
The Second coming of Lucifer .

A soul from Earth was transmigrated into the body of issei who was stabbed by raynare and took over his body . Lets see what answers does he seeks . How long will he go in his journey of becoming stronger will he give up or he will strive to become stronger and stronger surpassing everyone . Lets join us on this beautiful journey and see the end of it beautiful people .

ITX_INSANE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Rebirth ......

[ Ding !!!! All conditions are satisfied. Searching for the new body ]

[ Ding !!!! A new container and perfect body for the starter has been located. Taking over ... The soul are being fused ....

Error ....

Again ...

Error ...

Again ...




The souls are fused . An artifact has been found that is bound to the soul . .. hiding the existence of great sage and new soul accomplished.. ..

Recieving the corresponding knowledge of the world ...

All species located and been found.. ]

[ Ding !!! Someone is trying to reincarnate the host as a half devil. Taking samples from the blood . Completed .

Fusing the blood with the body of host transforming him into a devil . Completed . Pulling out the evil pieces from the soul of host . Done ✅. ...].

[Ding !!! Host is dying and corresponding countermeasures are being taken out . ]

[ Ding !!! Fusing the skills of rimuru tempest when she was born in tensura all corresponding resistances are acquired .all skills are acquired. ]

[ Great sage is going offline waiting for host to wake up . ]

Flashback .....

Somewhere in void a soul was floating endlessly for a long time. He didn't know how long he have been here. The only thing he can remember was his name and the anime world that he has seen .

" Oh what is a young soul doing here in the void ..." Said an ethereal voice.

" Hmm he has almost lost his sanity. Lest he goes insane lemme pull him back ." He said and waived his hand .

" Hmm where am i " the soul of the person said looking around at his surroundings.

" You are in void child " the voice of person again said .

" Who are you and why did you pulled me here" he said to the voice of person .

" I didn't pulled you here you died and travelled here . Normally a soul should go to pool of reincarnation. But you came here it seem it was a trick of fate . " The voice said .

" Hmm so what should i do now "

" I will reincarnate you in a world you like but because you have been here the whole time so lemme give you a wish "

" So can i reincarnate in any anime world " the soul said with expectations.

"Yes you can now speak"

" Well then transmigrate me in DxD . For wish i want all skill of rimuru tempest when he was reborn including great sage as a system and you can add gate of different world where i can visit and get stronger as a dungeon gate with quests and lucifer bloodline of devil ." The soul said while thinking of his wish . The reason i added lucifer not other was simply because i dont want the character to be over powered okie . Cuz yknow with rimuru's resistance and other beginners abilities and great sage can evolve and the character I've selected its too foul so yeah its good and cuz lucifer was an angel first so lemme just overcome his weaknesses of light magic cuz only lucifer blood can do it . So yeah thats it .

" Well a tricky wish but okie. See ya if you can come back here " the voice said with a snap of his finger .

Flashback end ...

" Hmm ... Where am i .. oh i seem to have heard a voice in void that said he would transmigrate me here . If i chose reincarnation he would erase my memories. Tsk .. dont think i dont know him. But where am i " the soul said .he seem to be in a space which he didn't know there was nothing but darkness here.

[ Ding !!! The host is awake before something else host is advised to open his system panel and look for his identity and for your questions you are in your mind space . ]

" Open my character panel "

[ System panel ]

[ Name ] Issei Hyoudou

[ Age ] 17

[ identity ] son of goro and miki Hyoudou.

[Title]Child of Luck (EX+) Main character of Dxd series. Red Dragon Emperor

{Child of luck: people bearing this title are children of luck }{Red Dragon Emperor : the holder of boosted gear and red dragon emperor of current generation holding the soul of One of the two heavenly that killed bibilical God (from DxD)}

[ Race ] Devil ( Partial Dragon cuz of boosted gear when used 10%.)

[ Bloodline] Lucifer/Gremory bloodline (merged into one ).

[Dungeon world ] next arc after kokabiel okie.

[Strength] 50

( normal human have 2 10 times cuz devils are 10 time stronger than humans hes strong cuz of his own blood line and rias bloodline .)

[ Speed ] 50

[ Defence] 50

[ Physique ] 80 ( 50 + 30 )

[ magic ] 150 [ Rank ] low class devil (pseudo mid class)

( well ik issei sucks at magic but here its because he became a devil so that weakness is gone.)

[ mental strength ] 100 / 120

(cuz he's healing. )

[ Abilities]

magic sense , magic control , low level-Regeneration, six styles,healing magic ( 0% )

( cuz rias used it to heal issei in anime )


{physical attack resistance,Thermal fluctuations, resistance, Electric circuit resistance, paralysis resistance }

Unique skill:

{ predator, Darkness magic (0%) ( from lucifer blood ) , Destruction magic (0%) ( from Gremory blood ) .}

Soul skills : Boosted gear (0%) (locked) Extra : not for now.

" What im the protagonist hahahaah and these skills hahahaha im going to take off " issei said while Laughing.

" Lets see hmm so dungeon is off till kokabiel ark huh so i have half a year i see . But what should i do with these things hmmm . Destruction magic i can talk with rias and darkness lets go and do experiments . Hmm... As for boosted gear lets wait and not use it now . First train your physique. "Issei said with a thoughtful look on his face .

