white skin her face was refined and gave her a gorgeous look. I had met a lot of beautiful women before but none of them compares to her beauty.

Being before such beauty made me nervous however I am curious as to why such beauty knows my name, she was the one who helped me before if I remember correctly. Even though back then I couldn't see her face I can still remember the sound of her voice.

"Who are you?"

I asked curiously.

"I'm the one who has always watch over you."

She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Huh.... watch over me.... what do you mean?"

I tilt my head as I was a little confuse.

She then briskly walked toward me taking short steps her long beautiful blue dress dance gracefully in the gently breeze.

She then reaches out both her hands as she once again holds me in her embrace.

"You may not understand right now but I promise you some day you will."

She said while smiling.

Being embraced by her made me extremely embarrassed my face was slowly turning a bit red.

I could feel the warmth of her body and her sweet scent tickled my nose.

"Haruto once you're awake you probably won't remember anything."

She said her tone made it seems like she was a bit sad.

"However, I want you to remember no matter what happens from here on you'll always have me by your side."

A faint smile was then formed on her pink lips.

Before I could say anything to her.

my consciousness started to slip away I could hear her voice getting further and further away until I saw a light.


"Are you awake Haruto?"

"A.m.... yeah I'm awake."

With my vision slowly coming back the first thing I saw was a wide ceiling before me. And I felt a soft sensation underneath my head Immediately I knew that I was on some kind of bed it was really comfortable to the point that I wanted to stay like this for a while longer. But I knew I had to at least know where I was, I then slowly turn my head to the right side of the bed and I saw a girl right next to me, she had bright red hair she was extremely beautiful I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty.

"Are you feeling okay Haruto?"

Scarlett tilted her head with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm good just a little drowsy from sleeping so long."

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room was big and spacious the ceiling was extremely high it had furnishers of high quality, there was even streaks of gold in the far corner of the room pillar the interior was beautifully well made. it was like a room for wealthy people so I couldn't help but wonder why I was in such a place. I stared at Scarlett who was sitting gracefully on a chair right next to my bed she also has a relief expression on her face. Honestly, I felt really bad for worrying her so much.

"Did you sleep okay? You were talking in your sleep, it sounded like you were having a dream."

"Don't worry I'm just fine... so where am I?"

Scarlett had a very worried expression on her face however I was extremely nervous, so I tried to change the topic of the conversation. "You're in my house I brought you here after you saved me, you suddenly collapse remember?"

"Yeah, it's starting to come back."

I slowly started to rethink all that transpired before I fell unconscious I remembered, my near-death experience along with the intense pain I had to endure thinking about it made my face turn pale, I really hope I don't have to go through that ever again.

"A-are you okay Haruto?"

"Yeah...I'm fine but more importantly can you tell me what happened after I fell unconscious?"

I said while giving a light smile to ease her worry.

After our discussion Scarlett decided to show me around the house, and I realized that this place was no normal house, this place was a castle that had 67 different room and was about 80 feet tall I then agreed to have lunch with her family. I saw a lot of familiar meal on the rectangular shape wooden table the dishes were prepared with perfection there were all kinds of dishes that you would see at a five-star restaurant the three were different variety from stewed chicken, white rice and fried lobster there were also different sauces to go with the meal. honestly seeing all that made me more aware of how hungry I was. of course, there were meals from multiple different countries from all over the world, the food was so hot steam was floating above it some of my favorite dishes were also prepared, curry, turkey and even pork, which cause my mouth to become watery from the smell.

There is no way I could ever hope to afford all this, It's way too fancy for my taste. It seems like an all you could eat buffet for the wealthy.

Could you really call this lunch? I wondered.

"Haha, I must thank you for saving my daughter, please eat as much as you like."

"Yes, if you weren't there who knows what would have happened."


I was now having lunch with Scarlett parents in the dining room, the room we were currently at was very big there were maids in every corner of the room. they all bowed elegantly while holding the hem of their dress before they all retreated at the corner of the room silently watching over us, being surrounded like this made me a bit uncomfortable to the point that I was too nervous to eat anything.

"Let me introduce you this is my mom and dad."

"I'm the king of this nation Almous Watanabe, it's a pleasure to meet You, young man."

The king said with a wide smile.

"I'm the queen of this nation Annie Watanabe, I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter."

The queen said in a gentle tone.

"Oh, don't think much of it, I was just passing by to be honest."

