
The Seal Stone

When the seal stone reaches its true seal, the apocalypse must break. At the end of every apocalypse, there are lives lost. To whom does this honor belong? •I ran my finger around the circle of his tattoo one turn. "Do you feel?" ' I asked bitterly. "There's a big sign right here." If he spoke bravely, he would probably say stamp. Or damn. "You don't see it, but you feel it. It's right here. A rope that wraps you around you." My other hand slipped down Cesur's arm and my fingers tangled in his. “A web that connects everything,” I said, admiring his tattoo. "Just like me." •

Ola24 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
126 Chs

Chapter 107

When Müge was done, I looked in the mirror. 

Yes, it was nothing exaggerated. 

This put me at ease. 

I picked it up when my phone vibrated. 

"I'm here." 

"I'm at the door, waiting." 

"Two hours, promise! I'll be right back. Thank you very much, Muge." 

I just left the room. 

When I went downstairs, I saw him waiting at the door. 

I swallowed when our eyes met. 

He was leaning on his car, watching me. 

When I approached him, I held his hand so that I wouldn't fall.  It was short lived, though his gaze wandered over my dress.  We both fell silent when he looked into my eyes. 

He didn't even look at him with admiration like in the dramas... 

His gaze was dull. 

Did he think I was exaggerating too much? 

"You don't seem happy to see me."  He looked at my trembling hands.  "You called me. I don't understand why you're unhappy now."  I said. 

He raised his eyebrows.