
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantasi
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146 Chs

Chapter 34: A broken home

Verdania had put on a human appearance. She was stunningly beautiful. Her long, flowing hair is a rich shade of green, cascading down her back in soft, loose waves. It almost seems as if she's adorned with a crown of leaves that perfectly complements her striking emerald eyes, which sparkle with otherworldly energy. Her features are delicate and refined, with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and full lips that curve into a gentle smile.

Her skin is fair and unblemished, with a healthy glow that seems to radiate from within. Her lithe and graceful figure is accentuated by the way she carries herself, moving with the confidence and poise of someone who is comfortable in her own skin. She exudes an air of mystery and intrigue, drawing people in with her magnetic energy.

She wears a flowing dress made of the finest silk, with intricate embroidery and delicate beadwork that catches the light and shimmers with a subtle, ethereal beauty. She is surrounded by an aura of grace and elegance that seems to infuse every movement, every gesture, and every word she speaks. In short, she is a vision of loveliness, a true embodiment of beauty and femininity.

Both Liam and Camille would be captivated by her ethereal beauty if their blood wasn't running cold. She was not treating them, they realized, she was genuinely asking them a question. A person of her standing and power had nothing to gain from making treats.

"Miss Verdania, why would a person of your status bother with our boy he is just –" Liam could not finish his sentence. If before his blood freezing was just a metaphor, now it was a more literal thing.

He gritted his teeth. He would rather die than sell out his family.

"We picked him up when the Civil War happened six years ago. He was the son of our friends, Admiral Vladimir and His wife Natasha." Camille interjected. After which, her husband could breathe again.

"We committed a sin. Kill us if you must, but we did it to protect Ciaran. Those fucking bastards in the Capital wanted blood and would have purged even us if we did not hide him. We have a boy of our own blood, he was the one who originally bared the name of Ciaran Clades, now our other boy goes by Rayon. They still suspect, Verdania. They make my boy take 'training' in their god fucking damn base every day, just so they can keep an eye on him."

"We had help, but Gods forgive us we fooled them. They look at Ray and search for inhuman signs, but will find none. If you will kill us, please, at least promise me you will keep my boy safe. He might never reach your standards, but he has a good head on his shoulders. He can, no, he will be useful to you, so just please, keep him safe." Camille pleaded with her.

Verdania was at a bit of a loss about what to do. She could see that Liam knew exactly what 'keeping him safe' had done to the boy, but his mother did not. It would be cruel to tell her at this point. They had modulated the boy, crippled him to such a degree that he may never recover, but she could see the logic behind it.

The people that would want him dead, were a lot to handle, even for her. These people did what was necessary, she could not fault them for this. Yet. She would not forgive them either.

"You will live Clades, not because I forgive you, but because I believe you should be judged by the boy. But not now, time needs to pass, I refuse to burden a child with such a choice. For now, my judgment is this. You can see Ciaran, but only with my permission. Until you get it, neither of you is to go near him. Are we understood?" She made a statement. It was formed like a question, but there was only one answer.

They simply nodded, and the next second she was gone. The temperature had gone back to normal, the servants had woken up. The only proof she had been there was the dread they felt and the tears streaming down Camille's eyes.

"Don't cry Cami, she has a reputation as a protector. She will keep our boy safe. I am sure we will be able to see him soon, and-"

"What did you do Liam? What have you done to our boy?"

"I know what she is. The Pale Lady never shows a hint of emotion even to those she is about to slather, and she hated us. You could FEEL she fucking resented us. And then she looked at me like I was a clueless child. So tell me, what did you do? Gods forgive me, I didn't ask back then, because I was afraid of the answer but I need to know, what did you have that man do to him?" She asked, the pain in her voice apparent for all to see.

The servants had rarely seen a hint of genuine emotion in her, so seeing her having a mental breakdown was shocking, to say the least. Her husband on the other side just stayed silent. There was no way around this.

"I hoped I never had to reopen this wound, Cami. Believe me, the plan was to give Ciaran a life where he could just never have to know."

And then they went to his study, the most private place in the house. Thirty minutes later Camille came out, life drained out of her face. The maid tried to help her but the lady of the house was there in body but not in spirit.

She went into her room and cried, wailing like a wounded beast for hours until she fell asleep. With the knowledge of what they have done to their own child, and the inability to see him for what may be years, she had gone to a very dark place.

Liam wanted to be there for his wife, but he kept his distance. He could not ask for her parents to come, so he settled for his own. In a few hours, they were at the house.

"What is this about Liam? You summoned us as if there is a war on the horizon." The Colonel joked.

"Wish there was. That, I could deal with. Verdania found out, and she came and told Cami. We are all forbidden from seeing Ciaran without her permission. Cami is now locked in our room."

"Mom, please go to her. Neither of us has the right to be there right now."

Then Edith was briefed on what they have done. The old woman was a Mage. If there was one someone who could keep calm and help Camille right now it was her. But the old woman was far from calm, she just froze.

She turned around and went straight to the master bedroom. Unlike what Liam said, it was not locked, it was just that no one could bare to go in.

Edith crawled into bed with her daughter-in-law and hugged her. She couldn't speak. Neither of them could. They just stood there and shook. Camille was crying, but Edith didn't allow herself to do the same. Dark days were ahead of them and for now, she would do her best to be strong.

In the study, father and son stood. Liam had poured his father a glass of spirits. Their bodies were too strong to get drunk on regular stuff, but one cup of this would knock both of them out.

"Not going to join me for a drink?"

Liam looked at his father, his eyes dead. He wanted to say that he would prefer to suffer unsedated. To feel everything raw, but that was a lie. He just felt lost. For the first time, in long while, the merchant had no idea how to tackle this issue.

His wife had an emotional breakdown. His son probably hated them right now, and they couldn't even be there for him. And he was powerless in all of this. The worst part was, that this was a mess of his own making.

"Once you called me a monster for doing what I did. I did not argue with you back then, but the realization hit me just now." He did not even look at his father, he couldn't.

The Colonel just stood up and calmly went to his son, before punching him as hard as he could.

"Get yourself together Liam. Your whole life you wanted to prove yourself to me, well here is your chance. You need to be strong for your family. Once Camille is back on her feet, and she will be don't worry, that woman is stronger than both of us combined, you execute your plan."

"Go to the damn Capital and make those cursed bureaucrats rue the day they fucked with us. We need to get our family stitched up Liam, and I hate to admit it but army tactics are not going to cut it. Do your thing Merchant, pull their strings, make them dance, and get our boy back home."

Liam finally looked at his father. The man usually acted like a clown but today there was murder in his eyes. He would pay for what he had done one day, but before that, he swore to purge those that were keeping his family apart.

The gloves are off.

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