The king looks like he was in his early 40s his eyes were a dark gray and he has long white hair, while the queen has bright red hair and eyes similar to Scarlett honestly, she looks really young to the point that you could mistake her for being Scarlett older sister.

The king and queen smiled cheerfully at me, I was quite nervous after meeting the king and queen in a new world.

But suddenly I realized something.

"Wait, does this mean Scarlett is a princess?"

I asked in a slightly loud voice.

"Umm.... yes, that's right sorry for not telling you earlier."

Scarlett bows her head in a graceful way that could easily captivate anyone who witness such a sight; however, I can't help but wonder why was a princess walking in the middle of a back alley all by herself? It's obviously not a place a princess should ever be.

"Umm... why was princess Scarlett wondering around a back alley?"

I ask as I was a bit curious about the matter.

"Well, you see I had my escorts followed me, but we were separated when I entered a clothes store."

"Oh, I see you must really love shopping huh?"

Scarlett laughs nervously and started to blush from embarrassment.

However now that I thought about it, it made sense why someone would want to mug the princess considering she should be extremely rich being from the royal family. she could also be use against the King and Queen which could put the entire kingdom in danger.

"Did you manage to find out anything from thugs who tried to rob Scarlett?"

I remember knocking out the two thugs that tried to rob Scarlett I'm sure I didn't kill them.

At least I hope I didn't. If I had killed someone I don't know if I would be able to live with the guilt. After all, where I'm from the act of murder is against the law, I don't know about this world, but I don't have the courage of taking someone's life. If it's to protect myself along with others I care about I wonder? would I be able to do it? will I be able to call myself a human if I do something like that? taking the life of another it's an unforgivable crime isn't it, it completely goes against human rights. from my perspective taking the life of another means you trample on that person's existence do we as humans have the right to take the life of others? my morals won't change there is no way I'm going to do something like that. unless I'm in a situation where I have to do that, I won't do it after all If I were to do that, I'd be no different from serial killers.

I thought with a grim look on my face.

"By the time we got there those thugs were already dead."

The king said in an vex tone.

"Was I the one who killed them?"

I ask fearfully.

"No, you were not the one who killed them... they died through dark magic."

She said answering my question.

"Dark magic?"

I tilt my head as I didn't understand the meaning of her word.

"It's a type of magic that destroyed the heart of the target however the caster has to plant a curse mark on their target beforehand."

Scarlett said as she slowly brought her teacup to her mouth elegantly.

"I see.... if that's the case then the one who killed them must also be working along with them."

"Yes, its most likely that they wanted to keep us from gaining any information from the two who you had defeated."

(I guess that does make sense, but to go so far as to kill your own allies it's just incomprehensible) I thought with a conflicted look.

"Don't worry we are currently investigating the matter. We will find them sooner or later."

King Almous said trying to ease our worry as much as possible.

The king took this chance to change the topic.

"Well then Haruto you seem to be quite the unusual fellow, you said you don't know where you are, right?"

"Ah...yeah, I have no clue where I am."

I was just an average school student on his way home from school, when I was just swept away and sent into this new world, so I really didn't know anything about this world.

"Hmm.... come to think of it you have very pretty black hair, and your clothes are also quite unusual."

"What's so unusual about my hair?"

"Black hair is really rare in these parts; in fact, I've never even seen someone with black hair before."

She said with a curious look on her face. "Black hair isn't common here."

Where I'm from black hair was the most common hair color you could see, what make it so special here I wondered.

"No, you don't really see people with black hair often, at least not in these parts."

"Haruto, don't you have any family or anything?"

"Well, I don't think so."

In this world I guess I really don't since there in my original world, but thinking back on it I'm sure my parents must be really worried about me they can be really overprotected sometimes, I wish there was a way to communicate to them from this world, but even with my phone there's no way I'll be able to call or text them.

I sighed in disappointment.

"Well, I guess it can't be help, how about you stay here for a while we would be happy to treat you as a guest."

"Well certainly after all you're the one who saved our beloved daughter."

"Well, Haruto what do you say I'd love to spend some more time with you."

"Ahh...okay I guess I don't really have a choice.... I'll be in your care."


Thus, after our meal Scarlett promised to give me a tour around the castle, there were about 20 different VIP room and a bunch of guess room and a huge garden growing various different types of beautiful flower there was also a giant fountain that looks like it was carved by the most skilled carpentry. in a place like this it'll be Real hard to find the bathroom at night. There were doors at every corner the layouts of the castle were every confusing and difficult to navigate through it will take a while to get use to this.

