

Quira pushed Lexine behind her, raising her hand, ready to strum it if need be.

Lexine looked down at the back of Quira's head, and a smile pulled her lips up. Although she did not like being taken care of lie she was a baby, it still felt nice when Quira was trying to take care of her. Therefore, she simply stood behind Quira, who was standing behind Kivuli.

Kivuli's sword was held tightly in his hand, and there was a small frown on his face. "Prey does not have the right to be scared." The first voice spoke up.

Although the alleyway was dark, thanks to the lighting that Artin produced from his palm, they were able to see something, or someone, move in the alley. A hand stretched out of the dark alley, moving into Artin's light range. The hand was pale, almost as if it was devoid of blood. The hand moved to Artin, who was closest to the alley.

"Artin!" Christana shouted.