
Secret (3)

I still waiting here until the sky standing up for me

I will never tired until nature will give me what I deserve to get

Xue Jing


We stay at the hotel for a few days until I can get up by myself. I never know avoiding Chen Xi Wang is more complicated than avoiding the ghost. All this time, I never knew about Chen Xi Wang's background so to know the truth that he is a cruel witch made me feel dismayed and realized the oath is just a burden for both of us.

Now, I have to look for another place to live and today we have to move as Ah Sun was preparing a carriage for transport. I just want to live peacefully.

"Lady, I just found a place for us."

"Alright. We go now." I ordered.

The carriage leaves this place as cold weather pierce my bone through the wooden carriage. I don't know what happened to me.