"The maids usually do all the cooking, and cleaning so you don't have to worry about the rooms being messy."

"Wow this is amazing."

I couldn't hide my surprise I've seen castles in plenty of movies but it's amazing seeing it in person.

"Scarlett who is that?"

I ask in a slightly loud voice.

While I was looking around the room I saw quite a lot of paintings but then I notice one in particular, has a tall handsome man with a long sword it looks like a Japanese style katana as well as others with different and unique weapons, he looked like a knight he had long black hair and light skin he looked like he was in his early twenties to be honest he looked like a Japanese adult the others also looked like they were from my world as well there were about four of them each from different countries from my world.

"Oh, that's the four legendary heroes

Scarlett said in a happy voice.

"Four legendary heroes?"

I tilted my head unsure of what she meant by that, When I heard the word heroes, I knew that they must have done something really awesome to be called legendary heroes, I wondered could people from my world have come here before and if so, how often.

"Yes, three hundred years ago there was a great war between the nations, humans, demi humans, demons and a lot of other races were fighting amongst each other it went on for many months until the nations kings decided to summon four heroes with great inhuman powers through an old ritual, and brought an end to the great war and brought peace to the world, many people were grateful to the heroes and since then it has become a famous story, many knights try to live up to the great heroes even to this day."

After hearing such an amazing story, I wondered how four people was able to stop a war single handily, those heroes definitely sound like someone truly amazing.

However, my thought was currently on a different matter.

There was a bottle of endless questions inside my head, old ritual does that mean they could bring people from different world over to this world?

"Hey, Scarlett, how often does the people of this world use the ritual to summon a hero?"

I ask curiously.

Scarlett then placed her right hand on her right cheek and went into deep thought.

"Hmmm.... let's see I don't think anyone has use that ritual since the great war three hundred years ago. "

I felt very conflicted.

(Does this mean I got summoned through some other method)

I thought as I wore a serious expression.

"Scarlett can every nation use this ritual?"

I ask with an eager voice.

Scarlett tilted her head taking aback by the sudden question.

"I do believe so the ritual is extremely old, however we are only allowed to summon the heroes only when needed, and every nation has to agree with the decision before we can summon the heroes."

She said trying to give as much information as possible.

(I see then the chance that I was summoned by a nation are very low then)

I thought.

I guess I'll just have to live in this world until I get some more information or at least find some other method to go back home.

As I was in deep thought Scarlett took this chance to change the topic of the conversation.

"Hey... Haruto will you be okay by yourself tomorrow; I'll be going to school."

 "Wait school?"

"Yes, it's a school where you learn everything needed about magic."

When I heard the word magic, I couldn't hide my excitement in a fantasy world there was always a magic system, I wondered if I'll be able to use it too.

"Would it be possible for me to go to school as well?"

"Well, I don't think it will be a problem, but are you sure? I mean you seem to be a really powerful magic user already."


This is my second day in this world, so I don't really know anything about magic however Scarlett seems to think different.

"I don't know anything about magic really."

"Really but I saw you use that powerful wind spell the other day, didn't you?"

Scarlett looked at me with surprise expression she seems convinced that I was already a skilled mage.

However, I didn't really know how I use that spell I think it's called windstorm, I was really desperate that time so.

"Nope I don't really know how I did it to be honest."

"For your first-time using magic, that spell was really powerful, if you can do something like that as a novice then you're going to be a really powerful mage someday."

Scarlett seemed to be really impressed as she wore a bright expression, however I think that was just luck at that time however I remember I heard a voice all though I don't think I know who's voice it was.

"Well, I can make arrangements for you to attend my school however there's not a lot of commoners there though."

"Oh, so it's a school for nobility and royalties."

(I remember nobles have a habit of looking down on commoners due to their different social positions, but If I don't stand out too much, I guess I should be fine)

I thought to myself.

"Don't worry about getting into any fights with the nobles I'll register you saying you have my families backing so it should be fine."

"Will be leaving really early so get an early rest okay."

"Ah...thank you."


It's now 10pm I'll be going to school tomorrow I wonder if I'll ever go back home well the best, I can do is learn as much about this world as possible maybe there's a spell I can use to go back home.

