
the second chance of a great man

Immensesenator4 · Fantasi
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The Start of Reincarnation: The R.A.T Process

A POV No One Wants to See(Aizawa)

The rat was chuckling. The DAMN RAT WAS CHUCKLING. Don't get me wrong, Nedzu has some type of morals, I think, but he was CHUCKLING. This is the type of thing you don't want to encounter. It's rare, I would say, but it was time to ask why. Inner thought, sigh.

Aizawa spoke, "Nedzu, why are you laughing maniacally?

"Nedzu paused, realizing someone was there—Aizawa Shota. Little did Aizawa know, the next words Nedzu spoke would shake the universe.

In a maniacal tone, Nedzu said, "I have proved that the multiverse theory is real. Through reincarnation from another world, a soul was snatched, and we now have an otherworlder in our reality." He took a dramatic pause. "Along with this information, I have proved that a reincarnation cycle exists."Aizawa now feared for his life for what Nedzu did. He felt nothing but dread.

But then nedzu froze he let the soul out earlier but it seems like he's afraid Is he why is he afraid aizawa has now more dread and anxiety than ever.

End aizawa pov

Start Nedzu pov ( what he saw)

Nedzu was in tranquility Until a memory flashed across his not 1 memory but multiple fragmented and corrupted memories. He couldn't see his own reflection; though he knew it wasn't his body he saw a crowd and an award in his hand i think he called it the Nobel peace prize it was for bioengineering clones the memory ended the moment it started and goes to something call experiment 79 as it flashes here he sees a body melting a bubbly substance oozes from the rapidly melting corpse it also turns to him puking his guts out

While behind glass and looking at a monitor to see the radiation was extremely high it flashed again to him defending himself in court about owning someone's brain as he just found out how to control people again he's now in a different place it his lab it seems to be experiment 176 where he created and experimented with nanotechnology as it goes through his body it seems he was able to create armor under his skin it seemed durable as the person felt it. The armor was efficient as i saw experiment 178 as he added a neural link database for processing and this seemed to allow him to control the functionality of the nanno Machines

then it turned to his death and how he died with dozens of bodies around him he died in peace and the lastly I saw his patient who allowed him to experiment on him with the experiments on him this was experiment 280 and thus Is what got him killed.

nedzu snaps out of the trans and curses and turns to aizawa and says "we have a problem" aizawa Eyes furrowed his expression changing from a neutral expression to one of fear and contempt.

end of POV

Start POV

A man scurried into a dark lab. It looked like there were mechanical parts everywhere, with a big plaque that read in metallic writing, "Experiment 280." This was his 280th experiment. While in the room, he saw a glare from outside a window in the doorway. He concluded that it was a sniper's glare. After this realization, he dived and ducked under cover, initiating kill mode with his neuro link as he rolled on the floor. The armor he donned was strong in durability, a matte black color with a ui in his brain from his neuro link. This man was a world-renowned biologist known for releasing inventions that changed the world. Insurance providers did not like this, as his newest invention was preemptively released to the public without his permission. This sparked the aftermath and predicament he was in.The invention was nanotechnology that entered the patient's bloodstream and acted as super cells. After analyzing the blood cells, it differentiated between normal and cancerous cells, killed viruses, and acted as blood cells, leeching off fat cells for energy to create red cells. Therefore, it massively increased the life span of the recipients. This one had proven his blood oxygen levels had returned to that of a 20-year-old. This technology threatened insurance companies, as fewer people would go to the hospital. This was the tenth assassination attempt against him."I swear to god, the next company will be demolished, and all people will feel my wrath," he muttered aloud.With his armor on and now having a visual, he hit the tracking system and fired the UI. The button made a satisfying click as he saw "target eliminated." But as that happened, he jumped as his liver was stabbed from behind. He looked at the damage and had the armor seal it. Putting his fists up as the wounds closed, he bought time for the longsword to be produced. The assassin swung the sword toward his head, but he blocked it with his forearm. Parrying the slash with his left hand, he punched the assassin with his right. Sharp pointed brass knuckles met flesh, producing a sickening squish. Kicking at the assassin's wrist, he received a harsh blow as his foot was stabbed through by the sword.

Noticing this with a painful wince, he morphed his armor around his foot and the sword and put his weight on his foot, disarming the assassin. He picked up the blade, sliding it out of his foot to his hand, and decapitated the assassin. His armor was not ready for a heated slash to the neck. He watched in morbid curiosity as the head plonked to the floor with the body. The two halves looked different based on body language, but he couldn't linger long as he was stabbed in the abdomen. His longsword finally conjured, and instead of closing the wound immediately, he used the strike in his abdomen to hit back, piercing the other assassin's heart. A look of pure shock and fear appeared on the assassin's face, but despite the feelings, he wasnt relaxed but, On guard, he stepped forward, noticing the soiled and bloody surroundings from his fight. And instead of relaxing he started to run as a shot missed his neck while more assassins appeared, he used his longsword to cut through one of the and knock out another with a hit.

(Three hours later)

The neck he seathed to himself jesus now of all times as he leaned on the wall and used his neuro link to kill the other snipers and as he tried to close up his wound he couldn't he had used too much resources to use the nano machines as he sat there bleeding out with a sword in the floor with his body against the wall with 20 assassins around his body as he bled out in peace "He has had a good life," an assassin thought while all the coms were shut off he had a visual inside the building this assassin was the assassin whom leaked his info as he slacked back on his chair the assassin finally relaxed. Known as a world-renowned genius, he had fallen into the grasp of death. His last wish was to help his world more, but he knew that couldn't happen.

End pov

Next days funeral pov

A funeral was held in the honor of Finnegan a person held.in great reguards his inventions improving the quality of life of many with his last invention before death was already being mass produced as a fuck you to the insurance companies before death he authorized it and let his brain live with his neuro link to allow it to go smoothly so people can get it at 20 dollars a piece and entrusted this to his most trusted medical doctor as the world can finally survive for linger removing all need of life insurance. at gus funeral the assassin that back stabbed him started his speech finn was an innocent man a man of great importance intelligence and impact so what he has done in death was magical he has healed this earth from diseases he has made the first cure for cancer he has made the first neuro links for our society to better fuse with technology he has made clones for our societal needs and he has gotten 7 Nobel prizes in a row the most given in a row and given to one person he was a man that wove his way into all of our hearts in all countries including ours shall mourn his loss. As he finished his speech the crowd looked down as the greatest mind to ever exist was buried in the ground with honor and dignity as.the grass field was reserved and called a national park was declared In his name.

I an sorry I am not the best writer if you find flaws all feedback Is and will always be accepted with open arms enjoy reading tho

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