[ Ding !!! It has detected host has sorted out his thoughts so begginer gift is being opened congratulations for obtaining rokushiki six styles and physique enhancement portion once . ]

" System use the portion and marine six styles I'll call it six styles ( okie )" issei said with an exited look on his face .

[ Ding!!!! Congratulations for adding 30+ points in physique. ]

[ Ding it has detected host body has been healed so throwing host out of system space . ]


Issei woke up but didn't move cuz he knew rias was laying right next to him . So he just turned around and saw it was 4 on clock school started at seven and he still had an hour so he pulled other party in his arms and went back to sleep .

Hour later he woke up when he saw movement in his arms . He opened his eyes and saw rias was laying in his arms looking at him blankly . He looked at her with a red face and said " Good morning"

Rias pov ..

I just got a new pawn last night so after healing him i slept with him naked cuz i thought i would surprise this pervert next day but when i woke up i saw myself in other parties arm and he didn't have muscles last night but today his physique is better than yesterday and when i moved a little and looked at other person's face i was stunned . Issei had a handsome face with white-silver mixed hair with red hair at the end to add touch to his handsome face . Plus lake green eyes similar to rias . Rias came back to her senses when she heard him say good morning. Her face was flushed like a red apple it made her look even more cute .

Mc's pov :

" Y-Yeah Good morning" rias replied without taking her eyes off of him.

" H-how did you change so much in one night. " She said weakly .

" Hmm my bloodline awakened and i gained power from your evil piece to receive your bloodline merged it in one and boom " he said with a smile .

" H-how its impossible" she said with impossible written on her face .

" Nothing is impossible dear " he said with a smirk . He continued" by the way i also removed you evil piece cuz my body rejected it but you saved my life so I'll help you out okie and repay this favor . " He said and leaned forward and( A/N ) wait wait what are you doing go do 100 pushup now.

Rias whole face turned red she immediately jumped off from the bed picked up her clothes and ran in bathroom .

" Hahaha" issei chuckled and took his clothes from the wardrobe and waited for her to come out . ... Alright I'll not write it okie ....

Hour later

Both of them were looking at eachother in the room .

"So where do you wanna start " he said looking at her .

" Hmm how did you take the evil piece out " she said in a questioning tone .

" Hmm can you enslave a king no right only if his empire is defeated then it can happen right. In same way my bloodline is superior to your. Thats why it backfired and i absorbed your bloodline . " He said with a proud look on his face while pushing his chest out proudly.

" I see so what is your bloodline it belongs to devil thats i can guess . " She said with a frown on her face. She was also a pure blood devil but her bloodline was not top . She had a guess but she didn't want to think about it cuz it will burn the underworld. Her guess was right he was from those four late devil king families.

" I can't tell you now it will be a surprise for later but i can tell you about my sacred gear " he said with a smile . He didn't hate this girl she just wanted to get rid of marriage contract between her and phoenix family.

" Hmm so whats your sacred gear " she said with expectations cuz she knew he had a sacred gear otherwise who will go out of their way to save another person (-.-) in midnight .

" Take a guess " he said with a chuckle.

" Hmm looking at your face it seem its a good one . is it a high Ranking sacred gear " she replied with a smile . She didn't even think about Longinus cuz she knew how rare it was . So it must be a high rank one or mid one .

" No its Longinus mid tier Boosted gear which holds the soul of Ddraig The red dragon emperor. " He said and waited for the surprised look on her face .

"WHAT " she said in a high pich voice with surprise and joy written on her face.

" Issei what are you doing up there " his mother voice sound startling him . He forgot his parents were here in house.

" Shhh "

" Sorry " she said in low voice .

" Rias i will help you when you need my help but can you give me all magic books you have about destruction and other magic. Also i need a leave I'll be back in six months. So I'll leave my classes and other things to you to take care of i need a quiet place to practice. " He said with a smirk .

" Huh why do i need to do that . " She said with a snort .

" Hey from look on your face i could tell that you're in a big problem i need 6 months to reach new height and with boosted gear i could skip a level . So ill help you . " He said with a little expectation.

" Deal but you will owe me 3 favours " she said with a beautiful smile . He just told her it was okie afterall she was his own women in the end so he didn't thought much about it .

" I'll teleport you there tonight and ill send someone to send magic books there . Now lets go downstairs or your parents will come here . " She said and walked out of room .

Timeskip (kouh Academy )

A handsome young man and a women who they knew were walking together which attracted the attention of the students at the gate and caused a lot of heart breaking to come out . Those sounds were from boys who had crush on Rias Gremory cuz girls didn't recognise the boy or they didn't thought that this youngster was yesterday's pervert and todays male lead . Soon they entered the academy and rias and issei parted ways rias was naturally stopped by Sona Sitri the youngest child of sitri family and heir to sitri house hold and issei went directly in his class .

*Knock * *knock*

" Come in " the teacher said cuz they were naturally stopped and questioned by Issei's family so both rias and him was late in the end he told them he dyed his hairs and changed his haircut so they let him go as for rias he told them she was a friend which caused the couple to cry tears of joy and rias look at him with a amused expression while Issei's eye brow was twitching in annoying but everyone ignored him . He was naturally cursing his previous owner in his mind . So back to the topic .

A/N sorry i was busy with academic so i didn't pay attention to the story but im naturally free now so this story will continue and I'll daily update new chaps . if you have any ideas tell me

ITX_INSANEcreators' thoughts