With that being said I looked towards the vast starry sky; it was extremely beautiful you could clearly see all the stars shining away I gently use my right hand to reach out towards the sky I've always wanted to touch them ever since I was a small child there so close yet far out of our reach.

"The stars in this world shines just as bright as my original world huh, come to think of it it's been a while since I last looked at the night sky.... hasn't it?"

In my original world I would always be studying watching TV or playing video games I didn't really have many friends and my parents was always busy with work so sometimes I would always look at the stars to put my mind at ease, but it's been a long time since I did it.

"Oh, I should be going to sleep, I'm not really good at waking up early in the morning."

Unlike my old world that uses a clock, this world uses an artifact to tell the time, it's a type of crystal that tells the time whenever the stone glows yellow its morning whenever it glows red it's afternoon it glows blue at night.

It seems like this world has the same time base concept is similar to my original world that made it easier to know what the time is here I was really worried I'd have to learn everything from square one not to mention I'm going to have to learn their writing and history it really is a huge pain, but I guess it can't be helped.

I heaved a tired sigh.


It was 7 am in the morning I could hear a voice calling my name I slowly began to open my eyes when I saw a beautiful girl maid with a worried expression.

"Um.... Sir Sato it's time for you to wake up."

"Can't I sleep a bit-...wait what time is it?"

I quickly rush out of bed and went down stairs I arrived at the bathroom and hurriedly wash my face and change into my uniform it was rather comfortable much more than expected I wore a white shirt and a blue jacket the pants was also blue, I made my way to the kitchen to find Scarlett making an upset face she was dress up in her school uniform rather nicely as expected of a royal princess she wore blue and white shirt and blue skirt that reaches her knees, even when she made an angry face, she still looked beautiful to the point where even the most beautiful model couldn't compare to her beauty.

"Uhm... I'm really sorry Scarlett, it seems I overslept."

"Haruto didn't I told you to get an early rest."

"I'm really sorry."

Of course, I overslept there's no alarm clock in this world waking up on my own was always a problem even in my original world since I hate waking up early to begin with, I guess I'll have to try harder next time.

"Well then know that Haruto is here, you should really get going now."

Queen Annie said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, were going to be really late."

"Once again I'm really sorry."

Thus, scarlet and I headed out we saw a luxurious carriage with gold and silver color it also had the mark of the royal family engrave on the carriage, there was a really big four-legged creature pulling the carriage it had really dark rough skin and was about 3 times bigger than a horse.

"Hah....Scarlett what is this thing?"

"It's not a thing it's called dragonet they are giant's lizards and are descendant of dragons we use them to pull carriages its common in all nations."

"Really that's so cool, this thing is a descendant of dragons."

I couldn't hide My amazement being able to see a real-life dragon is something that wasn't possible in my original world, so you could say this was indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I examined the strange creature from head to toe when finally, deciding to touch it the dragon shift its tail to block my hand from touching it, I was surprised at the speed of its tailed it moved so fast I wasn't able to see when he had moved its tailed.

"Haruto, you have to be care full; dragon species are very prideful, so they won't let someone they're not familiar with touch them!"

"Then I guess I'll just have to try really hard to become friends with you no matter what."

The dragoon looked at me and narrowed its eyes as if it weren't interested at all, my life in another world will surely be interesting, with that we went inside of the carriage and went on our way.

It's been 2 hours since we started moving in order to pass the time, I started to look outside to view the scenery I didn't noticed before, but this nation is a whole lot bigger than I imagine there were many different races living in this nation.

Beast man demi human and humans I wonder just how many people lived here. The human didn't look like they get along with the beast man or demi humans they all give each other a sour look.

"Scarlett did something happened between the demi humans and humans?"

"Hmm... well ever since the war 3 hundred years ago there's been bad blood between the races."

"I see...."

I guess it would make sense for them to hold grudge against each other after all they were at war, I wonder how the king and queen got them to trust them so much they must be really amazing.

"We're almost there Haruto, you should be able to see the view of the school any time now."

I quickly turn my eyes to where Scarlett was looking, I saw a huge building came into view it looked just as big as the buildings in New York it goes up 70 feet tall and looked like it can hold up to hundreds, of people.

It really was amazing to the point that I couldn't hide my amazement Scarlett saw this and started to smile.

"Okay shall we go Haruto."

"Yeah, let's go."

With that we both got out of the carriage and say our goodbye to the maid and made our way to the school gate.

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