

Yi Chang's birth was considered special. when he was born, a bright light shot up to the sky but it was only seen by two people, The Immortal Librarian and The High god Sheng Huo. During the battle with the demons due to a scroll found in the Immortal Library, his heart is carved out into four pieces, and the sword which carved his heart out belonged to the god Sheng Huo. Without his heart, Yi Chang is thrown into the dark abyss of death but he wakes up ten years later and joins his former friends in search of the pieces of his heart.

BOOKWORM7 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

The vengeful young master

The afternoon sun was scorching.

As soon as Yi Chang got on the stage, wild cheers erupted all over. Lin Chang Ge, who was still on the stands felt as if his ears would fall off with all the sounds they let in. he stared at Yi Chang who was waving happily to the crowd. His phoenix eyes were raised and a smile blossomed on his lips but Lin Chang Ge suddenly sat back. He knew that smile and it was not good.

Lin Chang Ge knew Yi Chang like the back of his hand. He could not help but wonder, "Yi Chang, what are you up to now?"

On the stage, Yi Chang stood. His blue wandering winds robes flapped with the wind. His hair was tied up with a light blue cloth and on his face was a grin. The grin to some people was especially charming while to others, it was menacing.

The young master from the valiance manor had never shown his abilities which made many people curious. Rumors about him had spread far and wide but one had to see with his own eyes in order to believe therefore this match attracted many spectators.

Yi Chang was holding a thin-bladed sword. The hilt was simple and it had incantations written on it. On one side was valiance and on the other side was haze. This was Yi Chang's own sword, 'HAZE'

On the other side, Zhao Zili was also wielding his sword. His burly body and sticky skin shone in the sun and he had on a set of uneven teeth. This was the man who had disrespected Zhao Qingyang earlier.

On the four high chairs, Zhao Wei and Yi Ling were sitting and in their hands, they held teacups which they sipped from once in a while.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Zili and nodded while touching his face languidly. He turned to Yi Ling, "Yi Xiong, who do you think will win this match?"

This was a question but it felt like a taunt. No one had seen Yi Chang's abilities and this was the first time he was competing in public but Zhao Zili, on the other hand, was known far and wide. Although his abilities were centered on his incredible strength, he was still proficient in other abilities like sword fighting.

For people who had seen him compete, the answer was clear on who would win but Yi Ling simply smiled and answered, "Zhao Xiong, the match has not started yet so it is impossible to know, let us wait and watch the children shall we?"

Zhao Wei did not push the matter further. He simply took his teacup and sipped slowly from it.

On the stage, the match had already started. The clinking of swords could be heard. The audience held their breaths in their throats as they watched the magnificent display of power between the two young men.

Zhao Zili was going in with his full strength. His attacks were furious and menacing. His mouth howled loudly every time he lifted his sword up to attack. Yi Chang was still on the defense, unbothered. He fought silently and watched the other.

Although he was defending, his sword moves were exemplary. His thin bade moved swiftly creating gusts of wind as it went. On the stands, every gaze was solely focused on him. Although they had been fighting for a while, there was not much sweat on his brows and his hair still remained impeccably tied on his head, not a single strand loose.

Zhao Zili on the other hand was sweating profusely. His oily face shone even brighter and his breath was ragged. Before he went on the stage, he was sure that he would win. Yi Chang had a lean figure which meant that with just a single push, he would send him flying off the stage but the reality was different. Not a single of his attacks had fallen on the other and even after fighting for a while, there were no visible changes on him.

Yi Chang seemed to be waiting for something. In between the whooshes and swishes of the swords, he once or twice glanced at the stands as if looking for something or someone and once he had spotted whatever he was looking for, the fight changed drastically.

Zhao Qingyang, who had walked to the stands, watched the match unblinkingly. Even though a member of her team was fighting, she did not hold the joy and the support people would expect. On the contrary, her face was glum and her eyes dim. She watched the fight without much focus albeit unblinkingly.

After a while, her gaze changed, Yi Chang had gone to the offensive. His moves were powerful and swift. Everybody else in the stands that could see this also changed their gazes and sat upright on the edge of their seats.

Yi Chang's sword almost became one with the wind. Zhao Zili felt a threatening force sweep over him each time he attacked. His face changed, what the hell was this?

Of all the disciples in Si Fengshan, there was not a single one who had this high level of power. Yi Chang had a grin on his face as he whispered to Zhao Zili in between his attacks, "You dare disrespect women?"

After he said that, he knocked Zhao Zili down but before he could hit the floor, he went and picked him back up. He was not going to let him go that easy. His sword moved again and in between, he told Zhao Zili, "Do you think you are so powerful?"

Zhao Zili fell again. His face changed when he realized what Yi Chang was doing. Yi Chang was not at all interested in fighting him; he was here for a different motive! And that motive was to seek revenge but whatever revenge he was seeking, Zhao Zili had no clue.

The fight suddenly became overwhelming for him. He regretted underestimating Yi Chang before this match and in between, he would plead for mercy, "Young master Yi, what wrong have I committed against you, can't you just let it go this once?"

His words fell on deaf ears. Yi Chang refused to hear him at all. He pushed the other to the edge of the stage and just as Zhao Zili was happy that it was over, he felt a strong force push him over. His body felt light all of a sudden as if he was flying and after a little while fell heavily on the floor, Zhao Zili fainted immediately.

Only Yi Chang was left on the stage. From the time he started fighting and now, nothing had changed in him. His robes were still impeccable without the tiniest hint of a crease and his breathing was still normal.

The crowd which was as silent as a grave suddenly erupted in wild cheers. The disciples from the Valiance manor were probably the happiest. They ran and clamored around Yi Chang while sending praises. Their robes were a bright white and for a moment they blinded Yi Chang. He took some steps back and then accepted the praises without shame.

When no one was watching and in between the loud cheering of the wild crowd, Yi Chang turned to where Zhao Qingyang was sitting. He then raised his hand unnoticeably and waved and then winked at her playfully.

Zhao Qingyang was still staring in awe, unable to avert her eyes. She had watched how Yi Chang had punched Zhao Zili off the stage. Something seemed strange; it was the same attack she had used earlier to defeat the disciple from the Lin Family. While she was still contemplating, she was Yi Chang waved at her and then blinked his left eye without any shame.

She then understood but a question revolved in her head, why?

Zhao Qingyang had never interacted with Yi Chang. Every time they met, they simply greeted each other and did not say one word more. With this fight, Yi Chang could be considered taking revenge for her. This meant that he had seen what Zhao Zili had done after her match.

She looked up and then nodded towards him and then saluted him before walking off.

Lin Chang Ge, who was still sitting on the stand, had an ugly face. He could not help but curse, "Yi Chang, what an idiot!"

He wanted to go up to the stage and slap him a few times but he held it in as many people were watching. He could not believe that the reason Yi Chang would fight today was to seek revenge for a girl. He had seen through it all.

On the high chairs, Zhao Wei had an ugly face when he watched his favorite disciple be carried out unconscious. Zhao Zili's face was covered in blood from his nose and mouth. Coupled with his already ugly face, he looked even uglier.

Yi Ling calmly looked at him without saying a word. Zhao Wei made some excuses and then left.

On the stage, amidst the clamoring and cheering crowd, the results were announced even louder

"Yi Chang from the Valiance manor wins!"

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