
The club house!?

"Where are we even going?" I asked while following Charles.

We were walking away from the 7th avenue. It looks to me that we were going to the abandoned warehouse in Hoshi no Umi town.

"To the club of course!" Said Charles while smiling at me and letting go of my hand.

"It was about time you let go of me." I said while glaring at Charles like he was a pervert.

"Ahaha! Gomen-gomen!"

After walking for a few minutes we've finally arrived at our destination!

It was an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by trees on all sides and it looks like the pool wasn't cleaned for a few months!

"Don't tell me that you dragged me all the way here just to make me clean this place."

"Hehe! Come on leila! As a member of the swim club you should help out!" Charles said while putting his hand on my shoulder and giving me a thumbs up.

"I really want to kick you, you know that? Especially when you touch my body without my consent."

"Ahahaha! Gomen gomen! Well let's just go and clean! The cleaning materials are near the changing room so I'll go get it first!"

Charles then walked towards the changing leaving me... and Eren alone.

"S-sorry about earlier." I said mustering all of my courage.

I wanted to say sorry to him so that we could cooperate normally since both of us are going to join the swim, besides I thought that it would only bring Charles trouble if the two of us won't make up.


"He-hey are you listening to me!?" I asked him after not getting a response from my question.

"I don't really care, and if you're thinking that I'll be immature and fight with you then you're gravely mistaken." Eren Said coldly to me. After seeing Charles walking out of the changing room he then walked towards him.

"Kuso!! Yo-you meanie!" I said to myself while clenching my fist and then also walking towards Charles to help him carry the cleaning materials.